




1. 斗 [dǒu]2. 斗 [dòu]斗 [dǒu]中国市制容量单位(十升为一斗,十斗为一石):~酒只鸡(经常用作招待客人的简单酒食,家常便饭)。量粮食的器具:~筲之人(形容人器量狭小,见识短浅)。形容小东西的大:~胆。形容大东西的小:~……


居住的地方:故~。返~(回老家)。街坊(古代五家为邻,五邻为里):~弄(lòng )。中国市制长度单位:一~(等于五百米)。~程牌。衣物的内层:被~。内部,与“外”相对,并引申为一定范围以内:~外。心~。这~。那~。姓。……




1. 长 [cháng]2. 长 [zhǎng]长 [cháng]两端的距离:~度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:~短。~空。~短句(词的别名)。~夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。~风破浪(喻志趣远大)。~歌代哭(以歌代哭……



汉语拼音:zhàn dòu lǐ chéng zhǎng






战斗里成长 [胡可、胡朋等集体创作,胡可改编@@@@@年@@@@@。恶霸地主杨有德强占赵铁柱家的土地,赵父被逼自尽。赵铁柱放火烧了地主的房子,参加了八路军。其妻远走他乡,乞讨为生。十年后,儿子石头也参加了八路军。家乡解放后,同在一个部队里的父子才彼此相认,全家团聚。#####]
  1. 胡可、胡朋等集体创作,胡可改编@@@@@年@@@@@。恶霸地主杨有德强占赵铁柱家的土地,赵父被逼自尽。赵铁柱放火烧了地主的房子,参加了八路军。其妻远走他乡,乞讨为生。十年后,儿子石头也参加了八路军。家乡解放后,同在一个部队里的父子才彼此相认,全家团聚。



  1. 网络
  2. Grow up in the War;Grow in Struggle;Grow up in Fighting

  1. 单亲家庭里成长的孩子缺少关爱。

    The children growing up in a single parent family always lack care.

  2. 原因在基督里成长, 达到我们成熟的目的。

    Why. To grow in Christ, fulfilling our purpose of maturity.

  3. 我从小在一个大家庭里成长,我喜欢人们在我的周围。

    I have been brought up in a big family and I like having people around.

  4. 蝴蝶被困在厚厚得茧里成长, 这也是一种坚强!

    Butterfly trapped in the thick cocoon in growth, is also a strong!

  5. 蝴蝶被困在厚厚的茧里成长,这也是一种坚强!

    Butterfly trapped in the thick cocoon in growth, is also a strong!

  6. 是母校为我提供了一个好的环境,让我在书声里成长。

    Was the alma mater has provided a good environment for me, let me grow in the book sound.

  7. 我要感谢这段经历, 是它使我在这个虚幻的世界里成长起来。

    In fact, I should thank for this kind of experience as it helped me grow up in this illusory world.

  8. 他在战壕里战斗。

    He saw action in the trenches.

  9. 在革命的洪炉里锻炼成长

    be tempered in the mighty furnace of revolution

  10. 使这束牡丹在花园里生根成长。

    Root this bundle of peonies in the garden.

  11. 原子在晶体里排成长长地平行链。

    Atoms in the crystal are arranged in long, parallel chains.

  12. 在美国的许多东部的州, 人参在森林里自然成长。

    America Ginseng grews American ginseng grows naturally in farms forests in many eastern states.

  13. 盗贼天赋毁伤在使用后将不会在战斗记录里出现多次。

    The rogue talent Mutilate will no longer incorrectly appear multiple times in the combat log when used.

  14. 我儿子没车, 他还好好地活着而且还在大学里茁壮成长。

    My son lives, and thrives, sans car, at college.

  15. 然而它们并未演化出能在高浓度里茂盛成长的超级品种。

    They failed to evolve a superstrain that could thrive on the increased load.

  16. 这个家族的三代人都是在这个老房子里出生和成长的。

    Three generations of the family have been born and brought up in this old house.

  17. 在他们的成长过程里,他们的母亲一直有吸毒问题。

    Their mom was struggling with addiction all while the boys were growing up.

  18. 柔弱得小茎都能在风里成长,

    Why do we sign during the lengthy windy season

  19. 柔弱的小茎都能在风里成长,

    Why do we sign during the lengthy windy season

  20. 在我扶轮社员生涯的头三十年里,扶轮稳健成长。

    During the first three decades of my life as a Rotarian, Rotary was growing steadily.

  21. 一天一天,年一年,他们顽强地生活和战斗在荒山野林里。

    Day after day and year after year, fought and lived stubbornly in thewild mountains and forests.

  22. 在愚蠢的鸦片里筋疲力尽地战斗。

    In the stupid opiate the exhausted war.

  23. 贾法里成长在一个不能接受任何形式的音乐的宗教家庭。

    Jafari grew up in a religious family which found all forms of music unacceptable.

  24. 贾法里成长在一个不能接受任何形式得音乐得宗教家庭。

    Jafari grew up in a religious family which found all forms of music unacceptable.

  25. 也不曾从你看着成长的白花里,

    Some prescience of thee with the blossoms white

  26. 园子里的植物在茁壮成长。

    The vegetables in the garden vegetate vigorously.

  27. 来自约克的里查德徒劳地战斗着。

    Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain.

  28. 在无声的世界里, 聋哑孩子如何成长?

    How do these and dump children grow up ?

  29. 不要禁锢你的思维,成长的日子里,心绪飞扬。

    Dont let your mind be imprisoned. Let it soar up the sky in your growing days.

  30. 在我成长的岁月里,那些话对我的意义是不尽相同的。

    Those words have meant different things to me over the years.

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