


1. 这 [zhè]2. 这 [zhèi]这 [zhè]代词,此,指较近的时间、地点或事物,与“那”相对:~里。~些。~个。~样。这时候,指说话的同时:他~就来。这 [zhèi]“这(zhè)一”二字的合音,但指数量时不限于一:~个。~点儿……




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:zhè xià zǐ






  1. 指近期内发生的事情。

    周立波 《山乡巨变》上一:“这下子,你好了,我也好了。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第一章:“这下子可把 林道静 难坏了!表哥他们上哪儿去啦?”



  1. It was a gallant fight, and you and he have made a friend of me by it, for I love to see a well-fought fray.


  2. She sank to the ground and burst into such a frenzy of crying that Tom was appalled with the idea that she might die, or lose her reason.


  3. he had a blanket around his head , and his head was nearly in the fire.


  4. One came, finally, against the head itself and he knew that it was over.


  5. He was even more convinced that Hacker-Killer had not given him the "authentic copy" .


  6. Why did I let Louise talk to me so long? Now I'll have to work on the advice column during lunch.


  7. This sudden command was like a bolt from the blue . Stunned, everyone stopped in their tracks.


  8. This amused both boys so much that Ralph went on squirting for some minutes , between bouts of laughter .


  9. First, employers may game the system to obtain tax credits for workers they would have hired anyway.


  1. 这下子糟了!

    What a jolly mess I am in!

  2. 这下子就露底了。

    Thus the whole thing came out.

  3. 这下子可有盼头了。

    There is hope then.

  4. 这下子,他可开窍了。

    Now he begins to understand.

  5. 这下子他可崴了泥了。

    Now he's really in trouble.

  6. 这下子他可抖起来了。

    This time he has made good.

  7. 这下子,你给我下地去!

    You're going down now!

  8. 老头子这下子可得意忘形了。

    That pleased the old man till he couldn't rest.

  9. 这下子我们都不能去了。

    So I guess now we can't go.

  10. 这下子大家都满意了,都高兴了。

    And the people were happy, they were satisfied.

  11. 这下子汤姆大拇发大脾气了。

    Then Tom Thumb lost his temper.

  12. 这下子就变成一场较量了。

    It was becoming a fight.

  13. 你这下子真的越了你的权限。

    You have really overstepped your bounds this time.

  14. 我觉得你挨这下子也不屈。

    Well, you didn't get a lick amiss, I reckon.

  15. 这下子他就显得漂亮多了。

    He now looked exceedingly improved and uncomfortable.

  16. 好家伙, 这下子可惹上麻烦了。

    Well, here was a cool to be in!

  17. 太太,他这下子可是摔得够瞧的。

    He really came a cropper this time, madam!

  18. 这下子真正的危险就迫在眉睫了。

    And now the real danger was at hand.

  19. 这要输给你了。你这下子难倒我了。

    You have me there!

  20. 哈哈,小鬼,这下子可跑不了啦。

    Aha; you can't get away from me this time; you little devil.

  21. 这下子, 翘鼻子开始又哭, 又叫, 又嚎!

    Then Snubby Nose cried and he screamed and he howled!

  22. 那么,这下子好了,你们的计划落空了。

    Well, then, your plan went up the flume.

  23. 我没有文凭,一无是处的。这下子可完了。

    I have nothing to do, no qualifications for anything.

  24. 你的骗局已经戳穿这下子你得自食其果了。

    You've been caught cheating now you must face the music.

  25. 当时我认为这下子它会把家给毁掉。

    And I did think the cretur would tear the house down.

  26. 这下子,可能真会让欧洲商界感到恐惧了。

    Now, that really would have put the fear up European business.

  27. 我一见他有枪, 就想这下子我算是完了。

    When I saw he had a gun, I thought it was curtains for me.

  28. 这下子, 我们的人民将有更多资讯选择了!

    The future holds an even greater selection of information for our people.

  29. 这下子他们之间的一举一动就越发引人注目了。

    It made everything between them more overt.

  30. 你平时苗条灵活,精力充沛,这下子可难了。

    Its difficult when youre used to being really fit and agile, having an enormous amount of energy and strength and a really flat stomach.

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