




1. 改 [gǎi]改 [gǎi]变更,更换:~变。更(gēng )~。~革。~造。~善。~弦更张。朝令夕~。~编。~写。纂~。姓。……



汉语拼音:huǐ gǎi







  1. 追悔所犯错误,加以改正。

    宋 王安石 《临川吴子善墓志铭》:“其弟终感悟悔改为善士,以文学名於世。” 陈残云 《山谷风烟》第三十章:“因此无论查什么,斗什么,她都一反常态,表示诚心的认罪和悔改。”



  1. some people life out of a bad thing, it was mass sentenced to death, even if he have thousands or even tens of thousands of my heart.


  2. Keep him in that state of mind as long as you can.


  3. This would be an excellent way to prove the sincerity of your repentance and a good first step toward restoring your marriage relationship.


  4. The dark Ones do however have an obstinate desire to carry on even although they know it will bring their demise.


  5. It is broad enough to receive the most hardened sinner, if he truly repents, and yet so narrow that in it sin can find no place.


  6. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, repent in action to show the true repentance of heart.


  7. them or at least putting them out of the membership of the church for a stated period until they repented.


  8. How he rejoices (and all the angels join with him) when a sinner listens to his voice and is saved and comes into the family of God.


  9. Then Jesus began to denounce the cities in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did not repent.


  1. 表现悔改之意。

    show signs of repentance

  2. 悔改之罪人

    prodigal son.

  3. 赦免悔改的罪人。

    absolve repentant sinners.

  4. 他们是悔改的罪人。

    They are repentant sinners.

  5. 悔改与上主的恩典

    Repentance and the Grace of God

  6. 信心和悔改不可分开。

    Faith and repentance are inseparable.

  7. 顺服是悔改积极的一面。

    Obedience is the positive side of repentance.

  8. 你将因为悔改而得到拯救!

    Repent and you shall be saved!

  9. 可是,悔改并不是赦免的根据。

    But repentance is not the ground for forgiveness.

  10. 我请求他们悔改并离弃罪恶。

    I am pleading with them to repent and turn from their sin.

  11. 无止境的, 对不知悔改的和不信。

    Endless, of the impenitent and unbelieving.

  12. 上帝责难不思悔改的罪人。

    God reprobated the unrepenting sinner.

  13. 我们为着我们的世俗化而悔改。

    We repent of our worldliness.

  14. 信心,不可从悔改和顺服分开。

    Faith cannot be severed from repentance and obedience.

  15. 嗜赌的人是死不悔改的乐天派。

    Gamblers are incorrigible optimists.

  16. 保罗要求哥林多人悔改。

    Paul asks for repentance from the Corinthians.

  17. 我用水给你们施洗, 表示你们悔改

    I baptize you with water for repentance.

  18. 没有悔改的心,就不会有和平!

    Without a conversion of the heart there is no peace!

  19. 基督徒的生活就是持续悔改的一种。

    The entire life of a Christian is one of continual repentance.

  20. 尽管硫酸拍片仍死不悔改。

    Despite the vitriol the filmmakers remain unrepentant.

  21. 只是看人类有没有悔改之意了。

    Its up to whether or not humans show signs of repentance.

  22. 可612门徒就出去,道叫人悔改。

    They went out and preached that men should repent.

  23. 他与那些死不悔改的囚犯打交道。

    He has to associate with tough criminals.

  24. 再次为你的悔改和基督的赦免祷告。

    Pray again over your repentance and forgiveness.

  25. 今后悔改的决心,没有一个是真心。

    No Resolution of Repenting hereafter, can be sincere.

  26. 那囚犯对其罪行毫无悔改之意。

    The prisoner shows no remorse for his crimes.

  27. 如果有人违反此令,必须悔改。

    If one does transgress against this command,one must perform teshuvah.

  28. 我用水给你们施洗, 叫你们悔改。

    I baptize you with water for repentance.

  29. 因为他们不肯悔改,他就杀死了他们。

    He killed them because they were unrepentant.

  30. 他们不思悔改, 并给他的荣耀。

    They did not repent and give him glory.


  1. 问:悔改拼音怎么拼?悔改的读音是什么?悔改翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悔改的读音是huǐgǎi,悔改翻译成英文是 repent

  2. 问:悔改地拼音怎么拼?悔改地的读音是什么?悔改地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悔改地的读音是,悔改地翻译成英文是 repentantly

  3. 问:悔改的拼音怎么拼?悔改的的读音是什么?悔改的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悔改的的读音是,悔改的翻译成英文是 repentant

  4. 问:悔改态度拼音怎么拼?悔改态度的读音是什么?悔改态度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悔改态度的读音是huǐgǎitàidù,悔改态度翻译成英文是 attitude toward repentance

  5. 问:悔改程度拼音怎么拼?悔改程度的读音是什么?悔改程度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悔改程度的读音是huǐgǎichéngdù,悔改程度翻译成英文是 extent of repentance





【拼音】 huǐ gǎi

【注音】 ㄏㄨㄟˇ ㄍㄞˇ

【英译】[repent and mend one's ways]

【基本解释】 悔过,改正。详细解释追悔所犯错误,加以改正。宋 王安石 《临川吴子善墓志铭》:“其弟终感悟悔改为善士,以文学名於世。” 陈残云 《山谷风烟》第三十章:“因此无论查什么,斗什么,她都一反常态,表示诚心的认罪和悔改。”

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