




居住的地方:故~。返~(回老家)。街坊(古代五家为邻,五邻为里):~弄(lòng )。中国市制长度单位:一~(等于五百米)。~程牌。衣物的内层:被~。内部,与“外”相对,并引申为一定范围以内:~外。心~。这~。那~。姓。……



汉语拼音:zhái lǐ






  1. 犹乡里。

    《书·毕命》:“旌别淑慝,表厥宅里。” 孔 传:“言当识别顽民之善恶,表异其居里。”《敦煌变文集·舜子变》:“去时即来一年,三载不归宅里。”



  1. The old mansion served as the soldiers' billet for a week.


  2. I stayed in a mansion, Villa Politi, on the edge of a quarry now overgrown with lemon trees and figs.


  3. And on this very large estate, there lived a small girl, and life was pleasant there, and very, very simple.


  4. She was Ellie, the same little girl Tom had seen in the great house.


  5. And having arrested Him, they led Him away, and brought Him into the house of the high priest. But Peter followed at a distance.


  6. The party at the Great House was sometimes increased by other company.


  7. Mr. Munson grew up in a big house in Modesto, Calif.


  8. Most of the villagers here are descendents of the Chen family. For centuries they have been living in this complex.


  9. Then seizing him, they led him away and took him into the house of the high priest. Peter followed at a distance.


  1. 窃贼作案时, 由那座大宅里得一些仆人作内应。

    The thieves were abetted in the robbery by some of the servants at the great house.

  2. 窃贼作案时,由那座大宅里的一些仆人作内应。

    The thieves were abetted in the robbery by some of the servants at the great house.

  3. 众所周知,太太继续住在大宅里 而丈夫搬进破烂的公寓。

    And everyone knows the wife keeps the house and the husband gets the crappy apartment.

  4. 我们却宅在屋子里

    we holed up in our rooms.

  5. 一个礼拜之前, 泰勒在纸街大宅的地下室里来回踱步。

    A week ago, Tyler was pacing out the dimensions of the basement of the rented house on Paper Street.

  6. 当服务器里的宅人们太多的时候,游戏过程将因此大受影响。

    When a realm reaches maximum player capacity, gameplay becomes adversely affected.

  7. 当志贵重获知觉的时候, 他已经被锁在大宅底下的地牢里了。

    When Shiki recovers his senses, he's chained up in the cell under the mansion.

  8. 一整个宅!在原著漫画里, 他身材还走样到有了啤酒肚

    In the book, hes also completely out of shape with a beer gut.

  9. 他们住在好莱坞一所巨宅里。

    They live in a whacking great house in Hollywood.

  10. 我们住在豪宅里,也有了仆人。

    We lived in a palatial house with maids.

  11. 有时, 大宅里还要增加些别的客人。

    The party at the Great House was sometimes increased by other company.

  12. 士兵在那所古宅里住了一个星期。

    The old mansion served as the soldiers' billet for a week.

  13. 老李在加州莫德斯托的大宅里长大。

    Mr. Munson grew up in a big house in Modesto, Calif.

  14. 我在一所新近竣工的石宅里见到了杨将军。

    I found General Yang in a newly finished stone mansion.

  15. 她叫埃利, 就是汤姆在大宅里见到的小女孩。

    She was Ellie, the same little girl Tom had seen in the great house.

  16. 这个时候你不是该在卢瑟得豪宅里装点鲜花得 吗

    Shouldn't you be at the luthor mansion, arranging flowers

  17. 沉寂的大宅里昏暗、沉闷,苍蝇都在天花板上睡着了。

    Murk, dreariness in the hushed manor house; flies asleep on the ceiling.

  18. 宅在屋里也是有好处的

    Well, staying indoors has its benefits.

  19. 传说,这座宅院里曾将住过一位福晋。

    According to the tales, a wife of a Manchu prince once lived in this house.

  20. 传说,这座宅院里曾将住过一位福晋。

    According to the tales, a wife of a Manchu prince once lived in this house.

  21. 并在齐家的宅院里躲藏了很久,后来的事你都知道了。

    Combine at together in the house hospital of house hide for a long time, later matter you knew.

  22. 我把她安置在豪宅里,给她零花钱。

    I set her up in a nice house. I gave her an allowance.

  23. 村里人都认为谜宅令人毛骨悚然。

    The Little Hagletons all agreed that the old house was creepy.

  24. 在过去200年里,豪宅农庄没有太大变化。

    The Mansion House farm has changed little in 200 years.

  25. 他住在一个带大游泳池的豪宅里。

    He lives in a mansion with a large swimming pool.

  26. 你知道村庄里谁拥有最大的豪宅吗??

    Do you even know who owns the biggest mansion in the village ?

  27. 能住在吉尔的漂亮豪宅里是我的福气

    I feel blessed to live in Jill's beautiful home.

  28. 但我却在百万豪宅里的超大号床上

    But I was in a kingsized bed in a milliondollar mansion.

  29. 他拥有很多财产,他的豪宅里藏着大量的财宝。

    He owned lots of property and his mansions were filled with many riches.

  30. 他们可能住在这些豪宅中的一间小房子里。

    They probably live in the one shack in the middle of all these mansions.

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