







汉语拼音:jiū xīn








  1. 极言令人悲痛。

    老舍 《骆驼祥子》十三:“我愿意一下子全摆上,这么零零碎碎的看着揪心。”舞剧《沂蒙颂》第四场:“ 赖匪 大惊失色,命 皮得贵 把孩子摔死。婴儿的哭叫,声声揪心,乡亲们悲痛万分。”

  2. 焦虑。

    姚雪垠 《李自成》第三卷第二三章:“ 李自成 为此事十分揪心。” 李準 《耕云记》二:“我在床上躺着,心里好发愁……想起了俺爹的嘱托,越想越揪心。”



  1. As he managed to get out of the shoe painfully, he was surprised to find the cause of his lasting torment was only a grain of sand.


  2. "They mostly do, " said the clergyman, griping hard at his breast, as if afflicted with an importunate throb of pain.


  3. I wish to do not like to maintain law and its influence and French anxious.


  4. When she fidgets and moves her shoulders when talking about her mother, you feel ill.


  5. However, the poor play LG is very worried, in the gorgeous back injury, spent with the skills are directly proportional to the money.


  6. It was agony not knowing where the children were.


  7. AS he wAS digging, other helpless parents arrived, clutching their hearts, saying, "My son! " "My daughter! "


  8. It was a heart-wrenching tragedy for this very young church and its congregation.


  9. The animation business is quite worried that the problem needs professional guidance in a timely manner.


  1. 伤口疼得揪心。

    There was a gnawing pain from the wound.

  2. 伤口痛得揪心。

    There was a gnawing pain from the wound.

  3. 她感到揪心的负疚感。

    She felt a piercing guilt.

  4. 你一定感到很揪心吧

    It must be incredibly painful for you.

  5. 揪心的月夜怡心的月色

    Anxious Moonlight and Happy Moonrise

  6. 孩子们下落不明真让人揪心。

    It was agony not knowing where the children were.

  7. 他的演讲使人揪心流泪。

    Your hearts will throb and weep to hear him speak

  8. 思嘉感到揪心般一阵剧痛。

    Pain twisted scarlett's heart.

  9. 用不着揪心,他会应付的。

    No need to worry – he can cope.

  10. 一个十分令人揪心的秘密。

    A secret that was positively heartbreaking.

  11. 一个十分令人揪心的秘密。

    A secret that was positively heartbreaking.

  12. 这么零零碎碎得看着揪心!

    This doing things bit by bit gets on my nerves!

  13. 这么零零碎碎的看着揪心!

    This doing things bit by bit gets on my nerves!

  14. 一阵揪心的恐惧占据了她的心。

    The sickening fear came to her.

  15. 这是一个让人感到揪心的事实。

    This is a fact that moves people.

  16. 听到他病故的消息, 我揪心扒肝。

    I've been thrown into agony by his death.

  17. 听到他病故的消息,我揪心扒肝。

    I've been thrown into agony by his death.

  18. 小杨到现在还没有回来, 真叫人揪心。

    Xiao yang's still not back. I'm really getting worried.

  19. 我听到了最让人揪心的尖叫和呻吟。

    I heard the most heartrending screams and moans.

  20. 她儿于被警察逮捕的消息使她极为揪心。

    The news that her son had been arrested by the police perturbed her greatly.

  21. 她的调查非正统,靠直觉,最终,让观众揪心。

    Her investigation is unorthodox, intuitive and ultimately agonizing.

  22. 她的头撞在地上, 那声闷响让人揪心。

    Her head hit the ground with a sickening thud.

  23. 孩子别哭,洗净小手,试着忘掉揪心的痛楚!

    Baby, don't cry, Wash your hands, Forget the terror. Try!

  24. 但是, 杀戮与大清理却让人毛骨悚然而且悲惨揪心。

    But the killings and clearances have been grisly and wretched.

  25. 在极度揪心的苦闷中我似乎在期待着某种东西。

    I expected something with a terrible anguish that tortured my heart.

  26. 他将永远是历史上最揪心的一幕悲剧的幸存者。

    He will always be the survivor who walked away from one of the most poignant tragedies in history.

  27. 盖伯瑞尔意识到了可怕的事实, 他感到一阵揪心。

    Gabriel felt sick as he realized the horrible truth.

  28. 倘若是我们自己的父母,哪一个儿女不为之揪心?

    If it is our own parents, sons and daughters of which it is not Jiuxin?!

  29. 有些人一辈子不曾揪心地内疚过, 羡慕他们倒很容易。

    It is easy to be jealous of those who go through life without a moment of wrenching guilt.

  30. 理智的放弃是从内心涌动的感受,爱了痛心,离开揪心。

    Give up rationally to flow out the dynamic feeling from the heart, love grieved, leave to clench the heart.


  1. 问:揪心拼音怎么拼?揪心的读音是什么?揪心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:揪心的读音是jiūxīn,揪心翻译成英文是 worry

  2. 问:揪心扒肝拼音怎么拼?揪心扒肝的读音是什么?揪心扒肝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:揪心扒肝的读音是jiūxīnbāgān,揪心扒肝翻译成英文是 Take out one's heart.; It is used to describe a...

  3. 问:揪心揪肺拼音怎么拼?揪心揪肺的读音是什么?揪心揪肺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:揪心揪肺的读音是,揪心揪肺翻译成英文是 heart-wrenching




【拼音】 jiūxīn

【注音】ㄐㄧㄨ ㄒㄧㄣ


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