


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:yǒu bí






  1. 见“ 有庳 ”。



  1. A riddle, a riddle, as I Suppose; A hundred eyes and never a nose.


  2. So here are two individuals represented by their anonymous ID codes. They both have rhinoviruses; we've never seen this pattern in lab.


  3. I use at the first signs of a head cold and usually the symptoms never become full blown.


  4. Thoroughly clean toys or appliances which are contaminated by nasal or oral secretions.


  5. Sinus pain and pressure occurs when the tissue in your nose becomes swollen and inflamed, preventing the sinuses from draining properly.


  6. Most of patients have aridity of nasal mucosa, burning pain, discomfortable symptom of respiratory channel.


  7. Five years ago, I was given a skull that had no face, no nasal aperture and no cheeks.


  8. It's his special day, so why remind Dad that he has nose and ear hair, bad breath, stinky feet, or B. O.


  9. When you drink water through your trunk, does it taste like boogers?


  1. 整个浮标凸饰有鼻钳子

    The whole buoy was embossed with barnacles

  2. 未发现有鼻黏膜坏死、感染等并发症发生。

    No necrosis of nasal mucosa and infection occurred.

  3. 患者多感有鼻黏膜干燥、灼痛、呼吸道不适等症状。

    Most of patients have aridity of nasal mucosa, burning pain, discomfortable symptom of respiratory channel.

  4. 染有鼻或口腔分泌物的玩具或用具应洗乾净。

    Thoroughly clean toys or appliances which are contaminated by nasal or oral secretions.

  5. 事实是,如果你有鼻屎,那说明你的鼻子在正常工作!

    In fact, boogers are a sign that your nose is working the way it should!

  6. 患者为52岁男性,主诉长期单侧鼻塞脓性鼻漏及偶有鼻现象。

    We encountered a case of primary nasal tuberculosis in October 1990.

  7. 肯定有很多鼻屎在里头。

    There must be lots of snot in it.

  8. 我猜象人裤子里有象鼻吧

    I'm guessing the Elephant Man had a trunk in his pants.

  9. 旅行者须有猪鼻、鹿腿与驴背。

    A traveller shall have a hog's nose, deer's leg, and an ass's back.

  10. 鯈与忽注意到所有人都有口耳目鼻等七窍,而唯独浑沌没有。

    Tiao and Hu noticed that all people have seven apertures in their heads but only Hundun has no.

  11. 我怎么知道我有哪种鼻病毒?

    How do I know which rhinovirus I have?

  12. 有没有什么药治鼻毛多的?

    What medicine to have to treat nose pilose

  13. 有球状长鼻得婆罗洲猴子。

    Borneo monkey having a long bulbous nose.

  14. 有球状长鼻的婆罗洲猴子。

    Borneo monkey having a long bulbous nose.

  15. 我只是喜欢他的鼻子。我希望我有一个鹰钩鼻。

    Well, I just like his nose. I wish I had a Roman nose.

  16. 治疗鼻出血有什么好方法?

    What good method does remedial nosebleed have

  17. 财富多且事业有成的男士有个罗马鼻、眼距宽且鼻翼宽。

    Men possessing the Roman nose, wide set eyes and flared nostrils could be destined for wealth and business success.

  18. 鼻涕里有鼻血。

    When I blow my nose there's blood in it.

  19. 鼻子是砖红色, 有鼻线。

    The nose is red brick, nose line.

  20. 我不觉得美国人有资格对此事嗤之以鼻。

    I don't think Americans are in any position to get too sniffy about this.

  21. 他们都长得个子高高,各有一只鹰爪鼻。

    They were tall, with a Roman nose apiece.

  22. 印度也有各种各样的美女,但是大多数人都有鼻环。

    India also have various beauties, but most women have gold nose screw.

  23. 两型感冒患者多有鼻咽部症状及倦怠乏力的症状。

    Many have nose pharynx symptoms with languid characteristic.

  24. 只要有以上任何一项征状,均很有可能是患上鼻敏感。

    If you have any of the above, then you may be suffering from allergic rhinitis.

  25. 还好,简妮还是有点鼻塞。

    All right. jenny's still got a runny nose.

  26. 还有眼睛, 耳朵, 嘴巴和鼻

    And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

  27. 您的鼻粘膜有擦伤。

    There is abrasion of your nasal mucus membrane.

  28. 洋葱有股冲鼻的气味。

    Onions have a pungent smell.

  29. 鼻咽癌有鼻塞症状吗

    Does nose pharynx cancer have snuffle symptom

  30. 某些人对电视有点嗤之以鼻。

    Some people are a bit sniffy about television.


  1. 问:有鼻音拼音怎么拼?有鼻音的读音是什么?有鼻音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有鼻音的读音是,有鼻音翻译成英文是 adenoidal

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