






1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……



汉语拼音:yóu yuán huì






  1. 在公园或花园里举行的联欢会。规模较大的游园会往往有各种文艺表演。

    袁鹰 《队旗啊,紧紧跟上》诗:“我们怎能不想起 朱委员长 参加游园会,老人家高兴地和我们在一起,那么和蔼,那么慈祥!”



  1. BILL GATES seems to relish being the skunk at the garden party.


  2. It began to rain when the garden party was in full swing.


  3. For the past three weeks we have been carefully planning the garden party, but the continual rain has upset our applecart.


  4. The bliss sky and lotus garden spreads to the sky horizon closely and numerously. Although it ignores the lotus seed, feed the pure life.


  5. The acrobatic troupe livened the garden party up immensely.


  6. Most of the students invited to the garden party (=who were invited to the garden party) came from our school.


  7. We had a fabulous time at the garden party .


  8. It was cold, but even so we enjoyed the garden party.


  9. The garden-party is a great success.


  1. 举办游园会

    to give a garden party.

  2. 国庆节将有游园会。

    There will be a garden party on National Day.

  3. 游园会因雨而中断。

    Rain cut short the garden party.

  4. 游园会在下午6点结束。

    The garden party broke up at 6p.m.

  5. 游园会那天很可能会下雨。

    It will doubtless rain on the day of the garden party.

  6. 确切地查明参加游园会的人

    ascertain exactly who were at the garden party

  7. 我们在游园会上玩得很开心。

    We had a fabulous time at the garden party.

  8. 我们将在下星期天举办游园会。

    We'll have a garden party next sunday.

  9. 妇女参加游园会以展示夏季服装。

    The women went to the garden party to display their summer toilet.

  10. 妇女参加游园会以展示夏季服装。

    The women went to the garden party to display their summer toilet.

  11. 杂技团的表演使游园会大为活跃。

    The acrobatic troupe livened the garden party up immensely.

  12. 由于天气不好, 游园会延期了。

    The garden party was put off because of the contrary weather.

  13. 如果你要举办露天游园会或者招待会。

    If, however, you were holding an opening air garden party or fete.

  14. 在游园会中,你有没有赢得什么奖品?

    Did you win a prize at the carnival?

  15. 天气看来适宜于举办这次游园会。

    The weather looks good or the garden party.

  16. 游园会正开得起劲时,天下起雨来。

    It began to rain when the garden party was in full swing.

  17. 多可惜啊,你开游园会那天下雨了。

    What a shame that it rained on the day of your garden city.

  18. 听说今年校庆将以游园会的方式举行。

    It is said that this year's school celebration will be a garden gathering.

  19. 这些女士参加游园会以炫耀她们的夏装。

    The woman went to the garden party to display their summer toilet.

  20. 她获得一份参加皇家游园会的邀请函。

    She got an invitation to a royal garden party.

  21. 为大使举办了一次盛大的游园会。

    A large fete was given in honor of the ambassador.

  22. 如果你要举办一次露天游园会或盛宴,

    If, however, you were holding an open air garden party or a fete

  23. 我记得她在游园会那出戏里的表演。

    I remember her acting in a drama called the garden party.

  24. 比尔盖茨似乎成了游园会上的讨厌鬼。

    BILL GATES seems to relish being the skunk at the garden party.

  25. 不要指望你举行游园会时会是好天气。

    Don't reckon upon the weather being fine for your garden party.

  26. 你们举行游园会那天下雨了,真令人遗憾!

    What a shame that it rained on the day of your garden party!

  27. 因为雨下得很大, 游园会很可能被取消。

    Seeing that it's raining hard, the fete will probably be cancelled.

  28. 她被邀请参加那天晚上举行的游园会。

    She was invited to a garden party to be held that night.

  29. 这笔钱是通过一次夏日游园会筹集到的。

    The money was raised through a summer fete.

  30. 我们村里准备举行游园会,以筹资建造新会堂。

    Our village is holding a fete to raise money for the building of the new hall.


  1. 问:游园会拼音怎么拼?游园会的读音是什么?游园会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:游园会的读音是yóuyuánhuì,游园会翻译成英文是 garden party; a party in the form of visiting a ga...

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