


指“兰草”和“兰花”:~艾(“兰花”和“艾草”,喻君子和小人)。~谱(结拜盟兄弟时互相交换的帖子,上写各自家族的谱系。兰有香味,喻情投意合)。~摧玉折(喻贤人夭折,后多用来哀悼人不幸早死)。古书上指“木兰”。古同“栏”,家畜圈(juàn )……


原故,原由,事物发生前已具备的条件:原~。~素。~果。病~。理由:~为(wéi )。~而。依,顺着,沿袭:~此。~之。~循(a.沿袭;b.迟延拖拉)。~噎废食。陈陈相~。……







汉语拼音:lán yīn xù guǒ






  • 【解释】:兰因:比喻美好的结合;絮果:比喻离散的结局。比喻男女婚事初时美满,最终离异。
  • 【出自】:《周易·系辞上》:“二人同心,其利断金;同心之言,其臭如兰。”《左传·宣公三年》:“初,郑文公有贱妾曰燕姞,梦天使与己兰。”
  • 【示例】:~,现业谁深。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作宾语;比喻男女婚事初时美满,最终离异


  1. na.
  2. the vicissitudes of life

  1. 来因兰的儿童徒步走到意大利。

    The Rhineland children tramped into Italy.

  2. 来因兰得儿童徒步走到意大利。

    The Rhineland children tramped into Italy.

  3. 强占来因兰和在来因兰设防是最大的赌博。

    The seizure of the Rhineland and its subsequent fortification were the greatest gamble of all.

  4. 他因商务去米兰。

    Business carried him to Milan.

  5. 美因河畔法兰克福动物园

    Frankfurt am Main City Zoological Garden

  6. 这将有助于纽西兰的弹性因应能力。

    This will help New Zealand respond flexibly.

  7. 再论贺兰山南部北西向构造成因

    Rediscussion of the mechanism of the northwest trending structures in the southern part of Helan Mountains

  8. 他因肺炎而入住亚特兰大一家医院。

    He was admitted to the hospital in Atlanta with pneumonia.

  9. 富兰克因驱使吉姆偷一本书而受责。

    Frank was scolded for having goaded Jim to steal a book.

  10. 富兰克林?霍因涅克入选过班级色彩委员会吗?

    Was Franklin Hoenikker on the Class Colors Committee, too

  11. 弗兰克因该带你们驶下哥特列特的,对吗

    Frank was supposed to take you down the Gauntlet, right

  12. 乌克兰将领与飞行员因航空展灾难面临刑责。

    Ukraine generals and pilots face criminal charges for air show disaster.

  13. 米兰的非利甫。因扎吉已经做了手指断裂的手术。

    Milan's Filippo Inzaghi has undergone surgery on his fractured finger.

  14. 米兰得非利甫。因扎吉已经做了手指断裂得手术。

    Milan's Filippo Inzaghi has undergone surgery on his fractured finger.

  15. 格陵兰的纽因特人是世界上最北方的居民。

    The Inuits in Greenland are the World's northernmost settled population.

  16. 秋风让小女孩在缅因州波特兰人行道上驻足。

    Autumn winds stop a girl on a sidewalk in Portland, Maine.

  17. 布兰迪在进球后不久,因脚踝轻伤被换下场。

    Brandy was subbed soon after scoring due to a minor ankle injury.

  18. 我留在了德国,就在美因河畔,法兰克福附近。

    I am leaving in Germany in the near of Frankfurt am Main.

  19. 在美因河畔的法兰克福上大学绝对是最贵的。

    Mit Abstand am teuersten ist das Studium in Frankfurt am Main.

  20. 葛兰素公司得近期发展因文迪雅事件而黯然失色。

    Recent developments at Glaxo have been overshadowed by the furore surrounding Avandia.

  21. 葛兰素公司的近期发展因文迪雅事件而黯然失色。

    Recent developments at Glaxo have been overshadowed by the furore surrounding Avandia.

  22. 郭兰英,祖英和腾格尔因他们的民族歌曲而出名。

    Guo Lanying, Song zuying and Tenger are famous for their folk songs.

  23. 要相信吉拉迪诺和因扎吉会给米兰带来胜利。

    We have to think of Inzaghi and Gilardino bringing more success.

  24. 缅因州的波特兰是诗人朗费罗早年生活的地方。

    Portland, Maine is where the poet Longfellow spent his early childhood.

  25. 缅因州得波特兰是诗人朗费罗早年生活得地方。

    Portland, Maine is where the poet Longfellow spent his early childhood.

  26. 每年,58名苏格兰人因以尖刀取代螺丝起子而受伤。

    58 Scots are injured each year by using sharp knives instead of screwdrivers.

  27. 结果碧兰麻组麻醉优良率明显高于利多卡因组。

    Results As to anesthetic effect, the ratio of excellence in articaine group was significant higher than that in lidocaine group.

  28. 英格兰东部因大量使用化肥导致土壤硝酸盐浓度过高。

    High levels of nitrate occur in eastern England because of the heavy use of fertilizers.

  29. 他的教练是弗兰克沃克,一名男子因将有深刻影响了他的命。

    His coach was Frankie Walker, a man who would soon have a profound effect on his life.

  30. 兰亭,因王羲之与兰亭序而闻名于世,书法活动长盛不衰。

    Lanting became known for Wang Xizhi and his Preface to Lanting.



兰因絮果,lán yīn xù guǒ,兰因:比喻美好的结合;絮果:比喻离散的结局。 比喻男女婚姻初时美好,最终离异。亦作絮果兰因。

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