


原故,原由,事物发生前已具备的条件:原~。~素。~果。病~。理由:~为(wéi )。~而。依,顺着,沿袭:~此。~之。~循(a.沿袭;b.迟延拖拉)。~噎废食。陈陈相~。……




1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:yīn cǐ shàng






  1. "Everyone knows Rafa had a lot of confidence in me, so last season was different, " he said.


  2. So effective protecting measures have to be taken for dam slopes both upstream and downstream.


  3. So last month Swoopo began letting failed bidders purchase the item they wanted at a discount equivalent to the amount they spent bidding.


  4. As a consequence, structured finance had remained a niche and highly bespoke practice throughout the 1990s.


  5. So when I sat down at a computer for the first time in the seventh grade, I was hooked.


  6. So this week, put a flower in your hair, and do your best to believe in the power of love.


  7. This is why the masters stress that the quality of the atmosphere around us when we die is crucial.


  8. So SCO still has a long way to go.


  1. 我头痛, 因此上床睡觉了。

    I had a headache, so I went to bed.

  2. 因此上胶前一定要将书芯夹实, 夹紧。

    Therefore on glue remember to book block clamp, work holders.

  3. 这个男孩因为缺钱, 因此上大学得计划受挫了。

    The boy's lack of money thwarted his plans for college.

  4. 这个男孩因为缺钱,因此上大学的计划受挫了。

    The boy's lack of money thwarted his plans for college.

  5. 这位演员错过了他进场的提示,因此上舞台迟了。

    The actor missed his cue and came onto the stage late.

  6. 因此上一年 我赢下了国际科学以及工程大会活动的第一名

    So this previous year, I won the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.

  7. 因此爱上吸血鬼。

    The Interview with the Vampire.

  8. 于是她因此恨上了你?

    And she hates you because of that?

  9. 于是她因此恨上了你?

    And she hates you because of that?

  10. 因此,上一段代码应改写为

    Thus the correct way to write the last code fragment is

  11. 因此地球上出现了某种原始汤

    So we have some kind of primordial soup.

  12. 因此我上谷歌网,去了解非洲。

    So I went to Google Earth and learned about Africa.

  13. 他是否因此过上了奢侈的生活?

    Was Tang living an extravagant life or a modestone

  14. 因此客观上讲, 微软占有天时地利的优势。

    It is contrary antimonopoly law, so Microsoft has superior in right time and right place.

  15. 因此传统上北部原住民文化 是高度季节性的。

    So the culture, the northern aboriginal culture, traditionally has been highly seasonal.

  16. 因此,上世纪90年代的互联网泡沫同时带有二者的味道。

    The1990s Internet bubble, therefore, was a little bit of both.

  17. 他们都是极有主见的人,因此个性上常有冲突。

    They've both very determined people, so there's rather a clash of personalities.

  18. 因此操作上可在2000点左右暂减持,并且密切关注。

    Therefore operation in the temporary reduction of around 2000, and close attention.

  19. 杰克很擅长做饭, 因此他上次的晚餐做的棒极了。

    Jack is good at cooking, so he did a bully job in last dinner.

  20. 他不得不在小时候就去田里干活,因此没有上过学。

    He had to work the fields as a child and consequently did not go to school.

  21. 他不得不在小时候就去田里干活,因此没有上过学。

    He had to work the fields as a child and consequently did not go to school.

  22. 因为不想让叔叔在正在祈祷时死亡而因此能够上天堂。

    His uncle was praying, and to prevent him from going to heaven, he puts off his plan for vengeance.

  23. 因此,开幕式上有旗手。

    So, there are flag bearers in the opening ceremony.

  24. 因此,技术上是可行的。

    So, the technology is there.

  25. 因此, 操作上建议逢低吸纳。

    Therefore, the operation of the proposed bargain hunting.

  26. 因此这种地貌上的一些特征。

    And so, there are features on this landscape.

  27. 气垫船因此可以轻松上船和离船。

    Hovercraft will therefore be able to embark and disembark easily.

  28. 因此,对象上的所有权限仍然保留。

    Therefore, all privileges on the object remain.

  29. 因此, 原则上民事法庭不介入这些案件。

    In principle, therefore, civil courts do not interfere in these cases.

  30. 我欺负了我弟弟, 因此而惹上麻烦了。

    I got into trouble after I pulled about my younger brother.

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