




1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……



汉语拼音:yǐn guò






  1. 承认过失。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·臣节》:“归勋引过,让以先下。” 唐 韩愈 《顺宗实录四》:“宜痛自引过罪己,以感人心。”《天雨花》第九回:“口中不住来引过,望兄解释莫存心。”



  1. The projectile loom uses a projectile with grippers to carry the yarn through the shed.


  2. There are some ideals that have ever directed us and encourage me to face life. And these are truth, kindness and beauty.


  1. 片梭织机使用一个带有夹子得片梭将纬纱引过梭口。

    The projectile loom uses a projectile with grippers to carry the yarn through the shed.

  2. 我现在努力做的就是帮助人们,引他们过上好日子。

    What I'm trying to do is to empower people, to give them ways to help them get well.

  3. 似乎从来没有什么能 让他们为自己做过的事情引以为豪。

    There's nothing that ever happens that justifies people taking good hours of the day to be with them.

  4. 一道木桥把他们引到对岸。他们过了桥又走入一个天井。

    A wooden bridge took the boys to the opposite side, where they entered another garden.

  5. 因为从未上过山, 所以他引我们上去。

    He saw us up the mountain, as we had never been before.

  6. 因为从未上过山,所以他引我们上去。

    He saw us up the mountain, as we had never been before.

  7. 请透过此连结获取有关指引。

    Please click here to access to the guideline.

  8. 我真不知圣灵如何引人知道己过。

    I know not how the Spirit moves.

  9. 事实上,误引是对学过的知识的骄

    Misquotation is, in fact, the pride and privilege of the learned

  10. 过了一会,我把谈话内容引向了她的工作。

    After a while I led the conversation around to her job.

  11. 过了一会,我把谈话内容引向了她的工作。

    After a while I led the conversation around to her job.

  12. 过了一会,我把谈话内容引向了她得工作。

    After a while I led the conversation around to her job.

  13. 他引着她, 两人蹒跚地走过那条街。

    He guiding her, they stumbled through the street.

  14. 过了一阵子,我把话题引到她的工作上。

    After a while I led the conversation around to her job.

  15. 事实上,我试过了,可是引座员不让。

    A The truth is I tried, but the usher wouldnt let me.

  16. 旅客们被引领走过柏油碎石跑道上飞机。

    The passenger were shepherd across the tarmac to the airliner.

  17. 她拜访过那位不想引人注意的老学者。

    She had visited the old scholar who avoided publicity.

  18. 由黄宗智过密化假设引出两个问题。

    Two questions have been derived from Philip Huang's involutionary hypothesis.

  19. 少数情况下, 在出口附近曾经试用过空气引射。

    In rare cases additional air jets near the exit have been tried.

  20. 所以这是一个细微的误引。文章编辑的太过沉重。

    So it's a slight misquote. The articles were edited quite heavily.

  21. 芳香滑过我的指尖,撩动我的心扉,引出了我的眼泪。

    The fragrance permeated from my fingertips, bothered my breath, and prompted my tears burst.

  22. 芳香滑过我得指尖,撩动我得心扉,引出了我得眼泪。

    The fragrance permeated from my fingertips, bothered my breath, and prompted my tears burst.

  23. 他从未请过一天病假,这是他引以自豪的事。

    It was his proud boast that he had never missed a day's work because of illness.

  24. 他打了一个引跑两圈的全垒打,过了右外场。

    He clubbed a tworun homer over the right field fence.

  25. 再过几年,我将正式引退。我生产下一代的任务完成了。

    In a few years now, I will be bowing out, my task of producing another generation complete.

  26. 你就是使他挨过了一切而引以为慰的人吗

    You were his comfort through everything

  27. 此松伸臂展枝, 似接引游人过壑, 故名。

    This exhibition pine overhanging branches, it reaches visitors over the definition and some supermarkets.

  28. 白嘉轩后来引以为豪壮的是一生里娶过七房女人。

    Jiaxuan is proud that he married seven women in his life.

  29. 白嘉轩后来引以为豪壮得是一生里娶过七房女人。

    Jiaxuan is proud that he married seven women in his life.

  30. 透过这次书展,师父又引领了不少迷途羊儿回家。

    Thus through the Exhibition, Master once again guided many lost lambs Home.

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