


1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……





汉语拼音:jiā zhái






  1. 家庭;住宅。

    宋 苏轼 《宿望湖楼再和》:“我行得所嗜,十日忘家宅。” 元 马致远 《青衫泪》第一折:“兀那酒丧门临本命,饿太岁犯家宅。”《三侠五义》第三四回:“这明是搅乱太师家宅不安,暗里是与老师作对。” 茅盾 《赵先生想不通》:“这一对儿长嫂小叔三日两头的吵得家宅不宁。”



  1. But when she looks over and spots him, her first instinct is to assume he's an intruder, and she whacks him on the head with her vacuum.


  2. The assassin at the safe house asked for her whereabouts.


  3. Something said could shed light on an issue to do with your home or finances.


  4. I've been sitting and sipping soup for so long I'd forgotten how good it feels to be active.


  5. Cliegg Lars was a modest, good-hearted moisture farmer who lived on the Lars homestead, not far from the township of Anchorhead.


  6. The Constitution guarantees that private homes will not be searched without a warrant.


  7. Today is Sunday, I saw a horror film, a film by the name of the "fierce house Haven of Hope" by Roland starring, I am very afraid.


  8. If you would know the history of these homesteads , inquire at the bank where they are mortgaged.


  9. A political activist in Hama told VOA that government forces have been raiding the homes of activists and carrying out arrests and killings.


  1. 家宅豁免强制执行法

    homestead exemption laws

  2. 古老的家宅依然矗立着。

    The ancient family home is still standing.

  3. 他被指控侵犯了她的家宅。

    He was accused of violating her home.

  4. 按照过去时代的标准建造的家宅。

    A home built to the standards of a bygone age.

  5. 这个政策使家宅所有权成为合法。

    This policy legitimates home ownership.

  6. 他为了帮父亲看病卖了家宅。

    He sold his house in order to get money for curing his father's disease.

  7. 在新英格兰有许多古老的家宅。

    There are many old homesteads in New England.

  8. 没有搜查证, 不得任意搜查私人家宅。

    That private homes will not be searched without a warrant.

  9. 算了, 我还是老老实实在家宅着吧!

    No, thanks. I'm just going to kick it at home.

  10. 侵入民宅非法侵入或进入他人家宅的行为。

    The act of unlawfully breaking into and entering another's house.

  11. 在新英格兰有很多古老的家宅。

    There are many old homesteads in New England.

  12. 到此要走左边,右边是去李家宅的。

    Take the left road here. The right road is to village Li Jia Zhai.

  13. 因为在鲍尔家宅的那个刺客询问过金姆的所在。

    The assassin at the safe house asked for her whereabouts.

  14. 他们的家宅平安无惧。神的杖也不加在他们身上。

    Their houses are free from fear, and the rod of God does not come on them.

  15. 金燕村,就是二姑姑的村。菜竹山房就是二姑姑的家宅。

    Second Aunt lived in Green Bamboo Hermitage, her house in Golden Swallow Village.

  16. 所说的事情能阐明与您家宅或财务有关的结果。

    Something said could shed light on an issue to do with your home or finances.

  17. 在一场平静的葬礼中, 施密被安葬在拉尔斯家宅。

    In a quiet funeral, Shmi was buried at the Lars homestead.

  18. 家宅的重要性,使巴厘岛人将它视为活生生的人一般。

    The family compound is so vital that the Balinese think of it as a single, living person.

  19. 我们已经在尘世造好府邸家宅, 随后就建造家墓坟地。

    We have built for this world a family mansion and for the next a family tomb.

  20. 家宅一座房子,尤其是农场住房以及相连的建筑和土地

    A house,especially a farmhouse,with adjoining buildings and land.

  21. 特洛伊人从恬静得梦中醒来, 看到他们得家宅在燃烧。

    The Trojans awoke from their dreams of peace to see their homes in flames.

  22. 在其家宅被有关项目买下时, 流离失所的群体被迫迁出。

    Displaced communities are forced to move out when their homestead is acquired by the project.

  23. 你应该多出去走走结交一些新朋友, 在家宅着没有任何意义。

    You need to get out and make some new friends. There's no sense staying in a rut.

  24. 他也会希望能从单独监禁中转移出来,软禁在自家宅中也好。

    He also wants to be moved from solitary confinement into house arrest.

  25. 约文。麦欧维克看着泰瑞和帕司若医生进入了鲍尔家宅。

    Jovan Myovic watches as Teri and Dr.Parslow enter the Bauer home.


  1. 问:家宅拼音怎么拼?家宅的读音是什么?家宅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:家宅的读音是jiāzhái,家宅翻译成英文是 An individual mansion; referring to a house....




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