







汉语拼音:yī gǔn






  1. 犹言混在一道。




  1. The corpse was nearly on top of him. He dropped to the sand, grabbed a hunk of rock, and rolled.


  2. As you roll out of the way and dodge the strike, Azriel is already on you unleashing a flurry of strikes.


  3. for a while, then throw out the soup and just eat the meat. It's really a joke.


  4. The shot missed Jack, who was already rolling away, snapping up the Glock before diving behind the cover of upended seats.


  5. Later, the couple has two brains, add seasoning, the first piece of meat with glutinous rice flour and tumble, and then package lotus leaf.


  6. The fried cuttlefish mix with the salted egg make a very different and delicious taste.


  7. These large sheets are folded, put on a roll and then put into a box.


  8. The batter hit a pop fly to the shortstop.


  9. Egg rolling competitions take place in northern Britain on Easter Monday;


  1. 它立刻就地一滚,重新跳起来。

    Instantly, it rolled over and leaped again.

  2. 今天晚氏的电视有一滚有趣赌桔目。

    There is an interesting program on tonight.

  3. 土豪劣绅的小姐少奶奶的牙床上, 也可以去滚一滚。

    They even loll for a minute or two on the ivoryinlaid beds.

  4. 她赌父墓想让她煌一滚有钱赌鳞坑踞婚。

    Her parents tried to pair her with a rich neighbour.

  5. 土豪劣绅的小姐少奶奶的牙床上, 也可以踏上去滚一滚。

    They even loll for a minute or two on the ivoryinlaid beds belonging to the young ladies in the households of the local tyrants and evil gentry.

  6. 他没有站起来,而是顺势向边上一滚,躺在雪地中。

    He did not rise, but to the edge of a roll of homeopathy, lying in the snow.

  7. 你在准备午餐时,注意看一下牛奶,一滚就把煤气关失。

    Keep an eye on the milk while you are preparing your lunch. Turn the gas off the moment it boils.

  8. 我可以用沾毛轮给你全身上下滚一遍。

    But I am gonna go over you with a lint roller.

  9. 箱子一跳一跳地滚下楼梯。

    The box bounced down the stairs.

  10. 当他们抬起死尸时,有一只戒指滚落在地板上了。

    As they raised him, a ring tinkled down and rolled across the floor.

  11. 加洋菇与绿菜花煮滚约一分钟。绿菜花变色前熄火。

    Add mushrooms and broccolis, simmer about 1 minute heat before fade.

  12. 只要你一句话,滚出去

    'Cause I'll do it now.Get out of here.

  13. 他一把抱起滚过来的球,把它扔了过去。

    He caught up the ball as it rolled along and threw it back.

  14. 他一把抱起滚过来的球,把它扔了回去。

    He caught up the ball as it rolled along and threw it back.

  15. 她解开手帕, 一大把金币滚了出来, 撒落在床上。

    She untied the knot and a handful of gold coins rolled out on the bed.

  16. 今年的钱继续滚到下一年里。

    Money from one year rolls into next.

  17. 今年的钱继续滚到下一年里。

    Money from one year rolls into next.

  18. 从山上滚下来的一堆积雪和石块

    a mass of snow and rocks falling down the mountain.

  19. 我要把西装烫一烫。茶滚烫滚烫地冒着热气。

    I'll give my suit a press. The tea is steaming hot.

  20. 一起娱乐出去野餐, 租一条划艇, 玩玩滚轴溜冰。

    Play together Go on a picnic, rent a rowboat, take up in line skating.

  21. 轻轻地一摇,砾石就滚进高尔夫球间的空隙。

    The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.

  22. 过了一段时间,球滚到了旁边的一个洞中。

    Some time late, the ball fell into a hole near by.

  23. 先把番茄底部根茎切掉,然后把其放入滚水中过一下去皮

    We cut out the stem ends and blanch the whole tomatoes in boiling water until the skins begin to split,.

  24. 他拾起一颗正在地上滚着的什么,是一颗圆石子。

    And he picked up something that was rolling about the floor. It was a pebble.

  25. 给桌布滚一个边

    hem a tablecloth

  26. 风吹起了街上的一只食物袋,一直滚到埃尼斯的车子底下。

    The wind tumbled empty feed bag the street until it fetched up under his truck.

  27. 袖口上滚一条边儿

    bind the cuffs.

  28. 我总是不肯再最后滚一次床单

    What I wouldn't give for one last roll in the hay.

  29. 那个巨人滚一块巨石到洞穴的入口。

    The giant rolled a huge rock in front of the entrance of the cave.

  30. 松井在第一局又敲初滚地牺牲打拿下一分打点。

    Matsui added an RBI groundout later in the first inning.

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