






1. 那 [nà]2. 那 [nǎ]3. 那 [nèi]4. 那 [nā]那 [nà]指较远的时间、地方或事物,与“这”相对:~里。~个。~样。~些。~时。~么。那 [nǎ]同“哪”(一)(中国大陆地区已不用)。那 [nèi]义同(一),“……



汉语拼音:yī gǔ nà






  1. 犹言一股脑儿。

    元 王实甫 《西厢记》第二本第三折:“费了甚一股那,便待要结丝萝。” 王季思 校注引 赵章云 曰:“一股那即一股脑儿,一起,一共之意。”



  1. Suppose a company has issued a million shares and you own one share, this means that you own one millionth of that company.


  1. 那一股势力在2011年 将会彻底的消失

    That power disappears completely, nobody supports that by 2009.

  2. 这使她那一股酸劲儿象疯了一般。

    That makes her insanely jealous.

  3. 她走了,只有那一股香味还缭绕在她待过的地方。

    She moved away, and only the perfume still lingered where she had stood.

  4. 今天读鲁迅的文章还能深深的感受到那一股正气。

    Today reads Lu Xun article also to be able deep feeling that healthy tendency.

  5. 这种性感的香气,体现了现代男士那一股无法言传的帅气。

    A sexy fragrance that expresses the charm and sensuality of modern men in an alluring way.

  6. 但当他翻译出电文来是报丧, 他那一股高兴就转为满腔怒气。

    But when the telegram turned out to be an obituary notice, his spirits sank. He was furious.

  7. 而那道弹簧门居然被他笑开。扑鼻一股浓香!

    the door at once swung open as if he had laughed it open, and a gust of perfume struck him.

  8. 一股爱情的暖流使他立刻认出了那女孩子。

    That he recognized by the electric sympathy of love.

  9. 那一个上午,空气里似乎都氤氲着一股轻薄暖和的气息。

    That one morning, appear in air the breath of a dense frivolous warmth.

  10. 她那跟怪叫差不多的鼾声一股一股地从被里冒出来。

    The woman emitted queer regular little snores that sounded like yelps.

  11. 那块肮脏得肉在太阳底下加热,一股油脂渗出来。

    It was a vile piece of meat that was being warmed by the sun, and a trickle of fat seeped out of it.

  12. 那块肮脏的肉在太阳底下加热,一股油脂渗出来。

    It was a vile piece of meat that was being warmed by the sun, and a trickle of fat seeped out of it.

  13. 在我走进屋子的那一瞬间, 我闻到了一股异常的味道

    Encounter difficulties, the more strong woman more smelt of let a person respect and love of charm.

  14. 她心里涌起一股感情, 为那位可怜的老人感到难过。

    There was a swell of emotion in her for the poor old man.

  15. 我一股也没有卖出去,而那只股票已经跌了整整一美元。

    I never sold a share and the stock was down a dollar.

  16. 喷出一股强大的气流之后, 那蒸汽机车轰鸣着开走了。

    Having sent out a jet of steam, the steam locomotive started off roaring.

  17. 然后,那台机器用一束快速运动的原子,轰击了那个微粒,从微粒中撞击出一股带电的离子。

    Then the machine bombards the molecule with a beam of fast atoms, which knocks a stream of charged ions off from the molecule

  18. 玛姬只凭一股勇气踏进那扇门。

    Maggie walked through that door with nothing but guts.

  19. 当孩子和其他孩子一起玩, 并支持他们, 那是一股强大的力量。

    And when children play with other children and support them, that's very powerful.

  20. 墙里渗出一股恶臭味,那是发霉的床垫味。

    A fetid odor seeps from the walls, the odor of a mildewed mattress.

  21. 我们将再一次尝到希望变成绝望得那股难受滋味。

    We'll get again the foul taste of hope soured to despair.

  22. 我们将再一次尝到希望变成绝望的那股难受滋味。

    We'll get again the foul taste of hope soured to despair.

  23. 经过一个暑假的放松, 已经消磨了高三时那股学习的劲头。

    After a summer of relaxation, has high school, when you spend that kind of learning momentum.

  24. 刚才强烈意识到的那股神力开始隐退,折磨了我几天的恐惧也随之远去,一丝不剩,仿佛我体内的毒液完全排干了。

    The presence I felt so strongly inside the car began to fade, and with it went the last residue of the fear that had gripped me these past several days. It drained from me like a poison.

  25. 把叶子送到鼻子上闻了闻,那叶子发出一股轻微的药香。

    To the leaves, smell the smell nose, it leaves the issue of a minor drug incense.

  26. 那片落叶被一股上升得气流浮起。

    The falling leaf was buoyed up by a rising air current.

  27. 那片落叶被一股上升的气流浮起。

    The falling leaf was buoyed up by a rising air current.

  28. 那一刻,一股仇恨在我的血液中翻涌。

    In that moment a surge of hatred flowed through my blood.

  29. 但是那股热火朝天的劲儿一分钟也没有降低。

    Their ardour never relaxed.

  30. 那座化工厂排放出一股浓烟。

    The chemical plant emitted a cloud of smoke.

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