







汉语拼音:yì yuàn






  1. 议会。

    郑观应 《盛世危言·议院上》:“议院者,公议政事之院也。” 梁启超 《论资政院之天职》:“议院最大之职权有二:曰参预立法也;曰监督行政也。”参见“ 议会 ”。



  1. Before the time of the League, the Chamber was the heart of a powerful, but now dormant, volcano.


  2. If it does pass, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D. , Nev. ) prepared to put it to a vote in the Senate, hoping to defeat it.


  3. But he noted that Congress must approve any bill to prevent a default, and he said current proposals would not pass the House.


  4. He said he is committed to finding common ground with the Republican Party majority in the House.


  5. On Wednesday, by a wide majority, the United States House of Representatives rejected a call for a quick withdrawal of American troops.


  6. After trying to persuade the United Nations, he won the support of his own House of Commons with the greatest speech he has given there.


  7. A statement from House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner said he expects the courts to find the appointment to be illegitimate.


  8. Senior House Democrats said the talks were making progress, but had not produced firm agreements.


  9. One of those in that room who got elected was the man I believe will be the next speaker of the House, John Boehner.


  1. 爱尔兰国会上议院

    Seanad Eireann

  2. 南非议会议院

    house of the South African Parliament.

  3. 上议院司法委员会。

    The judicial committee of the house of lord.

  4. 议院再开始会议。

    The House resumed work.

  5. 议院的议事行为

    conduct of business in the House

  6. 上议院有39个议席。

    The Senate has39 members.

  7. 议院通过其决定。

    The House passed its resolution.

  8. 佛蒙特州议院

    Vermont House.

  9. 议院政府改革小组

    House Government Reform subcommittee

  10. 得克萨斯议院

    Texas House.

  11. 法国等国之下议院

    chamber of deputies

  12. 英国议会中的上议院。

    The upper house of the British parliament.

  13. 向下议院呼吁

    An Appeal to the House of Commons

  14. 议院经常绝缘与纸。

    Houses are often insulated with paper.

  15. 上议院执掌司法的官员

    Law Lords

  16. 上议院正在辩论这事。

    The Lords isare debating the issue.

  17. 美国议会的上层议院。

    the upper house of the US Congress.

  18. 两议院制立法机关

    bicameral legislature

  19. 公愤促使上议院进行调查。

    The scandal prompted a senate investigation.

  20. 议院投票通过了该报告。

    The House adopted the report.

  21. 上下两议院的共同决议案

    joint resolution

  22. 他是上议院的成员之一。

    He is a member of the upper house of legislature.

  23. 上议院使用了他们的否决权。

    The Lords exercised their veto.

  24. 州议会中有几个议院?

    How many houses are there in the state legislature?

  25. 议院批准了这项法案了吗?

    Did the bill pass in the House?

  26. 自由党在议院中占多数。

    The Liberal Party has a majority in the House.

  27. 可以传召所有上议院给您。

    Can summon all lords to You.

  28. 参议院是比较高级的议院。

    The Senate is the upper house.

  29. 白金汉议院于1761年建立。

    Buckingham House as it was in 1761.

  30. 美国国会由两个议院组成。

    The United States Congress is a bicameral body.


  1. 问:议院拼音怎么拼?议院的读音是什么?议院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:议院的读音是yìyuàn,议院翻译成英文是 legislative assembly; parliament; congress

  2. 问:议院律师拼音怎么拼?议院律师的读音是什么?议院律师翻译成英文是什么?

    答:议院律师的读音是yì yuàn lǜ shī,议院律师翻译成英文是 parliamentary counsel

  3. 问:议院规程拼音怎么拼?议院规程的读音是什么?议院规程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:议院规程的读音是yì yuàn guī chéng,议院规程翻译成英文是 standing orders

  4. 问:议院警察拼音怎么拼?议院警察的读音是什么?议院警察翻译成英文是什么?

    答:议院警察的读音是yì yuàn jǐng chá,议院警察翻译成英文是 parliamentary police

  5. 问:议院议长拼音怎么拼?议院议长的读音是什么?议院议长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:议院议长的读音是yì yuàn yì zhǎng,议院议长翻译成英文是 leader of the House

  6. 问:议院委员会拼音怎么拼?议院委员会的读音是什么?议院委员会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:议院委员会的读音是yì yuàn wěi yuán huì,议院委员会翻译成英文是 parliamentary committee

  7. 问:议院审判地拼音怎么拼?议院审判地的读音是什么?议院审判地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:议院审判地的读音是yì yuàn shěn pàn dì,议院审判地翻译成英文是 bar of the House

  8. 问:议院自律权拼音怎么拼?议院自律权的读音是什么?议院自律权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:议院自律权的读音是yì yuàn zì lǜ quán,议院自律权翻译成英文是 parliamentary privilege

  9. 问:议院内休息室拼音怎么拼?议院内休息室的读音是什么?议院内休息室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:议院内休息室的读音是,议院内休息室翻译成英文是 cloakroom

  10. 问:议院议事程序拼音怎么拼?议院议事程序的读音是什么?议院议事程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:议院议事程序的读音是yì yuàn yì shì chéng xù,议院议事程序翻译成英文是 procedure of the House

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