




1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……



汉语拼音:yī zhāo










  1. 亦作“ 一着 ”。本谓下棋落一子。亦指行事的一个步骤。

    宋 陈亮 《与吕伯恭正字又书》:“方欲出耕於空旷之野,又恐无退后一着。” 明 杨慎 《大颠书》:“如善奕者常留一著, 欧公 之於 师鲁 留一著也。” 明 何良俊 《世说新语补·栖逸》:“二公平日对奕, 徐 高於 苏 ,是日 养直 拈一子,笑视 师川 曰:‘今日还须让老夫下此一著。’” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·陈侍御奏摺》:“我之见事独迟,每每输人一著。”

  2. 一件事。


  3. 指武术的一个招数。


  4. 比喻一个计策或手段。

    茅盾 《子夜》十一:“我早就料到有这一著,所以我上次劝你耐心笼络 曼丽 。” 张天翼 《清明时节》七:“他急着要决定一个办法,他全家的命运怎样,就全在这一着。”

  5. 亦作“ 一着 ”。一经接触。

    《晋书·贾充传》:“时 西域 有贡奇香,一著人则经月不歇。”

  6. 见“ 一著 ”。



  1. One official said the regulator might consider such a fund as a last resort if the index drops below 2, 000.


  2. He Jin, one of her short black hair, above a pair of pink with other credit card issuers eyes, looks are not exceptional.


  3. I argued that it was not so trivial, that were it not for the precious accident of the train schedule, I would be in prison or dead.


  4. The interview - which has not been confirmed - would be a coup for the Hollywood star's brand of activist journalism.


  5. I made one mistake, and I'm gonna regret it for the rest of my life.


  6. The move consolidates General Moeen's power and, for now, removes the threat of a coup within the army.


  7. This wears me to miss your a person to always serve as next, if need help, you might as well keep informed, either.


  8. It was a diplomatic move to dedicate these sonatas to this relatively inexperienced pupil.


  9. At this moment, the risks of missteps seem higher to many people, with thousands of financiers interviewing for a shrinking number of jobs.


  1. 果断的一着

    determined move.

  2. 这一着厉害。

    That's a shrewd move.

  3. 封棋的一着

    sealed move.

  4. 一着失算,全盘被动。

    A false step and the whole game becomes passive.

  5. 他这一着真是聪明。

    He pulled a cutie.

  6. 一着不慎,全局皆输。

    One careless move loses the whole game.

  7. 这是很妙的一着。

    That's a very nice move.

  8. 他们正在策动这一着。

    They are now engineering something of this kind.

  9. 一着不慎,满盘皆输。

    One false move may lose the game.

  10. 走错一着,全盘皆输。

    A trip in one point would have spoiled all.

  11. 一着不慎,满盘皆输。

    A single careless move and the game is lost.

  12. 她的主意是聪明的一着。

    Her idea was a stroke of genius.

  13. 干草一着,火烧得更旺。

    The fire flared up as the dry straw caught on.

  14. 微软下了一着妙棋。

    A brilliant move by Microsoft.

  15. 期望,过早使用,先人一着

    Life assurance insure anticipate vt.

  16. 炉子一着, 屋子就暖和了。

    The room became warm when the fire got going.

  17. 这是有战略眼光的一着。

    This is a strategic move.

  18. 炉子一着,屋里就暖和了。

    The room became warm when the fire got going.

  19. 巡警很难找到我们只要我们一着陆。

    Patrol have a hard time trying to find us once we land.

  20. 那一着棋使基思占了上风。

    That move have given Keith the advantage.

  21. 我手上的烫伤一着水就疼。

    The burns on my hand hurt when they get wet.

  22. 现在费克斯决定采取最后一着了。

    Fix now decided to make a bold move.

  23. 金融搞好了, 一着棋活, 全盘皆活。

    Handling financial affairs well is the key to success in this sphere.

  24. 莎莉一着不慎使她付出了昂贵的代价。

    The false move that Sally made cost her a lot.

  25. 莎莉一着不慎使她付出了昂贵得代价。

    The false move that Sally made cost her a lot.

  26. 把合同争取到手是巧妙精彩得一着。

    Getting the contract was quite a coup.

  27. 把合同争取到手是巧妙精彩的一着。

    Getting the contract was quite a coup.

  28. 你得让我一着,否则我马上就输了。

    You must bate me an ace,or Ill lose soon.

  29. 吹风笛的人没有料到这背信弃义的一着。

    The piper did not expect this treacherous stroke.

  30. 一着出错全盘皆输。盘根错节的一堆难题

    One false move may lose the whole game. a tangled skein of problems

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