




躺着时垫在头下的东西:~头。落(lào )~。~席。躺着的时候,把头放在枕头上或器物上:~戈待旦。~藉(纵横相枕而卧)。垫着:~木(铁路上承受铁轨的横木)。~腕(写字运笔的一种方法,右手垫在左手上写)。……


1. 南 [nán]2. 南 [nā]南 [nán]方向,早晨面对太阳,右手的一边,与“北”相对:~北。~方。~面。~国(指中国南部)。~陲(南部边疆)。~极。~半球。姓。南 [nā]〔~无(mó)〕佛教用语,意思是合掌稽首,表示对佛尊敬或……





汉语拼音:yī zhěn nán kē







  1. 他枕在一堆书上。

    He pillowed his head on a pile of books.

  2. 每次醒来想扭动脖子时,唯恐咔嚓一声落了枕。

    Every time up and turned my neck, I was worried about stiffness.

  3. 灶台下得那一只, 油灯下得那一只, 我枕旁得那一只。

    A that below hearth a that below oil lamp, a that by my pillow.

  4. 几个颜色鲜艳的抱枕,像一朵朵鲜花,点缀一室。

    A few color hold pillow in the arms colorfully , resemble a flower, adorn one room.

  5. 我们在古玩店看见了一只明代的雕花木枕。

    We saw a Ming dynasty carved wooden pillow in the store.

  6. 我们在古玩店看见了一只明代得雕花木枕。

    We saw a Ming dynasty carved wooden pillow in the store.

  7. 我们在古玩店看见了一只明代的雕花木枕。

    We saw a Ming dynasty carved wooden pillow in the store.

  8. 隆凸,圆枕一块脓包或圆形的突起或肿胀

    A bulging or rounded projection or swelling.

  9. 床头上有一个长枕垫。

    There is a bolster across the head of the bed.

  10. 他枕着一块砖头睡着了。

    He went to sleep with his head resting on a brick.

  11. 她枕着一块砖头睡着了。

    She went to sleep with her head resting on a brick.

  12. 这样,他在南柯一留就是20年。

    So he stayed in Southern Branch for20 years.

  13. 一种靠枕梁支撑的圆拱。

    a round arch resting on corbels.

  14. 或是一个同床共枕的男人。

    Or the man on the other side of the bed.

  15. 或是一个同床共枕的男人。

    Or the man on the other side of the bed.

  16. 她的枕叶皮层有一个小肿瘤

    A little tumor in the occipital cortex.

  17. 一颗螺钉的尖端刺入环枕关节。

    The tip of one screw penetrated into the occipitoatlantal joint.

  18. 灶台下的那一只,油灯下的那一只,我枕旁的那一只。

    A that below hearth a that below oil lamp, a that by my pillow.

  19. 利乐枕纯牛奶整箱买一箱赠4袋。

    Tetra Pak Pillow Full of pure milk to buy a box of4 bags of gifts.

  20. 梦醒得枕畔才感到一个人得孤独!

    Feeling lonely when I wake up with a awaken at late night.

  21. 梦醒的枕畔才感到一个人的孤独!

    Feeling lonely when I wake up with a awaken at late night.

  22. 孩子早已把头枕在一块石头上睡着了。

    The child had laid her head on a stone and fallen asleep.

  23. 他躺在地板上,头下枕着一个垫子。

    He lay on the floor with a cushion under his head.

  24. 枕叶梗死是值得重视的另一个原因。

    Occipital lobe infarction is another important cause.

  25. 枕叶梗死是值得重视得另一个原因。

    Occipital lobe infarction is another important cause.

  26. 他躺在沙发上,头底下枕了一个靠垫。

    He lay on the sofa with a cushion under his head.

  27. 形似古代一种灯的圆锥形灯座的枕梁。

    a corbel resembling the conical bottom of ancient lamps.

  28. 伯莎坐卧在床, 靠在一大堆枕垫上。

    Bertha was sitting up in bed, with a mass of cushions and pillows behind her.

  29. 一双玉臂千人枕,半点朱唇万人尝。

    All sleep her charming arms and taste her lips of wine.

  30. 一个用松树枝做成的枕头,枕着你的脑袋

    A pillow of piny boughs to rest your head


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