







汉语拼音:yī zhái







  1. 谓安心于至一之道。

    《庄子·人间世》:“无门无毒,一宅而寓于不得已则几矣。” 成玄英 疏:“宅,居处也。处心至一之道,不得已而应之,机感冥会,非预谋也。” 德清 注:“一宅者,谓安心於一,了无二念。”

  2. 一处住所。

    汉 王充 《论衡·辩祟》:“使食口十人居一宅之中,不动钁锤,不更居处。” 晋 陶潜 《戊申岁六月中遇火》诗:“一宅无遗宇,舫舟荫门前。”《新唐书·辛替否传》:“今弃一宅,造一宅,忘前悔,忽后祸。臣窃谓陛下乃憎之,非爱之也。”



  1. The Acquisition of Rural Housing Land Use Right, from the "One Household, One Housing" Perspective


  1. 一整个宅!在原著漫画里, 他身材还走样到有了啤酒肚

    In the book, hes also completely out of shape with a beer gut.

  2. 和一堆技术宅。

    And tech stiffs.

  3. 一个程序猿每天的每一刻都宅在家里。

    A computer programmer spends all day, every day, alone in his tiny apartment.

  4. 那儿是一所庄园大宅第。

    There is a large country house surrounded by a manor.

  5. 她家在一个大农场上有一所壮观的宅第。

    Her family owned a grand house on a giant ranch.

  6. 这一年几乎都是宅男生活。

    It is this year almost curtilage the schoolboy is vivid.

  7. 这是我家住宅的照片, 宅前是一株大树。

    This is a photograph of our house, with a big tree in the foreground.

  8. 这是我家住宅得照片, 宅前是一株大树。

    This is a photograph of our house, with a big tree in the foreground.

  9. 画中的场景是一个私人宅

    The setting is a private mansion.

  10. 这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。

    The old farm has been split up into house lots.

  11. 这古老得农场已被划分为一块块得宅地。

    The old farm has been split up into house lots.

  12. 这古老的农场已被划分成为一块块的宅地。

    The old farm has been split up into house lots.

  13. 华宅一个像或类似坚固堡垒的装饰华丽的大建筑物

    A large, ornate building similar to or resembling a fortified stronghold.

  14. 这里有一个喜欢辣酱宅男,但是没有喜欢芥末的宅男。

    There's a hot sauce otaku, but there's no mustard otaku.

  15. 用灌木丛和篱笆隔开的一座幽独的大宅。

    A secluded mansion, islanded By shrubbery and fences.

  16. 传说,这座宅院里曾将住过一位福晋。

    According to the tales, a wife of a Manchu prince once lived in this house.

  17. 传说,这座宅院里曾将住过一位福晋。

    According to the tales, a wife of a Manchu prince once lived in this house.

  18. 一个小女孩光脚奔向一座红门的大宅。

    A little girl ran barefoot toward a big house with a red door.

  19. 我要一所有大花园小房子, 我不要大宅和劳斯莱斯。

    Give me a quiet little country house with a big garden, not a mansion and a Rolls Royce.

  20. 玫红园不只是一间普通的大宅,而是一间死亡大宅。

    Because Rose Red isnt just a place. Its a living place of doom.

  21. 在阳光最充足的地方矗立着一栋老旧的大宅

    In the sunniest spot stood an old mansion surrounded by a deep moat.

  22. 我们将在这块宅地上建造一个新的住宅小区。

    We will build a new housing estate on this piece of land designated for building houses.

  23. 还在幼年时, 他得家庭就居住在一片广大得宅第之中。

    When he was a child, his family lived in a sprawling mansion.

  24. 他们计划使其成为含豪宅的一栋20层大厦的地基。

    They mark what were to have been the foundations for a pair of 20floor towers containing luxury flats.

  25. 为了追求快乐,我牺牲金钱去买一套令人艳羡的大宅。

    In hunting for happiness, I sacrifice money to buy a big house to be admired.

  26. 朋友置豪宅,父母只提一个同住的条件保留床铺。

    The friend sets at the mansion, the parents only puts forward the condition which lives together Retains the bunk.

  27. 潘姨是大宅得老管家,大小姐雪儿于一年前失踪。

    Aunt Poon is a housekeeper in a rich family. The daughter of the family, Suet Yee, disappeared one year ago.

  28. 潘姨是大宅的老管家,大小姐雪儿于一年前失踪。

    Aunt Poon is a housekeeper in a rich family. The daughter of the family, Suet Yee, disappeared one year ago.

  29. 一个礼拜之前, 泰勒在纸街大宅的地下室里来回踱步。

    A week ago, Tyler was pacing out the dimensions of the basement of the rented house on Paper Street.

  30. 不出三天, 宅在宿舍的这个女人便找到了一个心仪的对象。

    Less than three days residence in the quarters, this woman will find a favorite object.

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