




1. 雨 [yǔ]2. 雨 [yù]雨 [yǔ]从云层中降落的水滴:~水。~季。雨 [yù]下雨,落下:~雪。……



汉语拼音:yī yǔ







  1. Temperatures were in the year 21 to 32 degrees Celsius, with the four seasons are summer and a fall of rain into the world.


  2. When it rains it pours and opens doors


  3. for example, It never rains but it pours


  1. 雨一连下了三天。

    It has been rained for three consecutive days.

  2. 雨一连下了很多天。

    It rained for many a day.

  3. 雨一连下了好几天。

    The rain lasted quite a few days.

  4. 雨一停太阳就出来了。

    No sooner had it quit raining than the sun came out.

  5. 雨一停我们就可以动身。

    We can leave just as soon as it quits raining.

  6. 雨一停,我们马上就出发。

    Immediately the rain stops we'll set out.

  7. 雨一停,他们又开始工作。

    As soon as it stopped raining, they began working again.

  8. 雨一停,我们就去放风筝。

    Go, We will go and fly kites as soon as the rain stops.

  9. 雨一停,我就出去看蚂蚁。

    As soon as the rain stopped, I went out to see the ants.

  10. 雨一停我就去找你的狗。

    I'm gonna get your dog back as soon as it stops raining.

  11. 雨一停, 我们又划着船走了。

    We pulled away again the moment the rain stopped.

  12. 雨一停,小鸟又开始吱吱地叫了。

    As soon as it stopped raining, the birds began cheeping again.

  13. 雨一停,我们便乘独木舟游遍全岛。

    As soon as it stopped raining, we went all over the island.

  14. 雨一开始下,人群就蜂拥回了旅社。

    When the rain started the crowd swarmed back into the hotel.

  15. 雨一停,他们就到田里去干活了。

    Hardly had it stopped raining when they went to work in the fields.

  16. 雨一连下了两星期, 我们得假期这下彻底泡汤了。

    It rained for two weeks, completely ruining our holidays.

  17. 雨一连下了两星期,我们的假期这下彻底泡汤了。

    It rained for two weeks, completely ruining our holidays.

  18. 他总是带着一把雨

    He always carried an umbrella.

  19. 不雨则已, 一雨倾盆

    It never rains but it pours

  20. 谚语说, 不雨则已, 一雨倾盆。

    It never rains but it pours, as the saying goes.

  21. 我一回家雨就倾盆而下了。

    No sooner had I reached home than it poured down.

  22. 你说这经久耐用吗?不会一淋雨就坏吗?

    Will it wear, you think, and won't the rain injure it?

  23. 大雨中人们不得不在离自己最近的商店里避一避雨。

    In the heavy rain, people were made to take shelter in the nearest possible shops.

  24. 接连下了一星期的雨。

    It kept raining for a week.

  25. 一股风把雨吹过来打在窗上。

    A gust of wind dashed rain against the window.

  26. 我们最好在树篱下躲一躲等雨停。

    We had better get under the lee of the hedge until the rain stops.

  27. 比利时到现在已经下了一周的雨了。

    Its been raining in Belgium for a week now.

  28. 整整下了一周的雨,太阳镜真的成了滞销品。

    It's been raining all week and sunglasses are a real drug on the market.

  29. 整整下了一周的雨,太阳镜真的成了滞销商品。

    It's been raining all week and sunglasses are a real drug on the market.

  30. 要是下一周的雨,难道我就在这儿住一周不成?

    If next week's rain, how could I live here a week on it?

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