




1. 饮 [yǐn]饮 [yǐn]喝,又特指喝酒:~水思源。~酒。~泣(泪流满面,流到口里,形容悲哀到了极点)。~鸩止渴。指可喝的东西:冷~。~料。~食。中医汤剂的一种类型:香苏~。~子(不规定时间服用的汤剂)。中医学指体内水液传输不利停于……




数名,十个十(在钞票和单据上常用大写“佰”代):~步穿杨。~儿八十。~分比。喻很多:~草。~货。~姓(人民)。~般。~炼成钢。~无聊赖。~废俱兴(xīng )。……





汉语拼音:yī yǐn sān bǎi bēi






  1. 《世说新语·文学》“ 郑玄 在 马融 门下” 刘孝标 注引《郑玄别传》:“ 袁绍 辟 玄 ,及去,饯之城东。欲 玄 必醉,会者三百餘人,皆离席奉觴,自旦及莫,度 玄 饮三百餘桮,而温克之容,终日无怠。”后谓痛饮为一饮三百杯。

    南朝 陈 陈暄 《与兄子秀书》:“昔 周伯仁 度 江 唯三日醒,吾不以为少; 郑康成 一饮三百盃,吾不以为多。” 唐 李白 《将进酒》诗:“烹羊宰牛且为乐,会须一饮三百杯。”



  1. Mutton and beef are well prepared, Shall we have three hundred cupfuls to get relaxed?


  1. 烹羊宰牛且为乐会须一饮三百杯?

    Mutton and beef are well prepared, Shall we have three hundred cupfuls to get relaxed?

  2. 他一饮而尽。

    He drank the draught down.

  3. 把酒一饮而尽

    Dash off a drink

  4. 公爵把酒一饮而

    The Duke downed his drink.

  5. 他将杯中物一饮而

    He emptied the cup at a draught.

  6. 两人碰杯,一饮而。

    They clinked glasses and drank the toast.

  7. 把一杯茶一饮而尽

    Gulp down a cup of tea

  8. 把一杯酒一饮而尽

    Drink up a glass of wine

  9. 她将茶一饮而尽。

    She quickly gulped her tea.

  10. 你会一饮而尽的。

    You'll drink that whole glass.

  11. 将一杯啤酒一饮而尽

    to quaff a glass of beer

  12. 他把啤酒一饮而尽。

    He drankthe beer offat a draught.

  13. 我把饮料一饮而尽。

    I drank the staff off in one gulp.

  14. 他拿起酒杯一饮而

    He picked up his glass and drained it at a gulp.

  15. 两人碰杯,一饮而尽。

    They clinked glasses and drank the toast.

  16. 他把一杯威士忌一饮而

    He gulped the whisky in a swallow.

  17. 她除去瓶盖, 一饮而尽。

    She capped the bottle and drank it down with one gulp.

  18. 把一杯朗姆酒一饮而尽。

    swig down a glass of rum

  19. 他将一杯茶一饮而尽。

    He gulped down a cup of tea.

  20. 一饮而尽站在通风处

    Drink off at a draft

  21. 那人将酒一饮而尽。

    The man emptied the glass at one gulp.

  22. 他举起啤酒,一饮而尽。

    He upended the beer, and swallowed.

  23. 这些人把啤酒一饮而尽。

    The men gulped down their beers.

  24. 满满一杯酒, 他一饮而尽。

    The glass was full to overflowing, but he drank it down in one gulp.

  25. 满满一杯酒,他一饮而尽。

    The glass was full to overflowing, but he drank it down in one gulp.

  26. 她把一杯葡萄酒一饮而尽。

    She powdered up a glass of grape wine at one gulp.

  27. 我把这杯茶一饮而尽。

    I fetch the cup of tea off.

  28. 他将伏特加酒一饮而尽。

    He downed the vodka in one gulp.

  29. 喝一杯果汁,一饮下午的疲惫。

    Drinks cup of fruit juice as soon as drinks the afternoon exhausted.

  30. 他将整杯威士忌一饮而尽。

    He drank the glass of whisky in one gulp.

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