







汉语拼音:xīn xià







  1. 心里,心中。

    宋 黄庭坚 《品令·茶词》:“口不能言,心下快活自省。”《醒世恒言·独孤生归途闹梦》:“那 白氏 本是强逼来的,心下十分恨他。”《红楼梦》第四九回:“ 香菱 听了,心下不信。” 茅盾 《创造》三:“她看见房里只有 君实 不衫不履呆呆地坐着,心下明白现在还不是她进来的时候。”

  2. 中医学指膈下胃脘的部位。




  1. A Quatrain(Wang Fanzi) Others ride tall horse, Alone I on a donkey sit. Looking back at a woodcutter, On foot, I feel happier a bit.


  2. Cloud inside fog been oral by her inside, four noted mountain the thief look me, I penetrate you, heart descend all a bit startled.


  3. It seems as though an unfortunate woman were utterly bare beneath the sarcasm and the curiosity of all in small towns.


  4. Mr. Budd wondered whether many men who had a damaged left thumb also had an upper tooth filled with gold.


  5. ZHANG Zhong-jing likes to treat heartache and palpitation with cassia twig, use it in the clinical treatment of cardiovascular disease.


  6. I fretted and took to arguing with myself whether or not I would talk openly with Kurtz .


  7. So on calculating, the heart descended to lead so many many.


  8. Taking the message to heart, Agricultural Bank of China has come up with a clever approach.


  9. But, seeing it jumping like lighting, the master was also feared, so barked a succession of commands.


  1. 心下有水气

    pathogenic water stagnating in the epigastrium.

  2. 积气在心下支嗔

    stagnant QI staying in epigastrium leading to distention of the lateral chest wall

  3. 痞在心下,其病无形。

    Ruffian falls in the heart, its disease is aeriform.

  4. 心下交感神经电活动

    Postganglionic Inferior Cardiac Sympathetic Nerve Activity

  5. 颈下心神经

    inferior cecvical cardiac nerve

  6. 心内膜下心肌梗死

    subendocardial myocardial infarction

  7. 心内膜下出血性坏死

    hemorrhagic subendocardial necrosis

  8. 让我的心往下一沉, 冰融化。

    Let my heart sinking, Ice melt. Let me cry, and laugh.

  9. 原发性心内膜下纤维弹性组织增生

    primary endocardial fibroelastosis

  10. 我的心在下着雨, 那雨滴全是红色的。

    My heart is raining, the raindrops are all red.

  11. 从你在我心上刻下烙印的那个月夜开始

    When you left your traces on that moonlit night

  12. 糖尿病患者心内膜下心肌的超微结构改变

    Ultrastructural Changes of Subendocardial in Diabetic Patients

  13. 成人经胸植入心外膜下心肌永久起搏器二例

    Transthoracic pacemaker implantation in epicardium for two adults

  14. 犬右心室心外膜下细胞瞬间外向钾电流特性的研究。

    Study on the transient outward potassium current of the canine right ventricular epicardial cells.

  15. 我用我的心写下我的歌,在这片紫色天空里与大家分享!

    I write my song with my whole heart, share with you all in this purple sky!

  16. 我的心是石层下的岩浆

    My heart is lava under stone.

  17. 我的心如同石层下的岩浆

    My heart is lava under stone.

  18. 粗实心弯曲向下和向右箭头

    Heavy Black Curved Downwards And Rightwards Arrow

  19. 听说她脱险了,我们的心才放下来。

    We were relieved to hear that she was out of danger.

  20. 在第13个洞时,我搞砸了,心说这下没戏了。

    I mucked up at the 13th hole and told myself that this was getting stupid.

  21. 心在阳光下千疮万孔, 鬼魅般的爱上了黑暗。

    Heart in the sun a thousand wounds million hole, ghostly love the darkness.

  22. 反复心内膜下心肌梗塞的临床和病理特点

    Clinical and pathological features of patients with repeated attacks of subendocardial myocardial infarction

  23. 心下痛, 心口痛

    epigastric pain

  24. 按之心下濡

    feeling softness on the epigastrium while pressing.

  25. 按之心下坚

    feeling hardness on the epigastrium while pressing.

  26. 我的心现在七上八下的。

    My heart now seven up eight down.

  27. 过不久,我心又在重负下

    But soon my heart upspake from neath our burden

  28. 心上型27例,心内型10例,心下型3例,混合型2例。

    There were27 supracardiac,10 cardiac,3 infracardiac, and2 mixed types.

  29. 它也许会在你的心和灵魂里刻下伤疤

    It may scar your heart and soul.

  30. 多年来, 这颗心让树叶自己落下。

    The mind has shed leaves alone for years.


  1. 问:心下囊拼音怎么拼?心下囊的读音是什么?心下囊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心下囊的读音是xīn xià náng,心下囊翻译成英文是 infracardiac bursa

  2. 问:心下垂拼音怎么拼?心下垂的读音是什么?心下垂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心下垂的读音是,心下垂翻译成英文是 cardioptosia

  3. 问:心下的拼音怎么拼?心下的的读音是什么?心下的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心下的的读音是xīn xià de,心下的翻译成英文是 infracardiac

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