


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……





汉语拼音:zǐ hán






子韩 [zǐ hán]
  1. 复姓。春秋时齐国有子韩晳。




  1. 网络
  2. rechem

  1. 谢洪明,韩子天。组织学习与绩效的关系创新是中介变量吗

    Liebeskind J P, Oliver A L, Zucker L, et al.

  2. 韩非子介词研究

    Study on Preposition in the Han Fei Zi

  3. 韩非子的权力制约思想

    The Power Restrain Thought of HAN Fei

  4. 韩非子是一部法家名著。

    Hanfeizi is a great work of the Legalist school.

  5. 《韩非子》是一部法家名著。

    Hanfeizi is a great work of the Legalist school.

  6. 其次需要了解韩非子的权力概念。

    Second, we should comprehend authority conception.

  7. 韩非子集法家思想之大成。

    In Han Fei Zi all previous teachings of the legalist thinkers were synthesized and brought to their highest development.

  8. 韩非子反义形容词对应关系研究

    Study on Corresponding Relationship Between Adjective Antonyms in Han Fei Zi

  9. 韩非子的治吏思想及其现代意义

    Han fei's idea on governing officials and Its Modern Significance.

  10. 众所周知,韩非子是法家最具代表性人物。

    As we know, Hanfeizi is the most representative figure school.

  11. 韩非子与西塞罗法治思想比较研究

    Research into comparison of legal thoughts between Hanfeizi and Cicero

  12. 韩非子的编集是一个较长的过程。

    The compilation of Hanfeizi is a relatively long process.

  13. 荀子哲学的立场倾向与韩非子哲学间的关系探讨

    A Discussion of the Relationship between Xun Zi's Philosophy and Han Feizi's

  14. 韩非子难以控制的给了她最错误的答案。

    Rebelliously, Han Feitzu gave her the most false answer to her question.

  15. 韩非子难以控制得给了她最错误得答案。

    Rebelliously, Han Feitzu gave her the most false answer to her question.

  16. 先是他的女主人韩清照,然后是他的主人韩非子。

    From both she had acquired some bits of education, in a haphazard way.

  17. 韩非子中提出画犬马难,画鬼魅易的观点,

    For example, the philosopher Han Feizi commented that it is difficult to draw dogs and horses, but easy to depict ghosts.

  18. 林纬毅。韩非子法儒兼容思想的历史考察。

    The legalistconfucian legacy of Han Fei Zi a history perspective.

  19. 这也是本文探讨韩非子政治思想合理性的原因。

    It is also the reason that this paper discusses the rationality of the political thought of Han fei zi.

  20. 从韩非子看道法合流及其对传统政治文化的影响

    The Confluence of Taoism and Legalism and Its Influence on China Traditional Political Culture From Hanfeizi.

  21. 《韩非子·五蠹》:“长袖善舞,多钱善贾。”他在公司也是出了名的长袖善舞。

    In Han Feizi, Wu Du,"Long sleeves help one to dance skifully, and much money helps one to achieve success in business." He is well known in his company for using tricks to serve himself.

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