




支着,支持:~竿跳。支~。~持(勉强支持)。~腰(喻给予有力支持)。~拒。~门面。用篙使船前进:~船。使张开:~伞。~口袋。使保持张开状态的器物:~子。~圈(quān )。饱胀到容不下的程度:吃~着了。口袋~破了。……





汉语拼音:zhī chēng diǎn








  1. 军事上指对巩固防御阵地起支撑作用的扼守要点。

    张震 《蜡烛形防御战》:“支撑点盖得很厚,有泥土、木头、柴束、石头,堆得像小土山一样。”

  2. 引申指事物的关键所在。

    《人民日报》1981.2.4:“﹝《天云山传奇》﹞在从小说改编为电影时,突出了对三个女性的刻画,而把支撑点放在 宋薇 的往事回忆,也就是自我谴责上,从而讴歌 冯晴岚 ,烘托 周瑜贞 。”



  1. "It's as if there will be another American economy anchored off San Francisco and growing all the while. "

  2. They provide security when the things we depend upon seem to be slipping out from under us.

  3. Because it has no existence for starting-point and point d'appui, the Idea is frequently treated as a mere logical form.

  4. c. Wooden planks must be firmly fixed with the support. The distance between the supports should not be over 8'.

  5. Prof Mackay uses keyhole surgery to insert a tiny piece of tape which acts as a brace over injured ligaments.

  6. My guess would be that it's actually being held up by a hidden support in the cord, but for all I know it's black magic.

  7. When an earthquake strikes, most people cower in doorways, or other strong points in their homes.

  8. fundamental concept of thinking is the thinking category , which is the supporter of thinking.

  9. The real value of philosophy lies in providing a base and a support for the human's existence and development.


  1. 坚固支撑点

    strong point.

  2. 支撑点距离

    supporting distance.

  3. 孤立支撑点

    island of resistance.

  4. 独立支撑点

    island of resistance.

  5. 支撑点, 系缚物

    A rigid point of support, as for securing a rope.

  6. 支撑点,系缚物。

    A rigid point of support,as for securing a rope.

  7. 它只有两个支撑点。

    which is only supported in two places.

  8. 英国失去了国际支撑点。

    Britain has lost its international moorings.

  9. 我必须找一个支撑点。

    I have to find a foothold.

  10. 什么是我的职业支撑点?

    What can support I?

  11. 论西部经济增长的支撑点

    Study on the Supporting Force of the Economic Growth in the West of China

  12. 新时期校园文化建设的支撑点

    The Support Point to the Construction of Campus Culture in the New Era

  13. 因此词汇教学是英语教学的支撑点。

    So vocabulary teaching is the supporting point in English teaching.

  14. 极值点和支撑点理论的一些结果

    Some Results in the Theory of Extreme Points and Support Points

  15. 我国经济增长支撑点的统计研究

    The Statistical Research on the Supporting Point of Economic Growth of China

  16. 理性寻找安防会展业的支撑点

    The reasonableness looks for the strong point for security exhibition

  17. 人力资本是知识经济最重要的支撑点。

    Human capital is an important pivot point of knowledge economy.

  18. 体育运动发展的大众文化支撑点探析

    The Supporting Point of Popular Culture for Sports Development

  19. 在日常生活中, 支撑点也是非常重要的。

    Handholds are needed also during the course of everyday life.

  20. 一类解析函数族的极值点与支撑点

    Extreme Points and Support Points of a Family of Analytic Functions

  21. 使得与问题相关的各个支撑点保持一致。

    Identity the stake holders that are relevant to this problem.

  22. 我国西部经济增长支撑点的实证分析

    An empirical analysis on the supporting factors about the economic growth in Chinese western area

  23. 登山者找不到继续向上攀登的支撑点。

    The climber couldn't find a hold to climb any higher.

  24. 在磨制过程中,有55个分离支撑点支撑在镜子背面。

    During the processing, the mirror was supported by55 supporting points in its back surface.

  25. 星形函数族的一个子族的极值点与支撑点

    The Extreme Points and Support Points of a Subclass of Starlike Functions

  26. 对精神性的追求是艺术发展的原动力和支撑点。

    Seeking after spirit is the impulsion of development of art.

  27. 在攀登或站立时为脚提供可支撑点的地方

    a place providing support for the foot in climbing or standing

  28. 作为网络世界支撑点的网站,更是人们关注的焦点。

    By way of website of network support, is focus of the people attention.

  29. 一类复系数解析函数族的极值点与支撑点

    Extreme points and support points of a family of analytic functions with complex coefficients

  30. 由于扩张器没有了可行的支撑点, 救援陷入僵局。

    Because the spreader did not have the feasible center of resistance, rescues reaches the impasse.


  1. 问:支撑点式防御拼音怎么拼?支撑点式防御的读音是什么?支撑点式防御翻译成英文是什么?

    答:支撑点式防御的读音是zhī chēng diǎn shì fáng yù,支撑点式防御翻译成英文是 Defense by Strongpoint

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