




用来记录语言的符号:文~。汉~。~符。~母。~典。~句。~里行(háng )间。~斟句酌。文字的不同形式,书法的派别:草~。篆~。颜~。柳~。欧~。赵~。书法的作品:~画。~幅。字的音:~正腔圆。人的别名,亦称“表~”,现多称“号”;商店的……



汉语拼音:zhī zì






  1. 即之字路。

    唐 刘昭禹 《送人游九疑》逸句:“漆灯寻黑洞,之字上危峯。”



  1. He was zigzagging a bit on the straight but I was clearly inside him when we got to the braking area for Turn 6.


  2. Look out for pedestrians crossing the road across the zigzag lines.


  3. The boat zigzagged across the river.


  4. Replaces the format items in a specified string with the string representation of two specified objects.


  5. Regular Expression objects store patterns used to search strings for character combinations.


  6. Three-phase winding, zigzag connection. Ungrounded or grounded can be specified. . .


  7. Women on roller skates zigzagged through the crowds, apparently to promote Drew Barrymore's roller-derby movie, "Whip It. "


  8. You must not cross the road within the area marked by zigzag lines. Use the Zebra crossing .


  9. The scheme relies on a torpedo-shaped glider that zig- zags through the ocean.


  1. 本形本义之字

    words of the original form in its literal meaning.

  2. 电闪是一个之字形。

    The lightning bolt is a zigzag.

  3. 扇形摺亦称风琴摺,之字摺。

    Fanfold Also called. cordion fold, Concertina fold, Over and back fold, Zigzag fold.

  4. 之字有出生、生生不息之意也有到达之意。

    Birth, meaning there are endless arrival of Italian.

  5. 闪电呈之字形划过教堂得院子。

    The lightning zigzagged through the church yard.

  6. 闪电呈之字形划过教堂的院子。

    The lightning zigzagged through the church yard.

  7. 闪电呈现之字形划过教堂的基地。

    The lightning zigzagged through the churchyard.

  8. 检修门沿具有腰形槽的一对边上呈之字形。

    the access door along the pair of sides provided with the kidney slots takes the shape of a Z.

  9. 检查中药名, 用繁体字, 用药名之第一字, 以笔划为序。

    Select the amount of strokes of the first traditional Chinese character of herbs.

  10. 字从之, 号精夫, 滹南遗老。

    From the word, Cardiff, refined, South Yilao Niigata.

  11. 唱片标题字段次之。购买日期字段的重要性最小。

    The album title is less and the date purchased is of least importance.

  12. 条目之误主要是窜字、脱字、衍字和倒字。

    The wrong entries mainly include cases of missing words, redundant words, changed words and inverted words.

  13. 假若她落入盗贼之手, 那红字也会保她平安无事。

    Had she fallen among thieves, it would have kept her safe.

  14. 异行字的或与之相关的。

    of or relating to an allograph.

  15. 此字通常含有垂头之意。

    It usually suggests that the head is low.

  16. 一见这幅门联,就知道其字出自书法名家之手。

    The moment you look at the couplets, you know that they must have been written by a famous calligrapher.

  17. 金陵十二钗之十一, 字宫裁, 贾珠之妻, 生有儿子贾兰。

    The eleven, twelve jinling Chai palace, the word, had GuZhu GuLan son.

  18. 请检查姓名栏以及红色字得描述, 使之正确填写。

    Please review the Field Names and Error Descriptions marked in red below to fix the errors.

  19. 请检查姓名栏以及红色字的描述,使之正确填写。

    Please review the Field Names and Error Descriptions marked in red below to fix the errors.

  20. 这些是之字型线。

    These are zigzag lines.

  21. 之字型直插式封装

    Ceramic Pin Grid Array ZigZag Inline Package

  22. 之字折亦称风琴折, 扇形折。

    Over and back fold Also called Accordion fold, Zigzag fold.

  23. 左侧深棕色垂直的之字状曲线图案部分地成为鸟的边框。

    A vertical zigzag pattern on the left and a dark brown band partly frame the bird.

  24. 我们找到梯级通往谷底, 我们决定不往下走那365级的之字型梯。

    We found the stairway that leads to the bottom of the gorge.

  25. 北极燕鸥在春季回到格陵兰的时候也以之字型方式飞行。

    Arctic terns also follow a zigzagging route on their spring trips back to Greenland.

  26. 生气与危险只是一字之差。

    Anger is only one letter short of danger.

  27. 无字之书预示了未来,映射了过去。

    Unwritten books predicted the future, projected the past.

  28. 战国形声字之异体与战国古音研究

    The Variant of the Phonogram in the Zhan Guo Dynasty and the Ancient Sound Studying

  29. 吾不知其名, 强字之曰道, 强为之名曰大。

    I dont know its name, and tried to name it as Tao and entitle it as grandness.

  30. 牛丛, 字表龄, 僧孺之子。

    Bovine plexus, the word table age, Sengru son.


  1. 问:之字形拼音怎么拼?之字形的读音是什么?之字形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:之字形的读音是zhīzìxíng,之字形翻译成英文是 zigzag

  2. 问:之字形线拼音怎么拼?之字形线的读音是什么?之字形线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:之字形线的读音是zhī zì xíng xiàn,之字形线翻译成英文是 zigzag line

  3. 问:之字形路线拼音怎么拼?之字形路线的读音是什么?之字形路线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:之字形路线的读音是zhī zì xíng lù xiàn,之字形路线翻译成英文是 zigzag operation route

  4. 问:之字形运球拼音怎么拼?之字形运球的读音是什么?之字形运球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:之字形运球的读音是zhī zì xíng yùn qiú,之字形运球翻译成英文是 zigzag dribble

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