


1. 政 [zhèng]政 [zhèng]治理国家事务:~治。~府。~党。~权。~纲。~策。~令。~绩。~见。~客(为个人或某一集团利益从事政治活动的人)。~局。~变。参~。议~。国家某一部门主管的业务:财~。邮~。民~。家庭或集体生活中的……









汉语拼音:zhèng zhì bì hù






  1. 见“ 政治避难 ”。



  1. If you get out of favor or lose your political patronage, you have to leave quickly and could lose your business.


  2. After two years in a refugee camp in Saudi Arabia, he was given asylum by the U. S.


  3. Too many Mexicans, the Canadian government complained, are fraudulently claiming political asylum in Canada, overwhelming the system.


  4. Rosales's lawyer has said his government has two months to decide whether or not to grant asylum.


  5. Over the past decade, many prominent Uighurs have been imprisoned or have sought asylum abroad after being accused of terrorism.


  6. Human Rights Watch reported that Le Tri Tue of the IWU disappeared in May after applying for political asylum with UNHCR in Cambodia.


  7. If asked, they could get asylum for Stalin, he said.


  8. Journalists and human-rights activists protested. Bernard Kouchner, the French foreign minister, offered protection for MrPodrabinek.


  9. The most famous dissident in that Central American country has fled and is seeking political asylum.


  1. 政治庇护委员会

    Political Asylum Committee

  2. 政治避难政治庇护

    Political refugees and political asylum holders

  3. 领土庇护和政治庇护

    Territorial asylum and political refuge

  4. 作为难民寻求政治庇护

    as a refugee seeking political asylum.

  5. 关于政治庇护与避难的条约

    Treaty on Political Asylum and Refuge

  6. 冈比亚给予了她政治庇护。

    The Gambia had granted her political asylum.

  7. 申请政治庇护的结果将会怎样?

    What will be the outcome of claiming asylum?

  8. 寻求政治庇护的人不被视为移民。

    Persons seeking political asylum are not regarded as immigrants.

  9. 过去15年中共对102人给予了政治庇护。

    Over the past15 years,102 individuals have been granted political asylum.

  10. 一名苏联科学家向西方寻求政治庇护。

    A certain Soviet scientist requested asylum in the West.

  11. 他逃往德国,在那里获得政治庇护。

    He fled to Germany and was granted political asylum there.

  12. 法国已经同意了他寻求政治庇护的请求。

    France had agreed to his request for political asylum.

  13. 他在香港寻求政治庇护的请求未获同意。

    His request for political asylum in Hong Kong was not granted.

  14. 他在香港寻求政治庇护的请求未获同意。

    His request for political asylum in Hong Kong was not granted.

  15. 门多萨在要求获得政治庇护之前一直呆在这里。

    Mendoza is here pending his request for political asylum.

  16. 非洲人没有政治庇护的问题卡扎菲谈到。

    The Africans do not have problems of political asylum, Qaddafi.

  17. 禁止引渡政治难民,法律规定给予政治庇护的条件。

    The extradition of political refugees is prohibited, and the law stipulates the conditions governing the granting of political asylum.

  18. 给予该恐怖分子政治庇护,为国际法所不允许。

    Providing political asylum to that terrorist is not permissible under international law.

  19. 寻求政治庇护的人得不断地应付官僚主义的层层阻挠。

    The asylum seekers had to contend with continued bureaucratic obstruction.

  20. 以回国会被处死为由在加拿大寻求政治庇护

    Are seeking political asylum in Canada on the grounds that they would be executed if sent back

  21. 政府给予那些越过国境来的极端主义者以政治庇护。

    The government gave asylum to some extremists from across the border.

  22. 被要求引渡的人已获土库曼斯坦给予政治庇护。

    The person requested has been granted political asylum by Turkmenistan.

  23. 我是办政治庇护拿到的绿卡,请问现在可以回国吗?

    I do get a green card for political asylum, and now I ask you to return?

  24. 德国内有一个关于 给爱德华?斯诺登提供政治庇护的争论

    There has been a debate in Germany about granting asylum to Edward Snowden.

  25. 对外国政治避难者的外交庇护

    diplomatic asylum to a foreign political refugee

  26. 难民和寻求政治庇护者组织法

    Organic Law on Refugees and Asylum Seekers

  27. 庇护一国政府对他国政治难民提供的保护和豁免

    Protection and immunity from extradition granted by a government to a political refugee from another country.

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