


1. 只 [zhī]2. 只 [zhǐ]只 [zhī]量词:一~鸡。单独的,极少的:~身。片纸~字。只 [zhǐ]仅仅,惟一:~是(a.仅仅是;b.表示强调限于某个情况或范围;c.但是)。表示限于某个范围:~顾。~管。~见树木,不见森林。……





汉语拼音:zhī yǎn







  1. 比喻独特的见解。

    宋 陆游 《书志》诗:“读书虽復具隻眼,贮酒其如无别肠。” 明 焦竑 《焦氏笔乘·玉川子》:“晚 唐 诗人,予最喜 玉川子 及 司空表圣 二人,人品甚高,不为势利所汩没,故其诗能不涉世俗蹊径,此非具隻眼者,安能别之。” 清 薛雪 《一瓢诗话》:“有志者当自具隻眼,溯流而上,必得其源。”

  2. 围棋术语。一眼。成片白子或黑子中之空隙,对手不能下子,但只眼不成活棋。

    唐 王绩 《围棋诗》残句:“双关防易断,隻眼畏难全。”



  1. Younis assassination report: Alokla Several of his fingers had been cut off, one eye gouged out, his stomach cut open and his body burned.


  2. Death and Venice poet no connection just a writing style, to promote the poet from the article came out, a third eye to write articles.


  3. Chinese regulation of its private sector is often referred to as "one eye open, one eye shut" .


  4. I can see it with half an eye, and there's one ingredient in it that shuts it out of the magazines.


  5. it is better for you to enter into life with one eye than to have two eyes and be cast into the Gehenna of fire.


  6. So hotel managers, eager to turn a good profit, happily turn a blind eye. Yet the police evidently do not.


  7. Even if it was a Palestinian group who fired the rockets, Hizbullah would have to at least have turned a blind eye to allow the rocket fire.


  8. The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one. Yet the light of the bright world dies with the dying of the sun.


  9. The girl found the go-between and said, You cheated me ! One of his eyes is not true. Why didn't you tell me this before ?


  1. 睁只眼闭只眼

    turn eyes

  2. 瞎掉一只眼

    lost an eye.

  3. 瞎了一只眼

    be blind in one eye.

  4. 第三只眼论坛

    wisdom forum

  5. 她一只眼轻度斜视。

    She has a cast in one eye.

  6. 睁一只眼闭一只眼, 视而不见

    To turn a blind eye

  7. 我只能睁一只眼,闭一只眼。

    I can only turn a blind eye.

  8. 才挽救了她一只眼。

    Save one of her eyes.

  9. 别别别,不要闭一只眼

    No,no.No,don't look the other way.

  10. 别别别,不要闭一只眼。

    No, no. No, don't look the other way.

  11. 向某人眨一只眼示意。

    give sb a meaningful wink

  12. 我这只眼看不见东西。

    I can't see out of this eye.

  13. 来让我睁一只眼闭一只眼

    to look the other way.

  14. 忘了这第三只眼吧。

    Forgot about that third eye.

  15. 用这个眼罩遮住一只眼。

    Cover one eye with this patch.

  16. 迅速地闭一只眼作为信号。

    closing one eye quickly as a signal.

  17. 我该睁着一只眼睡觉吗

    Should I be sleeping with one eye open?

  18. 我该睁着一只眼睡觉吗?

    Should I be sleeping with one eye open?

  19. 白光开启你的第三只眼。

    The white light opens your third eye chakra.

  20. 那人有一只眼被打青了。

    The man have got a blue eye.

  21. 哪个法官都会睁一只眼闭一只眼的。

    Any judge would turn a blind eye.

  22. 一支前额只有一只眼的巨人族。

    one of a race of giants having a single eye in the middle of their forehead.

  23. 他对她的错误睁一只眼闭一只眼。

    He turned a blind eye to her mistakes.

  24. 我想我是知道的,但我睁只眼闭只眼。

    I think I did, but I closed my eyes.

  25. 对于历史问题, 他向来别具只眼。

    He always has his original view towards historical matters.

  26. 对于历史问题,他向来别具只眼。

    He always has his original view towards historical matters.

  27. 好了, 睁开你的另一只眼吧。

    Now open your other eye.

  28. 结果66只眼按计划完成玻璃体手术。

    Results Vitreous surgeries on total66 eyes were done on schedule.

  29. 以一只眼,您确实看到了世界。

    If you look through one eye you can see the whole world.

  30. 检查一下另外一只眼还伴随的缺陷。

    Test the other eye for an accompanying defect.

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