




1. 沧 [cāng]沧 [cāng]暗绿色(指水):~海。~浪。~海遗珠(喻被埋没的人才)。~海桑田。~海一粟。寒,冷:“日初出,~~凉凉,及其日中,如探汤”。……





汉语拼音:lán cāng jiāng



中国西南地区大河之一。发源于唐古拉山北麓,流经青海、西藏、云南三省区。长2 153千米。流域狭长,支流短小,河道多急流、险滩。于云南西双版纳流出国境后称湄公河。



  1. They decided to begin their trip from the beginning of the Lancang River.


  2. After graduating from college, they got a chance to make a bicycle trip along the Lancang River.


  3. It would be dangerous to equate path dependency with fatalism over Mekong mainstream dams.


  4. Lancang-Mekong River is an international river, it connects the western region of China and the downstream countries together.


  5. Now we have routes and a bridge that was constructed across the Lancang River in 2006.


  6. They claim that China's management of a series of dams on the Lancang has aggravated the unfolding crisis.


  7. Many Thais remain particularly suspicious of Chinese plans for the Mekong, called Lancang in Chinese.


  8. The Greater Mekong region covers Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and the southern Chinese province of Yunnan.


  9. More unusual here, and more troubling, are the sickly yellow bamboo stands and the exposed bed of the Lancang River.


  1. 澜沧江上游

    upper reaches ofLancang river.

  2. 澜沧江中段

    middle reaches of Lancangjiang River.

  3. 澜沧江水电开发的喜与忧

    Joys and Sorrows with Lancang River

  4. 云南澜沧江以西的白垩系

    On the Cretaceous west of Lancang river, yunnan

  5. 澜沧江湄公河,风光优美,色秀丽。

    The Mekong, is a river blessed with breathtaking natural beauty.

  6. 他们决定从澜沧江的源头开始旅行。

    They decided to begin their trip from the beginning of the Lancang River.

  7. 澜沧江漫湾电站水库诱发地震分析

    Analysis on reservoir induced seismicity at Manwan Power Station on Lancang River

  8. 我站在澜沧江畔, 默默地张望着, 倾听着。

    I was standing on the Lancang River, Zhang looked in silence, listening.

  9. 澜沧江中下游河段水能资源的规划和开发

    Planning and Development of Lower and Middle Lancang River's Water Power Resources

  10. 基于时序数据挖掘的澜沧江流域气象预报系统

    A weather forecast system of lancang river valley based on time sequence data mining

  11. 澜沧江流域地理信息处理与地貌形态特征分析

    Geographic information processing and physiognomy morphological character analysis of Lancang River Basin

  12. 澜沧江高变幅水位码头结构型式和装卸工艺

    Structural Model and Cargohandling Technology of the Quay with High Amplitude of Water Level in Lantsang.

  13. 澜沧江边,莱阳河畔,有颗明珠光彩夺目,这就是我得家。

    Lancang River Edge, River Laiyang, a dazzling pearl stars, and this is my home.

  14. 澜沧江边,莱阳河畔,有颗明珠光彩夺目,这就是我的家。

    Lancang River Edge, River Laiyang, a dazzling pearl stars, and this is my home.

  15. 澜沧江某水电站右坝肩岩体倾倒变形的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of toppling rock mass deformation in the right dam abutment of a hydropower station on the Lancang River

  16. 最终给出澜沧江梯级电站集控中心的整体规划设计方案。

    Finally gives Lantsang Hydropower Planning centralized control center and design of the overall program.

  17. 最终给出澜沧江梯级电站集控中心得整体规划设计方案。

    Finally gives Lantsang Hydropower Planning centralized control center and design of the overall program.

  18. 澜沧江河道冲淤变化与来沙系数的格兰吉尔因果分析

    Analysis of the Granger Causality Between the Scouring and Silting and the Coefficient of Incoming Sediments of the Lancang River

  19. 每次送信, 她都冒着生命危险滑过澜沧江上那处危险的溜索。

    Every time on the way to post letters, she has to cross the Lanchang River by pulley and slide at great risk of falling into the river.


  1. 问:澜沧江龙拼音怎么拼?澜沧江龙的读音是什么?澜沧江龙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:澜沧江龙的读音是Láncāngjiānglóng,澜沧江龙翻译成英文是 Lancanjiangosaurus



澜沧江是湄公河上游在中国境内河段的名称,是中国西南地区的大河之一,是世界第九长河,亚洲第四长河,东南亚第一长河。澜沧江河源扎曲,发源于青海省玉树藏族自治州的杂多县吉富山,源头海拔5200米,主干流总长度2139公里,澜沧江流经青海、西藏和云南三省,在云南省西双版纳傣族自治州勐腊县出境成为老挝和缅甸的界河后始称湄公河(Mekong River)。湄公河流经老挝、缅甸、泰国、柬埔寨和越南,于越南胡志明市流入中国南海。

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