




1. 改 [gǎi]改 [gǎi]变更,更换:~变。更(gēng )~。~革。~造。~善。~弦更张。朝令夕~。~编。~写。纂~。姓。……



汉语拼音:shān gǎi







  1. 删除改动。

    《晋书·荀顗传》:“ 顗 上请 羊祜 、 任愷 、 庾峻 、 应贞 、 孔顥 共删改旧文,撰定 晋 礼。”《朱子语类》卷三九:“如乡饮酒礼,向来所行,真成彊人行之,何益?所以难久。不若只就今时宴饮之礼中删改行之。”《宋史·刑法志一》:“ 乾道 新书,尚多牴牾。詔户部尚书 蔡洸 详定之,凡删改九百餘条,号《淳熙敕令格式》。”《红楼梦》第三七回:“ 湘云 一心兴头,等不得推敲删改。” 萧乾 《鱼饵·论坛·阵地》:“对于作品,我轻易不去删改。”



  1. He did not understand the bottom that he revises should be, which will be very difficult to make the payments fair evaluation.


  2. Coleman answered by saying he would "knock on wood" since no DreamWorks film that had played in China had been censored so far.


  3. The act of composing, inputting and editing text through the medium of a dedicated word processor or specific word processing software.


  4. If you amend any information in this form, please clearly mark and counter-sign the amendments . Please do not use correction fluid.


  5. The script was a bit racy until the producer wielded his blue pencil.


  6. Backstage: Is responsible for between the data increase the deletion to look up with the data maintenance.


  7. Do you think the heavy redaction of your book was appropriate?


  8. After Lang Lu Qiong continue to write in the book, but lost in the complex, Yao Lu book reviewer had to be changing it.


  9. The publisher reserves the right to revise or reject any advertising copies or graphics.


  1. 删改一篇文章

    to snip and revise an article.

  2. 二是删改原文。

    Second, many original texts were cut out or revised.

  3. 新闻报道被删改了。

    New reports were blacked out.

  4. 请勿用涂改液删改。

    Do not use correction fluid on the authorization.

  5. 把原文删改得支离破碎

    mutilate the original

  6. 修订的。删改的删改的或修订者的,与其有关的

    Of or relating to expurgation or an expurgator.

  7. 我得书被编辑删改得不成样子。

    My book has been hacked about terribly by the editor.

  8. 拙劣的译本将原作删改得支离破碎。

    Bad translation mutilates the original work.

  9. 经审查将一本书删改得面目全非

    to mutilate a book by censorship

  10. 实现了查询, 增删改, 权限等功能。

    Realize the inquiries, additions and deletions changed, permissions and other functions.

  11. 请只提交无删改的编辑过的手稿。

    Please only submit clean, edited manuscripts.

  12. 我的书被编辑删改得不成样子。

    My book has been hacked about terribly by the editor.

  13. 编辑将那篇报导删改得面目全非。

    The editor hacked the story to bits

  14. 她按出版商的要求对小说进行删改。

    She's pruning down the novel at the publisher's request.

  15. 剧本被一个不称职的编辑删改得支离破碎。

    The script had been hacked to pieces by an incompetent editor.

  16. 作为目击者,我希望我的证词诚实和未经删改。

    I'm a witness, and I want my testimony to be honest and uncensored.

  17. 我所看到的剧本版本已被删改得面目全非。

    The version of the play that I saw had been dreadfully bowdlerized.

  18. 这个删改的小说版本比原先的949页的原稿要好读的多。

    The abridged version of the novel was much easier to read than the full949 page original.

  19. 这个删改得小说版本比原先得949页得原稿要好读得多。

    The abridged version of the novel was much easier to read than the full949 page original.

  20. 对最初诊断进行补充或删改,提出当前的诊治意见。

    Added or withdrawn from their intial diagnosis to the current consultation.

  21. 对收入四库全书的图书,许多变乱旧式,删改原文。

    Many books collected in Si Ku Quan Shu also differ from their original format and content.

  22. 一种可交互删改的二值图像快速连通体标识方法

    Study and Implementation of a Fast Interactive Modifiable Method for Connected Component Labelling of Binary Image

  23. 如有问题,欢迎向大会查询。本会保留一切删改及仲裁权利。

    All right reserved, if you any questions, please contact the organizer.

  24. 就算是不想要内容,也不要删,把他改成其他的内容。

    It is do not want content, also do not want cutout, change him into other content.

  25. 建议可删去这些措词或改为更能被接受的词语。

    It was suggested that the wording could be either deleted or reformulated in more acceptable terms.

  26. 删掉所有的骡子,改成山地自行车。

    Out go the mules, in come the mountain bikes.

  27. 这本书被删改过。

    The book has been expurgated.

  28. 后台负责数据之间的增删改查和数据的维护。

    Backstage Is responsible for between the data increase the deletion to look up with the data maintenance.

  29. 如须作出任何删改, 请于删改之位置旁签署。

    Please initial next to any corrections you make on this form.


  1. 问:删改拼音怎么拼?删改的读音是什么?删改翻译成英文是什么?

    答:删改的读音是shāngǎi,删改翻译成英文是 revise

  2. 问:删改记录拼音怎么拼?删改记录的读音是什么?删改记录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:删改记录的读音是shān gǎi jì lù,删改记录翻译成英文是 deletion record




【读音】shān gǎi


【出处】《晋书·荀顗传》:“ 顗上请羊祜、任恺、庾峻、应贞、孔颢共删改旧文,撰定晋礼。”《朱子语类》卷三九:“如乡饮酒礼,向来所行,真成强人行之,何益?所以难久。不若只就今时宴饮之礼中删改行之。”

【示例】《宋史·刑法志一》:“ 乾道新书,尚多牴牾。诏户部尚书蔡洸详定之,凡删改九百余条,号《淳熙敕令格式》。”《红楼梦》第三七回:“ 湘云一心兴头,等不得推敲删改。”

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