









汉语拼音:nú lì rén






  1. In the Fall, man refused to listen to the spirit, and became the slave of the body. The spirit in man became utterly darkened.


  1. 不是农奴或奴隶的人。

    A person who is not a serf or a slave.

  2. 我希望我们给这些被奴隶的人一道光

    I want to shine a light on slavery.

  3. 但那些没有奴隶的人则反对这种分裂思想。

    But those who had no slaves opposed the idea of disunion.

  4. 象南妮这样过去做过奴隶的人有这样的也是合理的。

    It makes sense that a former slave like Nanny would have such a perspective.

  5. 并解救那些因死亡的恐布, 一生当奴隶的人。

    And might deliver them, who through the fear of death were all their lifetime subject to servitude.

  6. 一个精神生活很充实的人,一定是一个很有理想的人,一定是一个很高尚的人,一定是一个只做物质的主人而不做物质的奴隶的人。

    One who has a rich intellectual life must be a person who has ideals, who has a noble character, and who will only be the master rather than a slave of materials.

  7. 像处于奴隶状态的人。

    Like someone in servitude.

  8. 买卖或贩运奴隶或其它人

    Dealing or trafficking in slaves or other persons

  9. 奴隶跟自由人不许参加。

    Slaves and freedmen are not eligible.

  10. 我还须着手证明奴隶也是人吗?

    That point is conceded already.

  11. 未开化的,奴隶或自由人等的分别。

    Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free.

  12. 反对奴隶制度的人不希望黑奴制度扩散。

    People who opposed slavery did not want it to spread.

  13. 殖民时期毛里求斯的奴隶, 自由人和契约劳工

    Slaves, Freedmen And Indentured Laborers In Colonial Mauritius

  14. 殖民时期毛里求斯得奴隶,自由人和契约劳工

    Slaves, Freedmen And Indentured Laborers In Colonial Mauritius.

  15. 严格地说他们都是奴隶社会的人, 我们为什么研究他们?

    Strictly speaking, both men lived in a slave society. So, why do we study them?

  16. 出逃并成为自由人的奴隶。

    The slave who escapes and becomes a free man.

  17. 他奴隶了马沙西人,并犟迫他们建造他的新神殿。

    He enslaved the Massassi, and forced them to construct new temples as focal points of Sith power.

  18. 你也是爱你的人的奴隶,因为他爱了你。

    And a slave to him who loves you because he loves you.

  19. 但是这些也不能把一个人变成奴隶

    But that doesn't make you a slave either.

  20. 举例说, 早在古罗马人纹身奴隶和罪犯。

    For instance, the early Romans tattooed slaves and criminals.

  21. 实际上,这就是一个人变成奴隶的背景和过程。

    Well, that is precisely what has happened around the world.

  22. 后来, 希多特萨人把她卖给了曼丹人做奴隶。

    She was later sold into slavery with the Mandans.

  23. 梭伦软弱和轻信的特点使雅典人沦为奴隶。

    The weak and trusting character of Solon plunged Athens into slavery.

  24. 梭伦软弱和轻信得特点使雅典人沦为奴隶。

    The weak and trusting character of Solon plunged Athens into slavery.

  25. 极权主义不但不解放人,反而剥夺人的尊严,使人成为奴隶。

    It does not liberate man, but takes away his dignity and enslaves him.

  26. 所以, 西班牙人和葡萄牙人开始从西非带来一些人做奴隶。

    So the Spanish and Portuguese began to bring in people from West Africa as slaves.

  27. 家产在古典拉丁文中,意思始终是指一个人的奴隶。

    Familia, in classical Latinity, means always a mans slaves.

  28. 而他是唯一一个并非作奴隶的希伯来人。

    Moses was the only free man among the Hebrews.

  29. 可敬的人也变为奴隶。

    Respectable people kept slaves.

  30. 阿拉伯人与东非奴隶贸易

    Arabian and East African Slave Trade



nú lì rén ㄋㄨˊ ㄌㄧˋ ㄖㄣˊ 奴隶人 [servant;slave] 马夫 辱于奴隶人之手。——唐· 韩愈《杂说》

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