






1. 主 [zhǔ]主 [zhǔ]权力或财物的所有者,家庭的首脑:~人。物~。失~(失掉财物的人)。当家作~。旧时臣子称君王,下级称上级,仆人称家主:君~。~上。对事物的意见或认为应当如何处理,决定:~张。~见。~意。~义。对事物有决定权力……



汉语拼音:nú lì zhǔ






  1. 占有奴隶和生产资料的人,是奴隶社会的统治阶级。

    杨朔 《乱人坑》:“人不是人,却和牲畜一样,最野蛮的奴隶主对待他的奴隶也不会更残暴。”



  1. He also set himself up as a slaveholder on a modest estate he would build into a major cotton plantation, the Hermitage.


  2. On her mistress's death, Jacobs was sold to a white master who tried to force her to have sexual relations.


  3. But played more than a year, the southern slave owners did not mean, and reconciliation simmered overbearing.


  4. By the late eighteenth century, however, some southern slaveholders began to have doubts.


  5. As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. ---Abraham Lincoln.


  6. "It scared the living daylights out of slave holders in the West, " he said.


  7. We do not buy people out of slavery. Buying people out of slavery is like paying a burglar to get your television back .


  8. The cruel owner did not relinquish his hold over the slaves until their liberation.


  9. For years, rich slave owners had talked of taking the southern states out of the Union to save their way of life.


  1. 奴隶惧怕奴隶主。

    The slaves feared their master.

  2. 奴隶们奋起反抗奴隶主。

    The slaves rebelled against their masters.

  3. 奴隶主是非常残忍的人。

    Slave owners were beastly people.

  4. 南方各州的奴隶主。

    SF The slaves owners in the Southern States.

  5. 奴隶受奴隶主的残酷压迫。

    Slaves were mercilessly ground down by slave holders.

  6. 奴隶主们靠奴隶的艰辛劳动发财。

    Slave owners grew rich on the hard work of slaves.

  7. 奴隶们团结起来反抗奴隶主的虐待。

    The slaves united to resist the owners' abuse.

  8. 奴隶主将奴隶奴役不是为了折磨他们

    People do not enslave people to be mean to them.

  9. 奴隶主把奴隶当作牛马任意驱使。

    The slave owners drove their slaves as they drove their cattle.

  10. 奴隶主们有时允许奴隶为自己赎身。

    Masters sometimes allowed their slaves to buy their way out of bondage.

  11. 残忍的奴隶主挖掉了奴隶的眼睛。

    The cruel serf owner put out the serfs eyes.

  12. 凶残的奴隶主剜掉了奴隶的双眼。

    The brutal slave owner gouged out the slaves eyes.

  13. 那奴隶主将奴隶们拴在栅栏上。

    The slave owner chained slaves to the railings

  14. 再也没有握着刀子的奴隶主了。

    There were no more masters of the sword.

  15. 奴隶获得解放之前受奴隶主的压迫。

    Slave owners held slaves down before the emancipation.

  16. “饼干佬”是南方的白人奴隶主发明的。

    The word"Cracker" was coined in the south by white slave owners.

  17. 现在没有奴隶社会了,所以也就没有奴隶主了。

    Since there is no slave society, there are no slave-owners.

  18. 奴隶主强迫奴隶在角斗场上自相残杀。

    The slave owners forced the slaves to fight against each other in the wrestling ring.

  19. 奴隶主与奴隶的关系就是占有和奴役。

    Commerce between master and slave is despotism.

  20. 残暴的奴隶主用鞭子狠心地抽打奴隶。

    The cruel master beat his slaves mercilessly with a whip.

  21. 残暴得奴隶主用鞭子狠心地抽打奴隶。

    The cruel master beat his slaves mercilessly with a whip.

  22. 我国也还有奴隶主所有制, 也还有封建主所有制。

    Similarly, slave ownership and feudal ownership still exist.

  23. 奴隶们被奴隶主的皮鞭打得在地上打滚。

    The slaves writhed under the master's whip.

  24. 奴隶们起来反抗奴隶主并把他们统统杀掉。

    The slaves rebelled against their masters and killed them all.

  25. 现在我又成奴隶主了,她是这么说我吗

    Oh, now I'm a slave owner? Is that what she called me?

  26. 奴隶和奴隶主两极分化, 大多数人民群众苦不堪言。

    Slaves and slaveholders polarization and the majority of the people miserable.

  27. 但到18世纪后期,一些南方奴隶主开始有怀疑。

    By the late eighteenth century, however, some southern slaveholders began to have doubts.

  28. 我想说的是奴隶贩子,但是这个好象是奴隶主

    How can the western colonist, the slaver master

  29. 这种仪式会将西部的奴隶主作为活祭品,他说。

    It scared the living daylights out of slave holders in the West, he said.

  30. 还有人认为他是奴隶主得代表, 推行得是愚民政策。

    Even some people think that he was a representative of the slave owners, who carried out a policy of obscurantism.


  1. 问:奴隶主拼音怎么拼?奴隶主的读音是什么?奴隶主翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奴隶主的读音是núlìzhǔ,奴隶主翻译成英文是 a slave owner; a slave-holder; a member of the r...




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