




1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:yī dà qián






  1. 东汉 会稽 太守 刘宠 ,有政绩。后征为将作大匠。将行,有五六父老各赍百钱以送, 宠 只受每人一枚大钱。见《后汉书·循吏传·刘宠》。后用为称颂官吏廉洁的典实。

    明 高启 《野老行》:“鸡鸣相送拜道边,愿公受取一大钱。”参见“ 一钱太守 ”。



  1. 网络
  2. Farthing

  1. 没有这一笔大钱,那就做不成了。

    Have no this big money, that do not.

  2. 趁机捞一笔大钱

    seize the opportunity to make a fast buck

  3. 这一次,他赚了大钱。

    This time, he cashed in.

  4. 老实说, 你可以从中赚一笔大钱。

    Be honest, you will make a fortune.

  5. 她在一次抽奖中赢了一笔大钱。

    She won a fortune in a lottery.

  6. 她提议我们应当包一个大钱饺子

    She suggested that we should make a goodluck dumpling.

  7. 三百块大洋可真是一笔大钱呀。

    Three hundred dollars is a power of money.

  8. 我失去了一个赚大钱的好机会。

    I missed a golden chance to make a lot of money.

  9. 他找到了一个可以挣大钱的职位。

    He's got a position where he is able to knock down good money.

  10. 我失去了一个赚大钱的极好机会。

    I missed a golden chance to make a lot of money.

  11. 我要是赚了大钱的话,少不了有你的一份。

    If I made big money, you would nave a cut of the cake.

  12. 我要开一个出租录像带的店, 赚大钱!

    I'm going to have a video rental shop and make a bomb!

  13. 一个谨慎小心的生意人不可能赚大钱。

    A safe business man is unlikely to make huge profits.

  14. 花大钱买汽车对一个家庭是不值得的。

    A car for a family is not worth the expense.

  15. 借人大钱却反替自己制造了一个敌人。

    A small debt makes a man your debtor, a large one makes him your enemy.

  16. 父母总希望孩子能找到一个好工作,赚大钱。

    Parents always think that children will get a good job and earn a lot of money.

  17. 他卖掉最后的一张留声机唱片,一定赚了大钱。

    He must have hit the jackpot with the sales of his last gramophone record.

  18. 有一个穷寡妇来,往里投了两个小钱,就是一个大钱。

    And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.

  19. 每月的一笔小额投资, 积少成多, 小钱也能变大钱。

    Brushstroke of every months is small investment, many a little makes a mickle, penny also can greaten money.

  20. 可十二42有一个穷寡妇来,投了两个小钱,就是一个大钱。

    42 And one poor widow came and cast in two lepta, which is a quadrans.

  21. 在你只挣得一个海军少尉的工资时, 200美元是一笔大钱。

    Two hundred dollars mean a lot when youre just dragging down an ensigns pay

  22. 那两个人雄心勃勃地要马上赚大钱, 但是一个子也没赚到。

    The two men had brave schemes to make big money quickly. They never came to anything.

  23. 在这座堆满黄金的屋子里, 谁也没有看见过一个大钱。

    Nobody in that house full of gold ever save a sou lying about.

  24. 史密斯夫人在她的留声机的上一次销售记录中,赚了大钱。

    Mrs. Smith hit the jackpot with the sales of her last gramophone record.

  25. 你怎么能让这样一个赚大钱的绝好机会从指缝里溜走呢

    How could you let such a golden opportunity to make big money slip through your fingers

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