




1. 长 [cháng]2. 长 [zhǎng]长 [cháng]两端的距离:~度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:~短。~空。~短句(词的别名)。~夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。~风破浪(喻志趣远大)。~歌代哭(以歌代哭……



汉语拼音:yī cháng






  1. 一种长处。

    汉 王充 《论衡·自纪》:“食千钟之禄,无一长之德,乃可戏也。” 宋 张实 《流红记》:“恨无一长,不能图报,早暮愧惧,莫知所为。”《荡寇志》第一一二回:“但此人或有一长可取,亦未可知。”

  2. 一个首领。

    《逸周书·武顺》:“三伯一长曰佐,三佐一长曰右,三右一长曰正,三正一长曰卿,三卿一长曰辟。” 杜预 《春秋经传集解序》“麟凤五灵,王者之嘉瑞也”唐 孔颖达 疏:“龙是鱼鮪之长,凤是飞鸟之长,麟是走兽之长,龟是甲虫之长,饮食所须唯此四物,四物之内各举一长。”

  3. 一旦滋长。




  1. If I can't rattle off a list of things I have to do, I feel as if I'm admitting that I'm not worth much.


  2. The engineer was interviewed first, and was asked a long list of questions, ending with "How much is two plus two? "


  3. And he was giving a speech, you know, talking about a long list of clients, you know, happy we would be there.


  4. Given the short span of an athlete's prime years, a player has to think in the long term when trying to build legacies.


  5. I set down a series of numbers on a paper, and I began to deal with it .


  6. Over time, these tiny threads form in the liquid into layers and produce a mat on the surface.


  7. This makes it easy to pick out elements that are in the task context when you scroll through a long list of elements.


  8. She presented her part with some felicity, though nothing like the intensity which had aroused the feeling at the end of the long first act.


  9. The pupils of his eyes flashed digital numbers as he calculated the commission in his head.


  1. 一短,一长。

    One short, one long.

  2. 一长排的拱门

    A long range of arches

  3. 还有一长串愿望

    We've got a long list of other wishes.

  4. 一长排待售的汽车

    a large range of motors for sale

  5. 男人一长的时间想它。

    The man thought about it for a long time.

  6. 真是一长串烦人的不。

    That's a really long and boring version of No.

  7. 一长绺或一小卷头发

    A long lock or ringlet of hair.

  8. 地平线上的一长排人影

    A long string of men on the skyline

  9. 广场上放着一长串汽车。

    A string of cars parked on the square.

  10. 在大楼外是一长排卡车。

    Outside the building there is a long row of trucks.

  11. 广场上停放着一长串汽车。

    A string of cars parked on the square.

  12. 被一长串记者尾随的参议员

    the senator, followed by a trail of reporters.

  13. 但是时间一长,情况就恶化了。

    But over time the notes became ugly.

  14. 但是时间一长,情况就恶化了。

    But over time the notes became ugly.

  15. 念出一长串记下来的年代

    Recited a list of dates memorized

  16. 火车站外排着一长列出租汽车。

    There's a taxi rank outside the station.

  17. 参议员后面尾随着一长串记者。

    The senator is followed by a trail of reporters.

  18. 这些摄像机一字排成一长溜。

    The cameras are in a long line next to each other.

  19. 时间一长,颜色还会逐渐变深。

    Its color will darken over time.

  20. 这游戏有两个版本,一长一短。

    There are two versions of the game, a long one and a short one.

  21. 一长方块巧克力可以杀死一只狗!

    A bar of chocolate can kill a dog!

  22. 日子一长, 他连大话都说起来了。

    In time he had begun to boast.

  23. 一口气背出一长串名称和时间

    reeled off a long list of names and dates.

  24. 她有一长串令人敬畏的资历。

    She has a formidable list of qualifications.

  25. 你看那个汽油价格是几天一长。

    You see the gasoline price is higher and higher.

  26. 小汽车被那一长串卡车堵住了。

    The car was blocked in by the long row of lorries.

  27. 河面上仅仅留下了一长串水泡。

    There was just a long line of bubbles in the river.

  28. 一长串修正案约束了新的证法。

    A long list of amendments have hobbled the new legislation.

  29. 这一长串名单以总统的名字开始。

    The list was headed by the name of the president.

  30. 这一长串名单以总统得名字开始。

    The list was headed by the name of the president.

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