




数名,十个十(在钞票和单据上常用大写“佰”代):~步穿杨。~儿八十。~分比。喻很多:~草。~货。~姓(人民)。~般。~炼成钢。~无聊赖。~废俱兴(xīng )。……


1. 个 [gè]2. 个 [gě]个 [gè]量词:三~月。洗~澡。单独的:~人。~性。~位。人或物体的大小:高~子。加在“昨儿”、“今儿”、“明儿”等后面,与“某日里”相近。个 [gě]〔自~儿(個)gěr〕自己。亦作“自各儿”。……



汉语拼音:yī bǎi gè






  1. 原表数量,后多用以表示程度之甚,犹言绝对,十分,但语气较重。

    《金瓶梅词话》第五一回:“不是我背他説, 潘五姐 一百个不及他为人。” 束为 《老长工》:“他偏要在 老生姜 面前训我,叫我认错,我一百个不接受。” 郑万隆 《年轻的朋友们》八:“ 李晖 一百个看不上我,骂我是自己作践自己。”



  1. Imagine if I had to feel even a hundred other people's suffering. It would be terrible.


  2. There's no point in trying to help a hundred other people if it means running your own life into the ground.


  3. "You know, we could have had a hundred smart people sitting here for a year and never come up with a lot of that stuff, " Mr. Zoellick says.


  4. He said that all his one-hundred sons had a right to succeed him. It should be left up to the citizens.


  5. If he would only lend me his boat, I should man her with a hundred oars and hoist sails, five or six or seven.


  6. The demonstration was part of the Centibots project, an investigation to see if as many as a hundred robots could collaborate on a mission.


  7. Amazon currently has about six data centers around the world. We are trying to design something for a hundred around the world.


  8. So we have to increase the resolution of the MRI machine to be able to pick up, perhaps, a hundred neurons. . .


  9. You gave me a hundred sous, and I said to you: `I don't want your money. '


  1. 十个?一百个?一千个?

    Tens? Hundreds? Thousands?

  2. 我要找一百个吗?

    Should I gather a hundred?

  3. 又造一百个金碗。

    He also made a hundred gold sprinkling bowls.

  4. 我想给你一百个吻!

    I want to give you a hundred kisses!

  5. 我又赚了一百个先令。

    I'm a hundred quid richer.

  6. 我爱你胜过一百个王子!

    I prefer you to a hundred princes!

  7. 做了一百个仰卧起坐,十个俯卧撑

    98 situps and 10 pushups.

  8. 一位好母亲抵得上一百个教师。

    A good mother is worth a hundred schoolmaster.

  9. 一位好父亲强于一百个校长。

    One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.

  10. 一百个窗口朝向威尼斯大运河。

    One hundred windows overlooking the Grand Canal.

  11. 标准库定义了超过一百个算法。

    The library defines more than 100 algorithms.

  12. 他是给一百个秃头者的帽子。

    He is a hat to a hundred bald men.

  13. 胜利有一百个父亲,失败是一个孤儿。

    Victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan.

  14. 他们一百个小孩在我的学校。

    There are a hundred children in my school.

  15. 一个好的母亲顶得上一百个教师。

    One good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters.

  16. 您有一百个可能的报告供选择。

    Choose from one hundred possible reports.

  17. 啊呜!啊呜!小雪人吃到一百个冰激凌。

    The little snowman eats one hundred creams.

  18. 我说的话满打满算不到一百个字。

    I scarce uttered the quantity of a hundred words.

  19. 大概有一百个黑人农民在采棉花。

    There were about a hundred black folks out there picking.

  20. 几乎有一百个工人挤在车房里。

    The garage swarmed with almost a hundred workers.

  21. 一百个讲空话的人也不如一个实干家。

    One hundred people indulging in idle talk are not equal to one person of action.

  22. 如果我分配一百个程序员给你? ? 样

    And what if I assign a hundred programmers to it?

  23. 再交给另外一百个学生选。结果在这里。

    I gave it to another 98 students. Here is what happens.

  24. 一百个装甲精英冲击伞兵川流到地面。

    A hundred armored Elite shock troopers streamed to the ground.

  25. 凭你说得快, 一口气说不完一百个枣。

    Say quickly by you, do not say jujubes at a heat.

  26. 那家公司去年招进了一百个女孩子。

    The firm signed on one hundred girls last year.

  27. 但这一百个故事中的每一个都是真的。

    But every single one of these one hundred stories is true.

  28. 我想解决一件事,却引发了一百个麻烦

    I tried to fix one problem and I created 98 others.

  29. 当然会啦,我一分钟可以打一百个字母呢!

    Sure, I can type a hundred letters a minute!

  30. 每年只有一百个成年人 患上此类疾病。

    Only a hundred adults a year get one of these diseases.

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