







汉语拼音:yī xún







  1. 古长度单位,八尺为一寻。

    汉 焦赣 《易林·渐之颐》:“一寻百节,绸繆相结,其指詰屈,不能解脱。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·塞难》:“是何异以一寻之綆,汲百仞之深?”

  2. 寻访或寻觅一次。

    唐 李端 《送马尊师》诗:“ 武陵 花木应长在,愿与渔人更一寻。” 唐 罗隐 《咏史》诗:“蠹简遗编试一寻,寂寥前事似如今。”



  1. This rent-seeking psychology is transmitted right down the bureaucratic chain, with each man taking a slice for himself.


  1. 王维在雨润清泉的化一中寻得幽情禅意。

    Wang springs in the rain Run in the finding of a Zen times past.

  2. 寻物遗失钻戒一枚,寻得者将获重酬。

    Lost one diamond ring. Finder will be rewarded.

  3. 但是过一会后当千寻再看父母时, 他们已经变成了猪。

    But after a while when Chihiro again sees the parents, they have turned into pigs.

  4. 别理会他恶言寻,一理他更来劲儿。

    Reaction to his taunts will only encourage him.

  5. 我即将前往卢定去寻回一年前的梦。

    I'll leave for Luding County to retrieve my lost dream one year ago.

  6. 我们真在寻在一为下游工艺开发工程师假如我们的团队。

    We are looking for a Downstream Process Development Engineer to join our team.

  7. 想想在几秒钟之内即可查寻得知下一趟公共汽车何时到达、天气预报和今晚的电视节目或电影放映等信息,它将会是多么的有用埃

    Consider how useful it might be to check in a few seconds when the next bus is coming, the weather forecast and what is on TV or at the movies tonight.

  8. 我们立刻准备好另一只船锚, 扔进了一寻半深得海水中。

    Another anchor was got ready, and dropped in a fathom and a half of water.

  9. 我们立刻准备好另一只船锚, 扔进了一寻半深的海水中。

    Another anchor was got ready, and dropped in a fathom and a half of water.

  10. 寻一杯酷寒的水, 来解救干渴的喉咙。

    Find a cup of cold water to save the thellorst of the throat.

  11. 那么请你们另寻一家洗车房吧

    Then you're gonna have to find another car wash.

  12. 经训练常用以寻回猎物得一种猎犬。

    og of a breed which is often trained to retrieve game

  13. 你想为你的阁楼式温泉浴寻一个无可厚非的解决方案么?

    Looking for a no fuss solution for your loft style spa bath

  14. 他想寻一个窟穴, 躲了身子, 将石子堵了穴口, 隐隐的蜕壳。

    He was going to block up the mouth of the cave so that he could moult in secret.

  15. 寻梦?撑一支长篙。

    Who seeks dreams ?Poling a ling pole.

  16. 寻梦?撑一支船篙

    To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream

  17. 寻得一个牧师, 我们缠绕,

    Took the head of a preacher man

  18. 是一个游戏,寻宝游戏。

    Its a game. its a scavenger hunt.

  19. 他在一个抽屉中翻寻。

    He roots about in a drawer.

  20. 她张贴了一则寻狗启事。

    She posted a notice about her lost dog.

  21. 她翻寻出一本旧日记。

    She hunted out an old diary.

  22. 我寻问一个当地人该往那里走。

    seek directions from a local.

  23. 其中一个游戏就是寻彩蛋的游戏。

    One of the Easter egg games is the Easter Egg Hunt.

  24. 复活节寻蛋是一个寻找蛋的游戏。

    An Easter egg hunt is a game for finding eggs.

  25. 穿过每一条走廊, 寻遍每一个角落。

    Go through every aisle and every nook and corner.

  26. 他在园里寻了一圈, 园子是空的。

    He made the tour of the garden, the garden was deserted.

  27. 我们寻个僻静的地方, 去痛哭一场吧。

    Let us seek out some desolate shade, and there weep our sad bosoms empty.

  28. 我们寻个僻静得地方, 去痛哭一场吧。

    Let us seek out some desolate shade, and there weep our sad bosoms empty.

  29. 我打算花一周时间, 寻芳探幽一番。

    I was to spend a week exploring a few of them.

  30. 有一天,小苍蝇和苍蝇妈妈一块去寻吃的。

    One day, small flies and fly a mother Quxun eat.

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