









汉语拼音:yī xià xià







  1. 一下又一下。表示动作接连不断。

    元 李行道 《灰阑记》第四折:“打的我昏迷,一下下骨节都敲碎。”《儒林外史》第三九回:“山冈上一个少年在那里打弹子,山洞里嵌着一块雪白的石头,不过铜钱大,那少年覷的较近,弹子过处,一下下都打了一个準。” 张天翼 《春风》:“外面那个篮球--给一下下拍在水泥地上,发出了一种又麻木又沉重的声音。”

  2. 一下子,一会儿。

    柳青 《创业史》第一部第六章:“你到俺屋里去一下下。” 路翎 《王兴发夫妇》:“没得关系,一下下就转来!”



  1. It therefore seems prudent to ask: Will the next quarter-century be as peaceful as the last?


  2. And if you want to talk, wait a minute for your turn; And I'll listen to you.


  3. Observe what happens to you when you feel miserable the moment you get out of bed the next time it happens.


  4. Click the link and, after a few moments of conversion, you'll be transported to a Google Docs version of the email you were just reading.


  5. It gives you a bit of time to look about and think what you'll do next.


  6. The coarse bell resounds sadly from the square tower as if it came from a world faraway.


  7. You might have done quite a bit, but never quite got around to getting the rest and relaxation you need and now it's time to start all over.


  8. Sure, if you can excuse me for just a second. Let me find a piece of paper to write it down.


  9. Let me just slip out for a moment and check on the baby.


  1. 放手!放弃一下下。

    let um go give it up for a while.

  2. 我来帮你一下下!

    A little help!

  3. 她去后厨一下下。

    She's in the back for a sec.

  4. 我想熠熠生辉一下下

    I need to be someplace beautiful.

  5. 我小睡一下,好吗?就一下下。

    I'm gonna take a little nap, OK? Just for a minute.

  6. 包围了900天啊, 咱悲壮一下下先。

    World War II The 900day Siege of Leningrad is lifted.

  7. 邀集有关人士讨论一下下一步干什么。

    People concerned have been invited here to discuss what to do next.

  8. 我们来确定一下下一步该做什么吧

    Shall we determine what we are going to do next

  9. 所以接下来让我谈一下下议院如何影响选举。

    So let's move on a bit about how lower house elections actually work.

  10. 你可以从一下下刺耳的钟声中听见它

    You could hear it in every jangle of the bell.

  11. 在火车时刻表上查一下下一趟火车的时间。

    Look up the time of the next train in the timetable.

  12. 当然, 你等我一下下, 让我找张纸记下来。

    Sure, if you can excuse me for just a second. Let me find a piece of paper to write it down.

  13. 让我们希望不要只有一下下,不错的机会,上校。

    Let us hope not for a while. Bonne chance, Capitaine.

  14. 您可以给我讲一下下周五宴会的情况吗?

    Could you tell me something about the dinner next Friday?

  15. 说到新的计划, 可否透露一下下一步的拍片大计?

    Talking about new plans, can you disclose a little more?

  16. 时间像一把砍肉斧头在一下下砍击中逝去。

    Time beating away like a meat ax. Nothingness. The world.

  17. 好的。我记一下下周六两间豪华套房。他们能住多久?

    OK. Let me write down two deluxe suites from next Saturday. How long will they be staying

  18. 我听了这句话愣了一下下,我只是撒了一泡尿,就要冲水?

    I stunned by this question. I just pee, i need to flush ?

  19. 但稍后该光束被阻塞,直到下一下孔转动到这个位置。

    But a moment later the light beam is blocked until the next hole is in place.

  20. 她跳下床, 把头发整理了一下就下楼了。

    She sprang off bed, tidied her hair and went downstairs.

  21. 请稍等, 我看一下他下周得行程表。

    One moment, please. Let me check his schedule for next week.

  22. 把锅好好地刷洗一下他下了床,洗脸,刷牙。

    Give the pan a good scour He gets out of bad, washes his face and cleans his teeth.

  23. 即使你踏错步,或绊个一下半下,继续跳就是了。

    If you make a mistake, get all tangled up,just tango on.

  24. 他弯下腰,拥抱了一下披风下的瘦小身躯,然后又直起了身子。

    He bent double,hugging his thin chest inside his cloak,then drew himself up to his full height.

  25. 可以思考一下,整理下语言

    You know, it's okay to take a second to just compose yourself.

  26. 裁缝改了一下裙子的下摆。

    The dressmaker altered the hemline of the skirt.

  27. 喂, 大家静一下, 我下个通知。

    Now just sober down, everybody. Ive an announcement to make.

  28. 我犹豫一下,脱下毛衣和衬衫,又犹豫起来。

    I hesitated, took off my sweater and shirt, and hesitated again.

  29. 索姆斯跟她握一下手就下楼去了。

    Soams shook her hand and went downstairs.

  30. 他带着嘉莉在车门口等了一下,然后下了车。

    With Carrie he waited at the door and then dismounted.

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