




禽兽或其他动物的巢穴,喻坏人聚居的地方:~巢。鸟~。贼~。临时搭成的简陋的小屋:~棚。~铺。喻人体或物体所占的位置:~子。挪个~儿。洼陷的地方:酒~儿。心~儿。弄弯,使曲折:把铁丝~过来。藏匿犯法的人或东西:~主。~匪。~藏(cáng )。……





汉语拼音:yī wō fēng







  • 【解释】:一个蜂巢里的蜂一下子都飞出来了。形容许多人乱哄哄地同时说话或行动。
  • 【出自】:明·吴承恩《西游记》第二十八回:“那些小妖,就是一窝蜂,齐齐拥上。三藏见了,虽则是一心忙似箭,两脚走如飞,终是心惊胆颤,腿软脚麻,况且是山路崎岖,林深日暮,步儿那里移得动?”


  1. When the railroad lands about Bonneville had been thrown open, there had been almost a rush in the matter of settlement.


  2. The herd mentality was especially affecting large cap British companies, and was also affecting some midcaps in Europe, he said.


  3. Unfortunately the police had heard the name of the announcer's son. They attacked the circus like a hive of bees and arrested all involved.


  4. to fill their bowls, licking off the congee slopped over the side, then scatter in the road or in the doorway, either squatting or standing.


  5. What accounts for these sudden moves? Why do investors so often seem to resemble a school of fish, all changing direction together?


  6. The general move partially mirrors the scramble back to dollars seen elsewhere, notably in the Korean won and Brazilian real.


  7. A flurry of online-privacy-related start-ups sprang up but only a few survived due to limited consumer appetite.


  8. There is nothing improper about hedge funds jumping on the same trade unless it is deemed by regulators to be collusion.


  9. In a new report, the UN Conference on Trade and Development showed that the wealthy countries acted like a swarm of bees.


  1. 一窝蜂地进入/ 离开某处

    to pile into/ out of something

  2. 他们一窝蜂地涌出汽车。

    They all piled out of the bus.

  3. 他们一窝蜂地涌出戏院。

    They all piled out of the theatre.

  4. 他们一窝蜂地涌进电影院。

    They all piled into the cinema.

  5. 游击队一窝蜂地冲下山去。

    The guerrillas swarmed down the hill.

  6. 人们一窝蜂地跑过去看热闹。

    People came swarming over to see the fun.

  7. 人们一窝蜂地跑过去看热闹。

    People came swarming over to see the fun.

  8. 球迷群情激昂, 一窝蜂涌进球场。

    The fans rushed onto the pitch in an excited mob.

  9. 人群一窝蜂地从门口涌出。

    The crowd was swarming out through the gates.

  10. 人群一窝蜂地从出口涌出。

    The crowd was swarming out through the gates.

  11. 今年农民不再一窝蜂似的种大路菜了。

    Farmers didn't have to scrambled to plant common vegetables this year.

  12. 公共汽车到站时,人们一窝蜂都往上挤。

    There was a real scrum when the bus arrived.

  13. 狗仔队,像一窝蜂,不断地涌向那条缝。

    Paparazzi, like the rush, constantly flock Natiao seam.

  14. 一群吵吵嚷嚷的孩子一窝蜂地下了公共汽车。

    A group of noisy children tumbled out of the bus.

  15. 他们一窝蜂地挤进杰罗尔德的车里。

    They all piled into Jerrold's car.

  16. 美国前总统克林顿在河内一窝蜂的仰慕

    Former President Clinton Swarmed by Admirers in Hanoi

  17. 妈妈说到午饭做好了, 一窝蜂地奔向饭桌。

    Mother said lunch was ready andwasmad dash for the tabe.

  18. 我们五个人一窝蜂挤进了彼得的车子里。

    All five of us piled into peter's car.

  19. 在一窝蜂的购房热潮中,许多人都负了债。

    In the headlong rush to buy houses, many people got into debt.

  20. 贪婪的蚊子一窝蜂的袭击它们能碰到的任何生物。

    Clouds of ravenous mosquitoes descend on any living thing.

  21. 可是这些勇敢的股民们,却都一窝蜂的在里面昂首挺进。

    However, these bold investors make a lot of blindfold investment on it.

  22. 一窝蜂挤进比萨的小薄的切片, 其他人的钱的第八房子了。

    Crowded into one little slice of the pizza, the eighth house of other people's money.

  23. 他们一窝蜂从车后挤下来,活动活动被挤得动弹不了的四肢。

    They piled out of the back of the car and stretched their cramped limbs.


  1. 问:一窝蜂拼音怎么拼?一窝蜂的读音是什么?一窝蜂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一窝蜂的读音是yìwōfēng,一窝蜂翻译成英文是 like a swarm of bees; do something in a confus...

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