






1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……



汉语拼音:yǎn jīng tóu






  1. 眼前。指眼睛很容易看见的地方。




  1. Joan Durbeyfield, watching, wondered for the first time if she had been right in encouraging Tess to go.


  2. he shrieks delightedly as a grim reaper's head swivels round to reveal flashing emerald eyes.


  1. 触摸你的头眼睛鼻子嘴巴耳朵肩膀肚子腿膝盖脚脚趾。

    Touch your head eyes nose mouth ears shoulders tummy legs knees feet toes.

  2. 她有一双蓝色的眼睛, 头上有一缕缕的金发。

    She has streaky fair hair and blue eyes.

  3. 先生,把帽子戴高一些,别挡住眼睛,头抬起来。

    Pull that cap off your eyes, and hold up your head, sir.

  4. 眼睛疼,头也疼。

    My eyes hurt and my head aches, too.

  5. 兔子的大眼睛位于它头脸侧较高的文字。

    A rabbit's large eyes are in a high position at the side of the head.

  6. 我低下头,眼睛盯着书桌。

    I kept my head down, looking at my desk.

  7. 它的视野只有其它眼睛长在头两边的鸟类的三分之一。

    At any given time, it only sees about one third as much as birds with eyes on either side of their heads.

  8. 她先是牢牢地盯着我的眼睛, 然后头机械地摆动了两下。

    If the input voltage at XRAY exceeds this threshold for a certain time, an internal latch switches the IC into protection mode.

  9. 他机械地点点头,眼睛直勾勾地盯着那个姑娘。

    He nodded mechanically, his eyes fixed on the girl.

  10. 他脸红了,眼睛往下望。我低下头,眼睛盯着书桌。

    I kept my head down, looking at my desk.

  11. 整只猪地端上来, 头, 眼睛和牙齿对着你。

    They are served whole, with the head, eyes and teeth facing towards you.

  12. 你要抬起头,眼睛注视着你所知道的真实的事物。

    Keep your head up and your eyes focused on what you know to be true.

  13. 瑟曦跟从他们的引导,僵硬地抬着头,眼睛望向远方。

    Cersei followed where they led, her head held stiffly, her eyes on the far distance.

  14. 眼睛凝视胸部或头垂落下来。

    Gaze at your chest or drop your head back.

  15. 鸵鸟的眼睛比它们的头还大。

    An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

  16. 大部分肉食动物的眼睛都长在头的前方。

    Most predators'eyes are in the front of their head.

  17. 头脸头发眼睛鼻子嘴耳朵手胳膊腿脚

    Head face hair eye nose mouth ear hand arm leg foot

  18. 他看书时不时地抬起头来歇歇眼睛。

    He raised his eyes every now and then while reading.

  19. 就好像她的眼睛要脱离她的头似的。

    It was like her eyes were trying to escape from her head.

  20. 任何头上长眼睛的人都看得出,他完全像根竹竿。

    Any man with eyes in his head can see that he is exactly like a pole.

  21. 他的耳朵、眼睛和鼻子长在头上最高的地方。

    Its ears, eyes and nose, are high up on its head.

  22. 那两只天鹅掉过头来,眼睛掠过他自顾自向远方望去。

    The two swans had turned their heads, and were looking past him into some distance of their own.

  23. 任何一个头上长眼睛的人都能看到它确实像一根绳子。

    Any man with eyes in his head can see that he is exactly like a rope.

  24. 任何头上长眼睛的人都看得出, 这头象完全像一根绳子。

    Any man with eyes in his head can see that the elephant is exactly like a rope.

  25. 头包括颚, 眼睛和触角。

    The head consists of the jaws, eyes and antenna.

  26. 乌鸦啄出了那头死羊的眼睛。

    The crow pecked out the eyes of the dead sheep.

  27. 我有头,两只眼睛,两个耳朵,一只鼻子。

    I have a head, two eyes, two ears, a nose.

  28. 她抬起了头, 两只眼睛闪闪地发光。

    This time when Mei looked up tears stained her face and her eyes glistened.

  29. 潘又垂下了头, 他的眼睛充满羞愧的眼泪。

    Pen hung down his head again, and his eyes filled with tears of shame.

  30. 潘又垂下了头,他得眼睛充满羞愧得眼泪。

    Pen hung down his head again, and his eyes filled with tears of shame.

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