




1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:xiù shàng






  1. 秀美高雅。

    《隋书·杨素传》:“ 素 尝以五言诗七百字赠 番州 刺史 薛道衡 ,词气宏拔,风韵秀上,亦为一时盛作。”



  1. Last October, a month before Obama stepped out in her dress, model Lara Stone appeared blacked up in French Vogue.


  2. "I thought you were wrong, and I said that in public, " Barr said onOprah last month.


  3. Bacall, in her film debut, oozes the kind of sex appeal that most starlets can only dream of.


  4. Dante: Wow, Ive never seen a talking mutt before. You know in a dog show, your definitely take first place.


  5. This was like Pavarotti, at the height of his operatic powers, deciding to retire and try his luck at stand-up comedy or NASCAR.


  6. The wait is over. We've now seen Pizarro in Chelsea blue and he could have even scored in his debut, if he'd got his volley on target.


  7. Dante: Wow, I've never seen a talking mutt before. You know in a dog show, you'd definitely take first place.


  8. At Mark Fast's show on Monday, one model's heel repeatedly snagged on the long hem of her loose-knit dress.


  9. They were married three and a half years ago by an Elvis impersonator in Las Vegas.


  1. 时装秀上见。

    I'll see you at the show.

  2. 代理人正在星期天秀上。

    Surrogates on the Sunday shows.

  3. 那个女人在每个脱口秀上撒谎。

    With that woman lying on every talk show.

  4. 你在自己的脱口秀上用自己的杯子。

    You have made it on your talk show when you have your own mug.

  5. 今晚的时装秀上我们再谈其他的事情。

    We'll go over everything else at the fashion show tonight.

  6. 时装秀上演示的服装并不是为了日常使用。

    Clothes demonstrated on fashion shows are not intended for everyday use.

  7. 时装秀上演示得服装并不是为了日常使用。

    Clothes demonstrated on fashion shows are not intended for everyday use.

  8. 老虎伍兹将出现在星期五的赖瑞金脱口秀上。

    Tiger Woods will appear on Larry King Live on Friday.

  9. 和我签约的出版商开始在广播谈话秀上给我做广告。

    The publicist they assigned to me started booking me on radio talk shows.

  10. 他们三年半前在拉斯维加斯的猫王模仿秀上结婚。

    They were married three and a half years ago by an Elvis impersonator in Las Vegas.

  11. 在一场时装秀上, 媒体人士通常会占据观众席的半数位置。

    Media usually count about half the audience in a fashion show.

  12. 在几周后的2010年秋季时装秀上, 驼色大衣已是无处不在。

    Weeks later on the autumn 2010 catwalk, camel coats were everywhere.

  13. 他们正在选秀节目上喧宾夺主。

    They are stealing the show.

  14. 一次电视脱口秀节目上, 两位女性站在敌对的立场。

    On a television talk show, two women look at one another with hostile eyes.

  15. 在达人秀的舞台上,梦想倍受瞩目。

    The Got Talent show is where dreams take center stage.

  16. 使用广告标语和歌词的模仿秀比赛在互联网上不断涌现。

    Copycat competitions, using ad slogans and song lyrics, sprang up elsewhere on the Internet.

  17. 在天桥上表演时装秀

    do the show on the catwalk

  18. 你看过电视上的选秀节目吗?

    Have you any of the latest shows on TV?

  19. 秀给我们这个世界上美好的事物。

    To show children the good things in the world.

  20. 全新的天地餐厅烹饪秀, 为您奉上赏心悦目的饕餮盛宴。

    The new Tian Di Show Kitchen Restaurant is a feast for eyes and a tease for the senses.

  21. 上奥普拉的脱口秀了。

    with his big discovery.

  22. 对, 我想上他的脱口秀。

    Yes, I would love to do his talk show.

  23. 能上他的脱口秀十分荣幸。

    It's a great honor to be on his talk show.

  24. 她认出信封上她母亲那娟秀的笔迹。

    She recognized her mother's grace handwriting on the envelope.

  25. 我们已经试过了所有电视上得保姆真人秀了。

    We've been through every nanny reality show on television.

  26. 我们已经试过了所有电视上的保姆真人秀了。

    We've been through every nanny reality show on television.

  27. 我们参展摊位上的布条将秀出我们的商标及标语。

    Banners at our expo booth will sport our logo and slogan.

  28. 当然,然后你应该穿上超短裙去街上秀给别人看。

    Sure, then you should get a mini skirt so you can really show it off.

  29. 不管在世界上哪里当我秀给别人看时,大家都笑了。

    They laughed everywhere over the world I showed this.

  30. 你上过法国的脱口秀节目?

    You used to go on a French talk show?

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