


1. 摄 [shè]2. 摄 [niè]摄 [shè]拿,吸取:~取。~像。~影。~食。保养:~生。~重(zhòng )。珍~。代理:~行(xíng )(代职务)。~政(代君主管理国家)。捕捉:勾~。迫近:“~乎大国之间”。古同“慑”,怕,……


1. 政 [zhèng]政 [zhèng]治理国家事务:~治。~府。~党。~权。~纲。~策。~令。~绩。~见。~客(为个人或某一集团利益从事政治活动的人)。~局。~变。参~。议~。国家某一部门主管的业务:财~。邮~。民~。家庭或集体生活中的……



汉语拼音:shè zhèng








  1. 代国君处理国政。至北洋军阀统治时期,总统缺位,由内阁代行职务,亦曾一度沿称摄政。

    《礼记·文王世子》:“昔者 周公 摄政,践阼而治。”《史记·五帝本纪》:“ 舜 得举用事二十年,而 尧 使摄政;摄政八年而 尧 崩。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·鉴识》:“譬夫 成 为孺子,史刊摄政之年; 厉 亡流 彘 ,历记 共和 之日。”《东周列国志》第三四回:“公子 目夷 告于太庙,南面摄政。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·雪睿王冤》:“大兵平定中原, 睿忠王 方摄政。”



  1. "Your Grace, " the scientist directed up to her, bowing. "The Regent regrets that he could not be here in person to bestow his gift. "

  2. Fourth, focus on the delicate nature of the Regent. The Regent inevitably came into political conflict sand power struggles.

  3. Then, in case of Kim Jong Il's sudden death, he says, they will become "sort of prince-regent and princess-regent. "

  4. The sense of the regency as a time of peril persists.

  5. The Prince Regent himself attempted to move to another of his official residences, but was forced to turn back.

  6. "We are a reasonable people, " the false Regent returned, sipping at the green grog he had brought with him.

  7. the British capital London's Regent's streets are full of the British flag, to meet the upcoming royal wedding.

  8. Tesla grabbed the false Regent by the cowl and dragged him to his knees.

  9. Under Thailand's legislation, anybody convicted of insulting the king, queen, heir or regent faces up to 15 years in prison on each count.


  1. 摄政的王后

    a queen regent.

  2. 担任摄政王

    to act as regent

  3. 摄政园丁鸟

    Regent bowerbird.

  4. 摄政政府约法

    Instrument of Government of the Protectorate.

  5. 英王摄政时的建筑物

    regency building

  6. 他不做摄政王,做摄影师

    He is Not a Prince Regent a Photographer No More No Less.

  7. 摄政广场联合归正会教堂

    Regent Square United Reformed Church.

  8. 她拜访了匈牙利的摄政王。

    She visited the Regent of Hungary.

  9. 摄政王采取一切办法阴骘局势。

    The prince regent tried his best to pacify the situation quietly.

  10. 摄政王采取一切办法阴骘局势。

    The prince regent tried his best to pacify the situation quietly.

  11. 摄政王载沣与清政府的倾覆

    Prince Regent Zai Feng and the Qing Dynasty's Overthrow

  12. 他的住址是摄政街284号,对吗

    His address is 248 regent street, right

  13. 摄政政体常常是兼并得第一步。

    A protectorate has frequently been a first step to annexation.

  14. 摄政政体常常是兼并的第一步。

    A protectorate has frequently been a first step to annexation.

  15. 摄政政体常常是兼并的第一步。

    A protectorate has frequently been a first step to annexation.

  16. 他父亲死後, 长子继承了摄政职位

    The eldest son succeed to the protectorate after his father died

  17. 现在你得为,那个摄政王效劳了。

    You're in the service of the steward now.

  18. 他只是个摄政王,王位的照管人

    He is a steward only, a caretaker of the throne.

  19. 她丈夫还住在摄政公园公寓里。

    her husband remained at the flat in Regents Park.

  20. 后来被撤消的摄政制度和任命

    regency policies and appointments that were later rescinded.

  21. 略论达扎摄政时期西藏的局势

    The Research on Tibetan Political Situation in Dazha Regency

  22. 兰姆西斯,你刚被命为摄政王。

    Rameses, you were just named Prince regent.

  23. 这所选定得公寓面对着摄政公园。

    The lodgings selected faced the Regent Gardens.

  24. 这所选定的公寓面对着摄政公园。

    The lodgings selected faced the Regent Gardens.

  25. 雷明斯,你父王刚封你为摄政王。

    Ramesses, you were just named prince regent.

  26. 亲王的权力临时由摄政理事会行使。

    The powers of the prince shall be temporarily exercised by the Regency Council.

  27. 摄政政体摄政王的政府,职务或任期

    The government, office, or term of a protector.

  28. 清初摄政, 辅政体制与皇权政治

    Systems of Regent and Assistant and Imperial Power Politics in Early Qing Dynasty

  29. 他父亲死后,长子继承了摄政职位。

    The eldest son succeed to the protectorate after his father die.

  30. 现在依然认为摄政期是危险的。

    The sense of the regency as a time of peril persists.


  1. 问:摄政拼音怎么拼?摄政的读音是什么?摄政翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摄政的读音是shèzhèng,摄政翻译成英文是 to act as regent

  2. 问:摄政台拼音怎么拼?摄政台的读音是什么?摄政台翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摄政台的读音是,摄政台翻译成英文是 Regent Terrace

  3. 问:摄政官拼音怎么拼?摄政官的读音是什么?摄政官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摄政官的读音是shè zhèng guān,摄政官翻译成英文是 Lords Justices

  4. 问:摄政期拼音怎么拼?摄政期的读音是什么?摄政期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摄政期的读音是shè zhèng qī,摄政期翻译成英文是 regent

  5. 问:摄政权拼音怎么拼?摄政权的读音是什么?摄政权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摄政权的读音是shè zhèng quán,摄政权翻译成英文是 regency

  6. 问:摄政王拼音怎么拼?摄政王的读音是什么?摄政王翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摄政王的读音是,摄政王翻译成英文是 regent

  7. 问:摄政者拼音怎么拼?摄政者的读音是什么?摄政者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摄政者的读音是shè zhèng zhě,摄政者翻译成英文是 regent

  8. 问:摄政女王拼音怎么拼?摄政女王的读音是什么?摄政女王翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摄政女王的读音是shè zhèng nǚ wáng,摄政女王翻译成英文是 queen regent

  9. 问:摄政政治拼音怎么拼?摄政政治的读音是什么?摄政政治翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摄政政治的读音是shè zhèng zhèng zhì,摄政政治翻译成英文是 protectorate

  10. 问:摄政统治拼音怎么拼?摄政统治的读音是什么?摄政统治翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摄政统治的读音是,摄政统治翻译成英文是 regency

  11. 问:摄政统治区拼音怎么拼?摄政统治区的读音是什么?摄政统治区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摄政统治区的读音是,摄政统治区翻译成英文是 regency

  12. 问:摄政之职任期拼音怎么拼?摄政之职任期的读音是什么?摄政之职任期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摄政之职任期的读音是,摄政之职任期翻译成英文是 protectorship

  13. 问:摄政王式建筑拼音怎么拼?摄政王式建筑的读音是什么?摄政王式建筑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摄政王式建筑的读音是shè zhèng wáng shì jiàn zhù,摄政王式建筑翻译成英文是 Regency style

  14. 问:摄政 (琉球)拼音怎么拼?摄政 (琉球)的读音是什么?摄政 (琉球)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摄政 (琉球)的读音是,摄政 (琉球)翻译成英文是 Sessei




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