









汉语拼音:xià děng rén







  1. 品性不好的人。

    宋 朱熹 《小学·嘉言》:“言不忠信,下等人也;行不篤敬,下等人也;过而不知悔,下等人也;悔而不知改,下等人也。”

  2. 地位卑下的人。

    鲁迅 《华盖集续编·马上日记》:“不知怎地,我忽而觉得十年以后,他们便都要变为高等 华 人,而自己却现在就有下等人之感。” 老舍 《四世同堂》五十:“大概的说:苦人比有钱的人,下等人比穿长衫的人,更能多受感动,因为他们简单真纯。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第一幕:“她始终是个没受过教育的下等人。”



  1. She feels they all regard her as inferior: the one not good enough, or loved enough, to be his wife.


  2. The local swimming pool was an agreeable place, with a high entrance fee imposed to keep out the lower orders.


  3. Whereas you "--he laughed again--" you have no instinct about people, no discrimination between the cheap and the great.


  4. Of course, there must BE something for those who are down, --for the barefooted BEggars, knife-grinders, and miserable wretches.


  5. With his ally Poggle the Lesser, San Hill had targeted Grievous' shuttle for sabotage resulting in a terrible accident.


  6. A member of a low caste of agricultural and domestic workers in southern India and Burma.


  7. The obsession with deflation is not confined to lesser breeds without the law.


  8. They gave nothing in return, except access to the Tibetan salt trade, and considered the Monpas an inferior lot.


  9. I don't wish to treat you as inferior.


  1. 那个下等人,看看他的衣服!

    That lowlife! Look at the way he dresses!

  2. 法律不适用于下等人,野蛮人。

    The law does not apply to sub human, primitive beings.

  3. 他不与这里的下等人交往。

    He doesn't mix with the rabble here.

  4. 对这种下等人必须严加约束。

    The rabble must be kept in a short leash.

  5. 主啊,怜悯我们这些下等人吧。

    Lord, take pity on us in our degradation.

  6. 那么,那就是做为下等人的诅咒。

    Well, that's the curse of being inferior.

  7. 在纳粹德国时期,犹太人被当做下等人。

    In Nazi Deutschland, Jews were terminated like rats.

  8. 这种信仰是下等人幼稚的自私意识中产生的。

    The belief in it issues from the puerile egos of inferior men.

  9. 我不喜欢等人,把东西放下。

    I don't like waiting. Leave it.

  10. 弗莱彻等人在各种疾病或条件下拿它做测试。

    The team tested device against a range of common diseases and conditions.

  11. 下等和中等阶级中,很少有人能超越上述的鸿沟。

    Too few members of the lower or middle class could jump this hurdle.

  12. 食人魔说下等通用语。一些更聪明的会说通用语和兽人语。

    Ogres speak Low Common. Some of the more intelligent ones may speak Common or Orcish.

  13. 下等痛悔使人因领洗, 修和圣事, 也能得赦罪的恩典。

    If we have imperfect contrition , we can get forgiveness of our sins through the sacraments of Baptism or of Penance.

  14. 我估计没等这家人下船船就启航了。

    I suppose the ship left before the family got off.

  15. 等下会有人来告诉你们处理遗体的事情。

    I'll have someone come talk to you about handling the remains.

  16. 等下屋里的人会把帘子拉开。

    Someone inside the room is going to pull back the blind.

  17. 等下屋里的人会把帘子拉开。

    Someone inside the room is going to pull back the blind.

  18. 等东西全装上出租车, 车里就只坐得下一个人了。

    The patron looks on with a surly air.

  19. 躲在像桌子或汽车等物体下得人, 都要被压死。

    People who get under objects, like desks or cars, are crushed.

  20. 躲在像桌子或汽车等物体下的人,都要被压死。

    People who get under objects, like desks or cars, are crushed.

  21. 该法律, 在目前得情况下, 对此类人等未免过于苛刻。

    The law, as it is, is severe on this kind of people.

  22. 该法律,在目前的情况下,对此类人等未免过于苛刻。

    The law, as it is, is severe on this kind of people.

  23. 等下,你认识这个人吗?

    Leo Wait a minute, you know this guy.

  24. 这些人在当地社会居于下等地位。

    These people occupy an inferior position in local society.

  25. 只有把头探出窗外,你才能看得见在楼下等你的人是谁。

    Only by craning forward out of the window can you see who is waiting for you downstairs.

  26. 下等阶层们

    The lower orders.

  27. 我在等人。

    I am waiting for someone.

  28. 等下等下,什么

    Hold up. Hold on. What?

  29. 时间不等人。

    Time and tide wait for no man.

  30. 岁月不等人。

    Time and tide wait for no man.

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