




1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……





汉语拼音:xià de shǒu






  1. 见“ 下得手 ”。



  1. So anyway, Doctor. . . What the? ! He was fine just a moment ago! Who did this to him? !


  2. This time to dismember the Goldman Sachs is under the SEC's hand.


  3. A Method of Hand Image Segmentation from Complex Backgrounds


  1. 你是让他自己下的手。

    Actually, you had him kill himself.

  2. 我看见革鲁宾在翅膀下的手好像人手。

    And there appeared in the cherubims the likeness of a man's hand under their wings.

  3. 你们连是谁对我们下的手都不知道,对吗?

    You've not even got the first idea who did this to us, have you?

  4. 不久他们就死了,是一个神秘的投毒者下的手。

    Soon they were dead, victims of a mysterious poisoner.

  5. 她捏了下我的手。

    She squeezed my hand.

  6. 虚拟环境下物体的手抓取

    Hand Grasping Under Virtual Environment.

  7. 当你要杀我时你下的了手吗?

    When my time comes, will you do the same to me?

  8. 而且我确信你也摸了几下我的手

    And I swear you've initiated a hand brush or two yourself.

  9. 我握着他的左手, 他每几分钟就捏下我的手。

    I held his left hand and he squeezed me every few minutes.

  10. 黎明之门下的风笛手实现了目标并取得了绝佳的成果。

    The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn achieved that goal with spellbinding results.

  11. 希拉微笑着,当她细看留言卡时,她捏了下我的手。

    Sheila smiled and squeezed my hand when she saw the card.

  12. 不要打搅我手下的工作。

    Now let my people focus on their work.

  13. 而不是你手下的身份告诉你

    and not my attending.

  14. 他们统计了我手下的死亡率

    They told me my death rate.

  15. 我手下的人一直忙得不亦乐乎。

    My people have worked like the devil.

  16. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。

    The king was shorn of his power by his nobles.

  17. 要使得你手下的人忧心忡忡, 不知所措。

    Keep your people anxious and offbalance.

  18. 他的大老婆人很恶毒,总是欺负手下的人。

    His official wife is vicious, and always treats her servants high-handedly.

  19. 他马上停下手下的工具,来到我旁边。

    He immediately flung down his tools and accompanied me.

  20. 那么现在对我手下的人你有什么建议?

    So what do you suggest my men do now?

  21. 皇帝登基以后,总要封赏他手下的大臣。

    When the emperors ascended to the throne, they would award all their officials.

  22. 皇帝登基以后,总要封赏他手下的大臣。

    When the emperors ascended to the throne, they would award all their officials.

  23. 他手下的士兵在人数上占了绝对优势。

    His men were far superior numerically.

  24. 柳传志手下的工作团队以工作投入而著称。

    Liu's team is known for its dedication.

  25. 我和我手下的人对于所有的检查憎恶透了。

    My staff and I have a hearty hatred of all examinations.

  26. 那些狙击手让我手下的士气受到很大的打击。

    Those snipers are demoralizing my people.

  27. 多年来, 他一直是希思手下的督导员。

    He had been Chief Whip for many years under Mr. Heath.

  28. 我手下的人一直忙得不亦乐乎, 而且大有收获。

    My people have worked like the devil and we found a bundle.

  29. 上校命令他手下的所有军官都应该参加阅兵。

    The captain ordered that all his officers should attend the parade.

  30. 这位将军总是要求手下的士兵完成难以完成的任务。

    The general always demanded the impossible of his men.

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