








1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……



汉语拼音:xià céng shè huì






  1. 指旧时生活贫苦的社会阶层。

    鲁迅 《集外集拾遗·英译本<短篇小说选集>自序》:“偶然得到一个可写文章的机会,我便将所谓上流社会的堕落和下层社会的不幸,陆续用短篇小说的形式发表出来了。” 王士菁 《鲁迅传·革命民主主义者》:“在 鲁迅 的作品中,在和描写下层社会不幸的同时,也深刻地而不是肤浅地表达出了农民的反抗情绪,他们要求改变那种不合理的现状,即推翻封建制度旧秩序的情绪。”



  1. With the help of friends, he began to distribute candy and small gifts to the underprivileged.


  2. He explained that Luca Brasi was one of the most feared men in the Eastern underworld.


  3. A region , realm, or dwelling place conceived to be below the surface of the earth .


  4. Told through the eyes of his youngest daughter Dolores, The Hiding Place evokes life in the underworld of 1960s Cardiff.


  5. under ? ? ? ? ? ? underpass underage underground underline underwear underworld ?


  6. A little of Egypt and Bohemia in the lower regions suited the upper spheres, and compassed the aims of the powerful.


  7. It is easy to understand why the rabble dislike cats. A cat is beautiful; it suggests ideas of luxury, cleanliness, voluptuous pleasures.


  8. The objects of the democratic propaganda transferred from the upper-class society to the lower strata of society.


  9. Though Baghdad is the most common setting, the newer tales began to reflect the low life world of Cairo.


  1. 下层社会生活

    low life

  2. 阴间。下层社会

    the nether world

  3. 下层社会的人们

    people of a lower social grade

  4. 从下层社会中发迹

    rise from the gutter

  5. 上层社会必须统治下层社会。

    The higher orders of society must rule the lower.

  6. 巴黎下层社会狂乱的双人舞

    apache dance

  7. 下层社会的贫困有增无已。

    The poverty of the lower classes was on the increase.

  8. 我们总是和下层社会人民在一起。

    The lower classes are always with us.

  9. 下层社会人民总是和我们在一起。

    The lower classes are always with us.

  10. 下层社会的人所喜欢模仿的举止。

    Behaviour that people lower down the social ladder would ape.

  11. 黑话下层社会成员所用的特殊词汇。

    The special vocabulary peculiar to the members of an underworld group; argot.

  12. 上层社会的人爱好什么,下层社会的人就模仿什么。

    What the upper classes affect,the lower at once imitate.

  13. 下层社会的狂欢同样离不开音乐。各

    The rabble carnival music. The same cannot leave

  14. 没人比我更了解这些下层社会的居民。

    My knowledge of the denizens of the underworld is unmatched.

  15. 上流社会的人所爱好的,下层社会的人很快就模仿。

    What the upper classes affect, the lower at once imitate.

  16. 商人和下层社会,与此相反,希冀着僧侣的虔诚

    The mercantile and lower classes, on the other hand, wished the clergy to be pious.

  17. 每个国家得下层社会纷纷涌向边境去淘金。

    The ragtagandbobtail of every nation poured into the frontier in search of gold.

  18. 每个国家的下层社会纷纷涌向边境去淘金。

    The ragtagandbobtail of every nation poured into the frontier in search of gold.

  19. 下层社会被沦为奴隶,被派往到海外数千里。

    The Lower Classes Were Reduced To Slavery, And Were Sent By The Thousands Beyond The Seas.

  20. 戏曲改良是清末下层社会启蒙运动的重要内容。

    The opera reform movement is the main content of the late Qing dynasty social enlightenment.

  21. 在大萧条时期,美国人总的来说向下层社会阶层流动。

    There was downward mobility for Americans as a whole during the Great Depression.

  22. 他想要把那些下层社会份子的对话完全抄录下来。

    He wanted to transcribe completely the conversation of the lowlifes.

  23. 一代接一代,这些人只能终身在下层社会里苦苦挣扎。

    Generation by generation, these people strive perpetually in the underclass.

  24. 地下道未成年的在地面下地铁划线内衣黑社会, 下层社会

    under underpass underage underground underline underwear underworld

  25. 他卖地毯给社会下层的人。

    He sold carpets to underclassmen.

  26. 现在这种趋势正在迅速地蔓延到社会下层。

    This tendency is now spreading rapidly downwards.

  27. 流浪汉来自社会最下层。

    Tramps are from the lowest stratum of society.

  28. 他处在社会的下层。

    Hes at the bottom of the social hierarchy.

  29. 流浪汉生活在社会的下层。

    Tramps are in a low stratum of society.

  30. 枪的主人们是社会新的下层人物

    Gun owners are the new niggers... of society


  1. 问:下层社会拼音怎么拼?下层社会的读音是什么?下层社会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下层社会的读音是xià céng shè huì,下层社会翻译成英文是 great unwashed

  2. 问:下层社会经济群体拼音怎么拼?下层社会经济群体的读音是什么?下层社会经济群体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下层社会经济群体的读音是xià céng shè huì jīng jì qún tǐ,下层社会经济群体翻译成英文是 lower socioeconomic group

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