


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:shàng bàn shēn







  1. Behold him in the sand up to his belly, he sand reaches to his breast, he is only a bust now.


  2. She had high tone in her upper body and low tone in her lower body making it difficult for her to move around.


  3. It was a life-sized man from the waist up, dressed in robes and a turban (to emphasize the mystic quality, I suppose).


  4. passing through a pair of massive oak doors , we found a uniformed man behind a semicircular desk raised up to chest level.


  5. This body shape is usually bigger up top and smaller on the bottom.


  6. A few days later, Christopher underwent an operation that helped restore some feeling to his upper body.


  7. But some of the features from the upper part of the body, including the shoulder blade and arms are more ape-like.


  8. The breeze was fresh now and he sailed on well. He watched only the forward part of the fish and some of his hope returned.


  9. Take one bus to of Chairman Mao and one of the Statue of Liberty, joint them like the kings in poker.


  1. 上半身化疗

    chemotherapy, upper body.

  2. 上半身运动跟踪

    upper body tracking

  3. 女子上半身尺寸研究

    A research on the upper body sizes of young girls

  4. 请脱下上半身衣服。

    Please undress down to the waist.

  5. 鞠躬时, 应低下上半身。

    Incline your body from the waist when you bow.

  6. 也许有些人上半身庞大。

    Maybe people with a lot of bulk up top.

  7. 上星期我的上半身出现在。

    Last week my top half was on the Discovery channel.

  8. 他上半身衣服被剥光了。

    He was stripped to the waist.

  9. 可以让你的上半身前倾一些。

    It's okay to let your upper body incline forward a bit.

  10. 可以让你的上半身前倾一些。

    It's okay to let your upper body incline forward a bit.

  11. 我做稳定性训练和上半身训练。

    I do stabilization exercises and also exercises for the upper body.

  12. 不要让上半身和下半身一起转动。

    You do not want you upper body and lower body to turn together.

  13. 几个月,你把上半身纹满了。

    You get a full set of sleeves, all in a couple of months.

  14. 脊椎必须支撑上半身,所以必须保持笔直。

    The spine must always support the upper body, so it must remain perpendicular and erect.

  15. 吊环运动要求运动员的上半身很强壮。

    The rings require a strong upper body.

  16. 吊环运动要求运动员的上半身很强壮。

    The rings require a strong upper body.

  17. 我得风衣防水,所以我得上半身是干燥得。

    My windbreaker was waterproof, so that definitely kept my body dry.

  18. 我的风衣防水,所以我的上半身是干燥的。

    My windbreaker was waterproof, so that definitely kept my body dry.

  19. 她保持上半身放松并成一条直线。

    She keeps her upper body relaxed and in line.

  20. 她保持上半身放松并成一条直线。

    She keeps her upper body relaxed and in line.

  21. 如果是你的腿,那就上半身遮住。

    If it's your legs, stay covered on top.

  22. 病人用枕头将上半身垫高躺在床上。

    The patient lay bolstered up in bed.

  23. 当你旋转时,你的上半身必须完全放松。

    When you turn, you have to relax the upper body totally.

  24. 他们给他上半身的器官照了x光片。

    They took X-rays of his upper members.

  25. 现在这个模拟人的上半身有运动技能。

    So this character now has motor skills in the upper body.

  26. 此外,我有我的问题,松散上半身脂肪以及

    Furthermore, I have problem to loose my upper body fat as well.

  27. 妈妈的上半身微微摇摆着, 爸爸闭着双眼。

    My mother rocks a little from the waist, and my father's eyes are closed.

  28. 这部机器可以帮助强化上半身肌肉的力量。

    This machine helps build upper body strength.

  29. 半身肖像,只显示出一个人的上半身和双手的肖像

    a portrait that shows only the upper half and hands of a person

  30. 欧洲军队中其装备包括有上半身铠甲的骑兵

    A horse soldier in European armies whose equipment included the cuirass

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