


1. 且 [qiě]2. 且 [jū]且 [qiě]尚,还,表示进一层:既高~大。尚~。况~。表示暂时:苟~偷安。姑~。表示将要、将近:城~拔矣。年~九十。一面这样,一面那样:~走~说。表示经久:这双鞋~穿呢!文言发语词,用在句首,与“夫”……


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:qiě shuō






  1. 犹言却说;姑且先说。

    宋 元 说书人于接续前事,新起话头时常用之,后亦为章回小说的习用套语。《宣和遗事》前集:“且説 唐尧 、 虞舜 是劈初头第一箇皇帝。”《水浒传》第一回:“且説 东京 城里城外军民死亡大半。”《三国演义》第一回:“且説 张角 一军,前犯 幽州 界分。”《红楼梦》第四五回:“正经説的都没説,且説些‘陈穀子,烂芝麻’的。” 鲁迅 《三闲集·怎么写》:“这回且说我看《这样做》。”



  1. When Daiyu landed the bank from the boat, she was received by a sedan chair sent by Palace of Prosperity.


  2. When you meet someone, Chat with him with half-sincerity instead of whole-heartedness.


  3. Saddam thought (and said) 20 years ago that after its losses in Vietnam, America would not risk war to rescue Kuwait.


  4. But to get back to our daughter-in-law, you really must find a good doctor for her without any more delay.


  5. Now it came to pass that this soul yearned and yearned to know itself.


  6. You place defiled food on my altar. "But you ask, 'How have we defiled you? ' " By saying that the LORD's table is contemptible.


  7. "What does Mr. Darcy mean, " said she to Charlotte, "by listening to my conversation with Colonel Forster? "


  8. You offer defiled food upon My altar. And you say, How have we defiled You? In that you say, The table of Jehovah is despicable.


  9. Ye offer polluted bread upon mine altar; and ye say, Wherein have we polluted thee?


  1. 他们且走且说。

    They talked as they walked.

  2. 他们且说且笑。

    They laughed as they talked.

  3. 现在且说公妒。

    Now, to speak of public envy.

  4. 我且说, 他们失脚是要他们跌倒吗?。

    I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall?

  5. 且说初任教师入职辅导中的师徒制

    Remark on the the System of Teachers and Students of First Assuming Teachers Vocation Guidance

  6. 逢人且说三分话,未可全抛一片心。

    All truth is not always to be told.

  7. 逢人且说三分话,不可全抛一片心。

    When you meet someone, Chat with him with halfsincerity instead of wholeheartedness.

  8. 且说到了事情的末尾,我终于找到了一个良机。

    Well, as things at last fell out, I found an admirable opportunity.

  9. 先不论别的,我们且说成长经历对他思想的影响。

    No more words, let's begin with how his experience of growing up has influenced his thoughts.

  10. 且说孤独九剑首先传授周奔驰降龙十八掌。

    Master Lonely Nine Swords first taught Zhou Benchi Eighteen Ways of Beating the Dragon. Zhou was very delighted, and he practiced had for three days.

  11. 且说,你已经看过本星期在无线电城上映的新片吗?

    By the way, have you seen the new picture which is playing at Radio City this week?

  12. 有人说过, 且说得很对, 谁能笑到最后就是真正得赢家。

    It has been said and truly that he laughs best who laughs last.

  13. 长话短叙,且说布拉西离开了卧室,来了两个人协助产婆。

    To make a long story short, Brasi left the room.

  14. 他们要记念且说出你至大的美善,并要欢唱你的公义。

    They will utter the memory of Your great goodness And will sing for joy of Your righteousness.

  15. 有人说过, 且说得很对, 谁能笑到最后就是真正的赢家。

    It has been said and truly that he laughs best who laughs last.

  16. 在他们的醋装腔作势地说且留给他们一酸的口味。

    Leave them with a taste sour as vinegar in they mouth.

  17. 所以这个肥皂剧告诉且展开说

    So the soap opera is told and unfolds

  18. 且听我说。

    Now listen to me.

  19. 注意!且听我说!

    Now look here!

  20. 先别急,且听我说。

    Stop worrying: listen to me a moment.

  21. 别着急,且听我说完。

    Don't worry. Just hear me out.

  22. 直言直截地, 精确地且直率地说

    To speak directly, precisely, and forthrightly.

  23. 我且向你说声该欢迎的再会。

    I now bid you a welcome adieu.

  24. 且对人说,你站开吧,不要挨近我,因为我比你圣洁。

    Which say, Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou.

  25. 很有特色的酒,他说,且慢!

    A wine of great character, he said.

  26. 其馀的人说,且等著 ,看以利亚来救他不来。

    The rest said, Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save him.

  27. 费用多少不说,且问我们真得需要再来一辆汽车吗

    Leaving the expense aside, do we actually need a second car.

  28. 费用多少不说, 且问我们真的需要再来一辆汽车吗?

    Leaving the expense aside, do we actually need a second car

  29. 且慢,这里说的是一座交易所。

    However, it is an Exchange.

  30. 这个道理老套但千真万确且有时值得一说再说。

    Banal, but trueand sometimes worth repeating.


  1. 问:且说拼音怎么拼?且说的读音是什么?且说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:且说的读音是qiěshuō,且说翻译成英文是 let's begin with.



且说 qiě shuō 犹言却说;姑且先说。宋元说书人于接续前事,新起话头时常用之,后亦为章回小说的习用套语。

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