






1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……





汉语拼音:wén shān huì hǎi






  • 【解释】:形容文件会议多得泛滥成灾。


  1. No effort should be spared to cut the number of meetings and official papers to a minimum.


  1. 我一直认为文山会海是人浮于事的公司作风表现之一。

    I always believe overfull meetings are signs of bueaucratism of an organization.

  2. 我们是这样除文山填会海的

    We Remove a Mountain of Papers and a Sea of Meetings as This

  3. 上班时,他淹没在枯燥乏味的会海中。

    At work, he was chained to a system of boring meetings.

  4. 会海只是这类靠蜥蜴脑运作的组织的一个症状。

    Meetings are just one symptom of anorganization run by the lizard brain.

  5. 没有海会有海滩吗?

    You have a beach without the sea?

  6. 我觉得热恋中的人会看见海。

    I think people in love should see the sea.

  7. 小孩们通常会在海海滩上筑沙堡。

    The children are building a sandcastle on the beach.

  8. 大量内容相同的简历和求职信都会石沉大海。

    The days of mass submitting the same resume and cover letter are over.

  9. 我不知道从那么高的地方往下看, 海会象个什么样子。

    I wonder what the sea looks like from that height ?

  10. 这位科学家预计火箭的某些部分在发射后会落入海中。

    The scientists had planned that part of the rocket would fall into the ocean after the launch.

  11. 这么大一片海子!该不会是二道海吧?

    Such a expanse of water!

  12. 只愿来世的花海不会凋谢, 如你承诺的会有蝴蝶飞过存在

    Only the sea of flowers will not wither in the next life. Just like your promise, which will be there with butterflies flying over it.

  13. 北京在奥运会期间将会变得人山人海。

    Beijing will be so crowded during the Olympics.

  14. 你的眼睛,是我长生不会再遇的海。

    Your eyes, is my longevity won't again meet sea.

  15. 城规会考虑最小填海范围方案。

    TPB considered the minimum reclamation option.

  16. 这时, 比尔的一个朋友高声问道, 有人会海姆利克氏操作法吗

    Just then, one of Bills friends, yelled, Does anyone know the Heimlich maneuver

  17. 不时的会有一个高尔夫球落入海中。

    Every now and then a golf ball ends up in the sea.

  18. 如果你掉了白帽子,进入红海。究竟会变成怎样

    If you drop a white hat into the Red Sea. What will it become

  19. 这海水好像在低潮时会倒逆流回大海。

    The water seems to retrograde back into the ocean low tide.

  20. 波罗地海诸国也会为远俄近美而感到高兴。

    The Baltics would also be glad to be farther away from Russia and closer to America.

  21. 诸佛海会悉遥闻。

    From afar the seavast host of Buddhas, All inhale its sweetness.

  22. 在水相会的地方,会出现一个点作为海跟河的结合。

    There is a point where the waters meet that is a combination of sea and river.

  23. 之后10年李多海会是什么样子

    Lee Da Hae in 10 years

  24. 指南针在青木之 原树海会失灵?

    Compass doesn't work in Sea of Trees ?

  25. 明天在星海会展中心有一个展览。

    There is one at the Xinghai Exhibition Hall tomorrow.

  26. 因为你是海,你一定会以你的博大来接收我。

    You will surely accept me with your large capacity for you are the sea.

  27. 海里的鱼儿不会渴

    Fish in the Sea Is Not Thirsty

  28. 海会嚼这个东西和随地吐痰, 小小得件出来。

    The sea would chew this thing up and spit it out in tiny little pieces.

  29. 海会嚼这个东西和随地吐痰,小小的件出来。

    The sea would chew this thing up and spit it out in tiny little pieces.

  30. 我和海普结婚那会。

    When Hap and I were married.


  1. 问:文山会海拼音怎么拼?文山会海的读音是什么?文山会海翻译成英文是什么?

    答:文山会海的读音是wénshānhuìhǎi,文山会海翻译成英文是 a mountain of papers and a sea of meetings—endl...

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