


1. 五 [wǔ]五 [wǔ]数名,四加一(在钞票和单据上常用大写“伍”代):~彩。~官。~谷。~金。~代(中国朝代名,后梁、后唐、后晋、后汉、后周先后在中原建立政权的时期)。~帝(中国传说中的五个帝王,通常指黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、唐尧、虞舜)……





汉语拼音:wǔ huǒ






  1. 五种火攻战术。




  1. 网络
  2. pañ

  3. tapa

  1. 五阳,五火

    visceral yang.

  2. 油桃五月火

    Nectarine May fire.

  3. 失了一场火, 五年的研究工作毁于一旦。

    There was a fire, and five years of research work went west.

  4. 失了一场火,五年的研究工作毁於一旦。

    There was a fire, and five years of research work went west.

  5. 凡军必知五火之变, 以数守之。

    In every army, the five developments connected with fire must be known, the movements of the stars calculated, and a watch kept for the proper days.

  6. 凡军必知有五火之变, 以数守之。

    In every army, the five developments connected with fire must be known, the movements of the stars calculated, and a watch kept for the proper days.

  7. 五月的花儿红呀么红似火。

    Red as fire are the flowers that bloom in May.

  8. 不过,过了五分钟,我可以觉察到我心里火上来了。

    But after five minutes, I could feel a slow burn was building up inside me.

  9. 声响在火中的传布快度简直是在空气中流传快度的五倍。

    In water sound travels nearly five as fast as in air.

  10. 离恒春城东约五公里的出火也是著名景点。

    About five kilometers east of the Hengchun city wall is Chuhuo, famous for its ground fire.

  11. 锅子离火前五分钟,丢入切碎的香芹和罗勒,搅拌起锅待用。

    Add basilic and parsley five minutes before switching off the fire.

  12. 正阳门的五次火毁与重建

    Five times fire and rebuilding of Zheng Yang Men

  13. 提出了加速火炸药创新得五项研究课题。

    Five research subjects for accelerating the innovation of explosives andare proposed.

  14. 提出了加速火炸药创新的五项研究课题。

    Five research subjects for accelerating the innovation of explosives andare proposed.

  15. 大火仅在短短五天内就夺去了64人的生命。

    The inferno has killed 64 people in just five days.

  16. 火狐狸浏览器开放了最新的三代浏览器的第五版测试版。

    Mozilla has released the latest beta version of its Firefox 3, which is Beta 5.

  17. 木火土金水是不可缺少的五种最基本的物质。

    Wood, fire, earth, metal and water are the five most essential materials indispensable to human existence.

  18. 有节制一点。星期五晚上喝一两杯可以, 但不要过火。

    Theres nothing wrong with a drink or two on Friday night, but dont go overboard.

  19. 强调外邪郁火在五体郁火阶段,病情轻浅,较易治疗。

    It emphasizes that the state of illness is superficial and mild and easy to treat, when stagnated fire due to exogenous evil is in the phase of stagnated fire of five body.

  20. 于是有火从天上降下来, 烧灭五十夫长和他那五十人。

    And there came down fire from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.

  21. 被驱逐总统的至少三个支持者在周五的枪火中被害。

    At least three supporters of the ousted president were killed by gunfire Friday.

  22. 伦敦大火是历史上最严重的火灾之一,它持续了五天。

    This was one of the most terrible fires in history. It lasted for five days.

  23. 慢火煮至液体量为原来五分之一,将甘草和桉树叶挑出。

    Simmer until the liquid is reduced by onefifth. Remove the licorice and eucalyptus leaves and discard.

  24. 轮子很快又开始转动,古凯尔特族的五朔节之火会开始燃烧。

    When the wheel begins to turn soon the Beltane fires will burn.

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