




求:~求。~示。~假(jiǎ )。~命。~战。~教(jiào )。~愿。~君入瓮。~缨(喻请战杀敌)。敬辞,用于希望对方做某事:~进。~坐。~安。~便。延聘、邀、约人来:~客。~柬。邀~。谒见、会见:“造~诸公,不避寒暑”。……



汉语拼音:tí qǐng






  1. 犹奏请。

    明 王世贞 《觚不觚录》:“都给事御史,止赠通参大理丞,其有遗误而抚按题请者,超二级,太常少卿致仕官亦知之。此四舛也。” 明 汤显祖 《牡丹亭·榜下》:“正此题请。呀,一个老秀才走将来。” 清 叶梦珠 《阅世编·科举二》:“钦定会场四书题目,始于 顺治 十五年二月,御史 赵祥星 题请。”



  1. Today we have learned the simple way of multiplying decimal numbers. Please practise them more later on.


  2. The issue that always wants to happen impossibly in my brain why? If the problem reads a description please!


  3. According the question 18, please give some examples of the type of food that you have chosen.


  4. Hence, can you please state the line that you disagree with?


  5. This examination consists of 20 multiple-choice questions. Answer all of them.


  6. I can't work out this math problem. Please help me out.


  7. Who can solve it? Hands up please.


  1. 做完题后请尽可能认真的检查自己的答案。

    Try to check your answer as carefully as possible after finishing the paper.

  2. 答错一道题就请说出至少三种益鸟的名称。

    If you answer one question wrong, you have to tell us the name of any other three beneficial birds.

  3. 我解不出这道数学题了。请你帮帮我。好吗

    I can't work out this maths problem. Could you help me, please

  4. 这道数学题不容易,请仔细思考。

    The math problem isn't easy; think it over, please.

  5. 假如您有任何题手法话,请用以下方式跟我们联系。

    If you have any questions, please contact us using the following method.

  6. 请先试想一下。提示请参考第一题。

    For a hint, please refer to the first question.

  7. 玛丽,请说下一题。

    And the next one, please, Mary.

  8. 请不要扯到题外去了!

    Don't get away from the point, please!

  9. 请允许我说几句题外话。

    If you ll allow a slight digression, .

  10. 既然你在这里,请帮我解决这道算题。

    Now that you are here, help me work out this computation.

  11. 请大家在答题时,务必看清题后在答。

    Before answering the questions, you must look at it carefully.

  12. 我请了一位有名的书法家为我的饭店题额。

    I've invited a renowned calligrapher to write an inscription for my restaurant.

  13. 我请了一位有名的书法家为我的饭店题额。

    I've invited a renowned calligrapher to write an inscription for my restaurant.

  14. 问这道题怎么来求侧面积呢请同学们试一试!

    Ask How can we get the flank area Try your best!

  15. 请紧扣要点,不要像上星期那样扯到题外。

    Now stick to the point. Let's not fly off at a tangent as we did last week.

  16. 请大家先集中讨论这个问题,暂时不要说题外话。

    Let's get down to discussing the problem. Let's have no digressions for the moment.

  17. 请大家先集中讨论这个问题,暂时不要说题外话。

    Let's get down to discussing the problem. Let's have no digressions for the moment.

  18. 这道数学题太难了我无法解答。请你帮我好吗?

    This maths problem is too difficult. Would you please help me with it

  19. 一题的时间到时,请听主持人的指示出示你的答案板。

    When times up, please listen to the host's directions and show your answer.

  20. 毎一题的时间到时,请听主持人的指示出示你的答案板。

    When times up, please listen to the host's directions and show your answer.

  21. 请照此编出一些简单得求平均数得应用题, 并列出算式。

    Now please follow suit to create more problems andworkout the averages.

  22. 请照此编出一些简单的求平均数的应用题,并列出算式。

    Now please follow suit to create more problems andworkout the averages.

  23. 史密斯老师,能否请你将这道数学题一步一步地解出来?

    Mr. Smith, can you work this math problem out, please ?

  24. 最后请听众提问题。

    The audience is invited to ask questions at the end.

  25. 如题,请见附件,谢谢。

    As captioned.Please find the attached.Thanks.

  26. 请将答案写在答题纸上。

    Put answers on the answer sheet.

  27. 请在留出的空白处答题。

    Please answer questions in the space provided.

  28. 好, 现在请你注意听老师问问题

    They have paid the university Jennys tuition.

  29. 现在请听众向讲演者提问题。

    The audience are now invited to put questions to the speaker.

  30. 那个, 呃, 请原谅我的犹豫, 很不切题。

    That is, well, excuse my hesitation, far off the point.

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