


粘,把一种东西粘在另一种东西上:~金。粘~。剪~。靠近,紧挨:~近。~切(密合、恰当、确切)。~心。添补,补助:补~。津~。倒(dào )~。~息(用期票调换现款时付出利息)。同“帖”。传统戏剧角色名:~旦(次要的旦角。简称“贴”)。……




1. 率 [shuài]2. 率 [lǜ]率 [shuài]带领:~领。统~。~队。~先(带头)。~兽食人(喻暴君残害人民)。轻易地,不细想,不慎重:轻~。草~。~尔。~尔操觚(“觚”,供写书用的木简;意思是轻易地下笔作文)。爽直坦白:直~……



汉语拼音:tiē xiàn lǜ






  1. an increase in the rate caused an inflow of funds from abroad and a drop in the rate caused a flow of funds out of the country.


  2. to determine a purchase or to reflect the risks of ownership of the assets of the discount rate.


  3. Double specifying discount rate over the length of the period, expressed as a decimal.


  4. Our fair value range includes a 30% discount to account for the company's lack of liquidity and its decreased earnings visibility.


  5. The general policy tools used by The Fed. to regulate currency supply include: statutory reserve, discount rate and open market business.


  6. The rate of discount in London is now 5%.


  7. Yet taxpayers are most unlikely to take the ethical view incorporated into a very low discount rate.


  8. Of course , there is nothing wrong with discounting real cash flows at a real discount rate , although this is not commonly done .


  9. The proposals of selecting discount rate for domestic mining concession project evaluation are put forward for the next few years.


  1. 现行贴现率

    prevailing rate.

  2. 期票贴现率

    usance bill rate.

  3. 优惠贴现率

    fine discount rate.

  4. 贴现率差数

    discount difference.

  5. 降低贴现率

    fall in the bank rate

  6. 名义贴现率

    nominal discount rate.

  7. 平均贴现率

    average discount rate.

  8. 贴现率政策

    discount rate poilicy.

  9. 主观贴现率

    subjective discount rate.

  10. 贴现率提高

    increase in the bank rate.

  11. 提高贴现率

    increase in the discount rate.

  12. 分界贴现率

    discount rate of dividing line.

  13. 贴现率的差

    discount difference.

  14. 贴现率的波动

    fluctuation of discount rate

  15. 提高再贴现率

    increase in the rediscount rate

  16. 社会因素贴现率

    social discount rate

  17. 美国联邦贴现率

    Federal Discount Rate

  18. 现金流量贴现率

    discounted cash flow rate

  19. 随机贴现率下的年金

    Annuities Under Random Rates of Discount

  20. 贴现率是由联储决定的。

    The discount rate is set by the Fed.

  21. 影子贴现率资本的机会成本。

    Shadow discount rate The opportunity cost of capital.

  22. 关于如何确定基准贴现率的探讨

    How to Determine Basic Discount Rate

  23. 贴现率与内含报酬率新解

    The new explanation of discount and internal rate of return

  24. 台湾将基准贴现率下调75个基点。

    Taiwan made a75 basis point reduction in its discount rate.

  25. 采矿权项目评估中的贴现率确定

    The Selection of Discount Rates in Mining Concession Project Evaluations

  26. 浅议项目评价中基准贴现率的确定

    Determination of Basic Discount Rate in Project Evaluation.

  27. 不知道这家证券公司的贴现率是多少。

    I have no idea what the securities company's discount rate is.

  28. 不知道这家证券公司的贴现率是多少。

    I have no idea what the securities company's discount rate is.

  29. 渔业管理中确定贴现率的一种近似方法

    An approximate method estimated the discount rate for fishery management

  30. 贴现率结构的变化结果是不可用数量表示的。

    The effect of the change in the discount structure is not quantifiable.


  1. 问:贴现率拼音怎么拼?贴现率的读音是什么?贴现率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贴现率的读音是tiēxiànlǜ,贴现率翻译成英文是 The discount rate; a percentage rate charged b...

  2. 问:贴现率政策拼音怎么拼?贴现率政策的读音是什么?贴现率政策翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贴现率政策的读音是tiē xiàn lǜ zhèng cè,贴现率政策翻译成英文是 discount rate policy

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