







汉语拼音:tàng rè







  1. 喻情绪高涨。

    柳青 《狠透铁》十:“ 老监察 心里烫热,按捺不住干劲。”



  1. Time, then, to raise a glass of mulled wine to the EU's four freedoms of movement: people, goods, services and capital? Up to a point.


  2. The teapot shall be warmed by pouring in a little boiling water.


  3. Excitement beat in my ears, and flushed around in my brain like warm, heavy wine.


  4. Nimble as a cat on a hot bake-stone .


  5. stamped a hot electrical iron across the back of her hands


  1. 我得前额因发烧而烫热。

    My forehead burned with fever.

  2. 我的前额因发烧而烫热。

    My forehead burned with fever.

  3. 用烫热的电电烫斗烫过她的手背

    Stamped a hot electrical iron across the back of her hands

  4. 应倒进一点滚开的水把茶壶烫热。

    The teapot should be warmed by pouring in a little boiling water.

  5. 像猫在烫热的烤石上行走一样敏捷。

    Nimble as a cat on a hot bakestone.

  6. 一团烫热的火焰从他的腹部升腾到胸腔。

    A hot flame licked up from his belly to hischest.

  7. 向茶壶内倒进一点滚开的水把茶壶烫热,然后把水倒掉。

    Warm the pot by pouring in a little boiling water, and then empty it out.

  8. 我兴奋得两耳嗡嗡作响, 好象烫热的烈酒在我脑里荡漾。

    Excitement beat in my ears, and slushed around in my brain like warm, heavy wine.

  9. 牙医叉开双脚站好, 用烫热的镊子把那颗牙紧紧夹住。

    The dentist spread his feet and grasped the tooth with the hot forceps.

  10. 小心台灯的灯泡会发出亮光且变得热烫。

    The bulb shines brightly and gets hot, so be careful.

  11. 在这一方案中,也可以配备热烫印、冷烫印等工艺。

    In this scenario, it can also be equipped with thermal printing, cold foil stamping, and so on.

  12. 或热烫,厨师龙虾刚刚足以使肉可以删掉从壳。

    Parboiling, or blanching, cooks the lobster just enough so that the meat can be removed from the shell.

  13. 加工速冻蔬菜是否都需要热烫,这要因品种不同而异。

    Processes the quick frozen vegetables whether all needs hotly to burn , this must be different because of the variety and different.

  14. 水太热,烫手。

    The water is too hot to touch.

  15. 用热烫斗烫她

    Scalded her with a hot iron

  16. 冷烫还是热烫?

    Cold wave or Perm ?

  17. 热熨斗烫焦了长裤。

    The hot iron seared the trousers.

  18. 热熨斗烫焦了西装。

    The hot iron seared the business suit.

  19. 首先,烫金工艺分为冷烫和热烫。

    First of all, stamping process is divided into the Perm and blanching.

  20. 有些人被热菜烫了手会用手搓耳朵。

    Some people rub their ears with hands when their hands get burned by hot dishes.

  21. 有些人被热菜烫了手会用手搓耳朵。

    Some people rub their ears with hands when their hands get burned by hot dishes.

  22. 汤很热。别烫着你得嘴。

    The soup is very hot.Don't burn your mouth.

  23. 他一直的走进去,脸上热得发烫。

    So he strode directly in, his face burning hot.

  24. 那个热盘子会烫坏这张桌子光亮得表面。

    That hot plate will spoil the polish on this table.

  25. 那个热盘子会烫坏这张桌子光亮的表面。

    That hot plate will spoil the polish on this table.

  26. 这儿得冬天短促而阴冷, 夏日则是亮得耀眼, 热得发烫。

    The winters here are short and raw, the summers white with glare and fiery hot.

  27. 茶非常的烫,火非常的热,他觉得有点发困。

    He was standing in front of the stove and its fierce heat on top of the scalding tea made him feel a little drowsy.

  28. 这儿的冬天短促而阴冷, 夏日则是亮得耀眼, 热得发烫。

    The winters here are short and raw, the summers white with glare and fiery hot.

  29. 热烫池, 热烫槽

    scaldig tub

  30. 热杯子在桌上烫出了印子。

    The hot cups have marked the table.

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