









汉语拼音:tài jī líng






  1. He tells Michael to take some rubber cement that he's using to build the Pope's Taj Mahal and coat the bottom of a coffee pot with it.


  2. "This reopening of the Taj for moonlight viewing is going to draw fantastic crowds from across the globe, " he said.


  3. General Musharraf and his wife took time off to visit the Taj Mahal for a carefully staged photo opportunity.


  4. Caught off-guard, Pope slides out of the Taj Mahal room, careful that his wife doesn't catch a glimpse of her anniversary present-to-be.


  5. This serves as a huge blow to the traditional lineage of the memorial and has adverse implications with regard to losing out on history.


  6. Second, the pear-shaped foundation of the Taj Mahal is similar to that of a skyscraper.


  7. We stayed in Leh for a while before flying back down to Delhi where we were much safer. We enjoyed sight-seeing and going to the Taj Mahal.


  8. It was built on the bank of the Jumna River in Agra, India. Most of it was made of white marble.


  9. As if experiencing different moods it reflects the sunlight back in different shades so that no view of the Taj is ever the same.


  1. 印度泰姬陵

    Taj Mahal, India.

  2. 新德里泰姬陵饭店

    Taj Mahal Hotel New Delhi

  3. 新德里泰姬陵宫殿饭店

    Taj Palace Hotel New Delhi

  4. 难道那地方在泰姬陵吗

    Oh, and this place is the Taj Mahal?

  5. 他看到了泰姬陵和骑了大象。

    He saw the Taj Mahal, and rode on an elephant.

  6. 泰姬陵是座最美丽的陵墓建筑。

    Taj Mahal is the most beautiful monument.

  7. 那个火柴棍作的泰姬陵怎么样了?

    What will become of the matchstick Taj Mahal

  8. 但是没有人对保护泰姬陵感兴趣。

    But nobody is interested in saving the Taj Mahel.

  9. 泰姬陵的中心墓室错综复杂, 占地42英亩。

    The Taj Mahal itself forms the centerpiece of a 42acre complex.

  10. 泰姬陵是印度最著名的景点之一。

    The Taj Mahal is one of the most famous places to visit in India.

  11. 它和泰姬陵花费了一样长的时间。

    It took as long as the Taj Mahal.

  12. 这多像泰姬陵啊, 就是黑了点儿。

    Except it was darker, it was like a black taj mahal.

  13. 泰姬陵在明亮的月光下显得光彩夺目。

    The bright moonlight showed the Taj Mahal in all its glory.

  14. 许多人认为泰姬陵在日落时最美。

    Many people think the Taj Mahal is most beautiful at sunset.

  15. 与泰姬陵有关的历史很令人心酸。

    The history connected with the Taj Mahal is a very poignant one.

  16. 在满月的月光之下,泰姬陵熠熠生辉。

    Taj Mahal seems to glow in the light of the full moon.

  17. 明亮的月光已使泰姬陵显得无比壮观。

    The bright moonlight stowed the Taj Mahal in all its glory.

  18. 泰姬陵是印度知名度最高的古迹之一。

    Taj Mahal in India, one of the best known monuments.

  19. 是什么促使你把重点放在泰姬陵上呢?

    What prompted you to focus on the Taj Mahal?

  20. 泰姬陵里面埋葬着穆塔兹玛哈尔女王。

    Taj Mahal is the grave of queen Mumtaz Mahal.

  21. 泰姬陵是永恒的象征, 是追寻美丽持久的纪念碑。

    An enduring monument of haunting beauty, the Taj Mahal seems a symbol of stability itself.

  22. 泰姬陵是迄今为止世界上最漂亮的建筑之一。

    The Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world today.

  23. 他去年去了印度。他看到了泰姬陵和骑了大象。

    He went to India last year. He saw the Taj Mahal, and rode on an elephant.

  24. 游览泰姬陵是这次旅行最精彩的部分之一。

    One of the highlights of the trip was seeing the Taj Mahal.

  25. 泰姬陵坐落在印度阿格拉 得亚穆纳河畔。

    It was built on the bank of the Jumna River in Agra, India.

  26. 在泰姬陵两侧的建筑都是由红砂石建造的。

    On both sides of the Taj there are buildings made of red sandstone.

  27. 泰姬陵是由17世纪时印度的莫卧儿王朝建造的。

    Taj Mahal mausoleum was built by the Mughal in the 17th century.

  28. 作为永恒爱情的象征, 壮美的泰姬陵永远令人惊叹。

    Built as an eternal symbol of love, the magnificent Taj Mahal never ceases to amaze.

  29. 泰姬陵被看成是世界上最美丽的建筑之一。

    The Taj Mahal is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.

  30. 一些伤者被放在行李车上, 从泰姬陵酒店撤离。

    Some of the injured were evacuated from the Taj on luggage carts.


  1. 问:泰姬陵拼音怎么拼?泰姬陵的读音是什么?泰姬陵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泰姬陵的读音是,泰姬陵翻译成英文是 Taj Mahal

  2. 问:泰姬陵酒店与假日宫殿公司拼音怎么拼?泰姬陵酒店与假日宫殿公司的读音是什么?泰姬陵酒店与假日宫殿公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:泰姬陵酒店与假日宫殿公司的读音是,泰姬陵酒店与假日宫殿公司翻译成英文是 Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces

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