







汉语拼音:nì jī







  1. 见“ 匿迹 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 匿跡 ”。隐藏起来,不露形迹。

    《申子·大体》:“故善为主者,倚於愚,立於不盈,设於不敢,藏於无事,窜端匿迹,示天下无为。”《南史·隐逸传上·惠明》:“藏名匿迹,人莫之知。” 唐 李肇 《唐国史补》卷中:“ 扬州 有 王生 者,人呼为 王四舅 ,匿跡货殖,厚自奉养,人不可见。” 太平天囯 宋溶生 《贬妖穴为罪隶论》:“我 天王 奉天伐罪,除暴救民,迅扫羣魔,妖氛几尽,而乃餘烬犹存,匿迹 燕 省。” 马南邨 《燕山夜话·为什么会吵嘴》:“在群众性的社会运动中,有些坏现象即便匿迹一时,而日久玩生,又可能重新出现。”



  1. Life among the people involved in these events seemed to be suppressed and hidebound for a while.


  2. DISTRESSED markets tend not to react well to offers of salvation being abruptly withdrawn.


  3. Chesney died 30 years ago, but the saga of his IRA involvement has refused to do likewise.


  4. Once the case is over, the young woman quietly disappears from the target's life.


  5. However when you are at a stage where you are just attaching your thoughts purely on money you might end up making poor decisions.


  6. Little trace of our current civilisation will remain.


  7. Later, incense gradually concealment of the city.


  8. Should our profound questions be pushed down into silence with medication and drug therapy?


  9. So close kept she that at length almost everybody thought she had gone away.


  1. 你的自豪为何使你逃避匿迹?

    So why does your pride make you run and hide ?

  2. 我们的当前文明将消失匿迹。

    Little trace of our current civilisation will remain.

  3. 保证你能消声匿迹吗?

    To make sure you disappeared forever?

  4. 恰如埃及珍珠在玫瑰酒里匿迹。

    As Egypt's pearl dissolved in rosy wine.

  5. 她消声匿迹离开了一年。

    She took a year's leave of absence.

  6. 在真相面前谣言不得不消声匿迹。

    The rumour had to disappear before facts.

  7. 这之后, 他消声匿迹有三星期之久。

    He had disappeared for three weeks after that.

  8. 可是现在这些城镇多数已经消声匿迹了。

    Now, however, most signs of the towns have disappeared.

  9. 你的步枪上有套9点式匿迹战术悬挂系统。

    Your rifle has a 7 point stealth tactical suspension system.

  10. 作为一名政客,他已完全消声匿迹了。

    As a politician, he has completely effaced himself.

  11. 颁奖典礼是不会在短时间内销声匿迹的。

    Award shows are not going away any time soon.

  12. 颁奖典礼是不会在短时间内销声匿迹得。

    Award shows are not going away any time soon.

  13. 你能找到人保证你能消声匿迹吗?关你什么事?

    Would you have the people in place to make sure you disappeared forever?

  14. 你以为他会来?他在这消声匿迹都10年了。

    You think hed come He hasnt shown his face here for10 years.

  15. 布什的外交政策大部分的特征已经消声匿迹。

    Most of the hallmarks of the foreign policy of George W. Bush are gone.

  16. 不少品牌, 虽经努力, 也难逃消声匿迹厄运。

    Many brands, although classics effort, escape hard also noise elimination goes into hiding adversity.

  17. 他匿迹潜形了几年,我们谁都没有关于他的消息。

    He has disappeared for several years, none of us have heard of him.

  18. 他匿迹潜形了几年,我们谁都没有关于他的消息。

    He has disappeared for several years, none of us have heard of him.

  19. 人类中断服务,任何激烈的争论就会消声匿迹了。

    There wouldn't be any hassle about any discontinuance of services.

  20. 国家首相和总统今天还在,明天便已消声匿迹。

    Prime ministers and presidents are here today and gone tomorrow.

  21. 一旦降低成本计划失去了活力,它最终就会消声匿迹。

    Once a cost reduction program loses momentum, it eventually dies out.

  22. 一段长时间消声匿迹之后, 他又回来做电视工作了。

    After a long absence, he has returned to doing TV work.

  23. 那个可是也只是昙花一现,出了几张唱片就消声匿迹了。

    That singer was only a flash in the pan. He disappeared into the air after having made one or two records.

  24. 他被剥夺一切荣誉之后,就从公共生活中消声匿迹了。

    Having been stripped of all his titles, he disappeared from public life.

  25. 好消息是冬天很快就会消声匿迹,暖天气马上到来。

    The good news is that Old Man Winter is sneaking out of town quietly, with more warmth on the way.


  1. 问:匿迹拼音怎么拼?匿迹的读音是什么?匿迹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:匿迹的读音是nìjì,匿迹翻译成英文是 go into hiding

  2. 问:匿迹潜形拼音怎么拼?匿迹潜形的读音是什么?匿迹潜形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:匿迹潜形的读音是nìjìqiánxíng,匿迹潜形翻译成英文是 Go into hiding; disappear.




拼音:nì jì 基本解释 [go into hiding] 隐藏起来,不露形迹 匿迹江湖 详细解释 亦作“ 匿迹 ”。隐藏起来,不露形迹。 《申子·大体》:“故善为主者,倚於愚,立於不盈,设於不敢,藏於无事,窜端匿迹,示天下无为。”《南史·隐逸传上·惠明》:“藏名匿迹,人莫之知。” 唐 李肇 《唐国史补》卷中:“ 扬州 有 王生 者,人呼为 王四舅 ,匿迹货殖,厚自奉养,人不可见。” 太平天囯 宋溶生 《贬妖穴为罪隶论》:“我 天王 奉天伐罪,除暴救民,迅扫羣魔,妖氛几尽,而乃馀烬犹存,匿迹 燕 省。” 马南邨 《燕山夜话·为什么会吵嘴》:“在群众性的社会运动中,有些坏现象即便匿迹一时,而日久玩生,又可能重新出现。”  

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